I agree with all-it is 'maximum hotrodding' , talking about 2 bore doubles...not even a barmy brit in the throes of -africa-itis' in the 1890's would want to go thru this.I can understand a howdah pistol...given the time criticality involved in a charging tiger or something, and all one had was a 1/4 second draw!swat the cat anywhere and you should be saved from a whole mess of wounds in those non penicillin days.
But, the 12ga from hell and the 600, 700, 4 ga etc , IMHO only serve as 'technology demonstrators' about the tech levels mankind may achieve.
I dislocated my index and middle fingers in a rapid fire session with a 470, didnt notice till the end of the session , and couldnt get my finger out of the trigger guard easily...In another post, Jonah had mentioned about a hard kicking 303, which I found surprising, given my extensive experience with the smelly.
I fired an Ithaca 10ga semi and didnt find it uncomfortable.But, when i see/hear of stuff that must have belonged to someones version of Gotterdamerung, I kind of feel blown away. I am 85 kg and think I am comfortable with a 'normal' nitro double upto 500, I think!
Probably to do with practicalities and the frugality of being a double shooter in India...NOw the 50 BMG and the oerlikon 20mm as a shoulder fired antimaterials gun sound ok for a military application-an evolving process from the Boyes 55 of WWI, but for a sporter ?
let me crawl back under that slimy rock
