Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by fantumfan2003 » Fri May 06, 2011 12:02 am


Thanks for the reply. I was actually expecting something from the learned ones like you.
MRA quotes on it circular for MAWC May 2011 that NRAI has decided to do away with open sight. That's puzzling.
And I still ask. Did they consult anyone before taking that decision ? Did they send out a circular ? I discovered dropping of opensight when I read the MRA MAWC May 2011 notice.

What should all those opensight shooters do ? All I want to say is this is not good for the sport.

If shooting associations exist on paper then I am quite sure NRAI knows what to do with that problem.

The height of it was when I asked at MRA what will we do now that opens sight air rifle category is dropped, I was told I could take up pistol shooting.....



hvj1 wrote:Hello FF,

With all due respect to your views and opinions, no doubt you have a substantial point. However, may I draw your attention to another perspective on "Why opens sight was PROBABLY removed" ?

1. The very fact that open sight guns are easily available, masses take up this sport through this cost effective avenue. For the organisers of any Competition, regardless whether it is state or national level, the sheer quantum of entries and conduct of the open sight event attain unmanagable proportions!

2. The NRAI like the sport itself, has moved on, their focus is obviously to create the wherewithals for the development of talented shooters, who would go on to bring laurels for India. With the limited amount of funding received from the Central Govt., the allocation of resources is obviously going to be in the direction of events, which are participated at the international level.

3. Frankly, it is the function of District level associations to hold these type of open sight competitions and it makes sense, since the associated infrastructure cost (range, ammo, targets etc) is lower, which would suit not only aspiring shooters but also fun level shooters.

So why is this not happening? Take a closer look at the all the District SHooting associations in Maharashtra itself. MOST of them, exist only on paper. So QUO VADIS open sight shooting and shooters.

As an example of overcoming adversity, Karoly Takacs has few peers. He was part of Hungary’s world champion pistol-shooting team in 1938, when an army grenade exploded, crippling his right hand. Ten years later, having taught himself to shoot with his left, he won two gold medals in the rapid-fire class.

Darr ke aage jeet hai

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by hvj1 » Fri May 06, 2011 7:06 am

Hello FF,

Since you have already made a start in FT, I suggest that you begin with forming a National FT Association. With affiliates all over different states of the country. You may have a seperate category for open sight 10m. Once you have a sizable following, then you may affiliate yourself with the NRAI. However, it is important to keep the NRAI in the loop from the very begining. Any assistance (if required from my side)towards achieving the above objective, is always available for enthusiasts like yourself.

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by gverma » Fri May 06, 2011 11:28 am

Quick question Why cant we at IFG have open sight air competetions between us. I mean almost all of us will have .177 / .22 IHP rifles. Lets just do an competetion between ourselvs.

May be a mail order competetion.

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by prasanjit.baul » Fri May 06, 2011 12:32 pm

gverma wrote:Quick question Why cant we at IFG have open sight air competetions between us. I mean almost all of us will have .177 / .22 IHP rifles. Lets just do an competetion between ourselvs.

May be a mail order competetion.
:agree: I was about to say the same.. Lets have it.. It will be a gud and encouraging initiative for beginners like me.. :)

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by hvj1 » Fri May 06, 2011 10:47 pm

Then Go ahead and DO it. :D

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by fantumfan2003 » Sun May 08, 2011 5:45 pm


Thanks for the suggestion and help. Will talk more on this in person.


hvj1 wrote:Hello FF,

Since you have already made a start in FT, I suggest that you begin with forming a National FT Association. With affiliates all over different states of the country. You may have a seperate category for open sight 10m. Once you have a sizable following, then you may affiliate yourself with the NRAI. However, it is important to keep the NRAI in the loop from the very begining. Any assistance (if required from my side)towards achieving the above objective, is always available for enthusiasts like yourself.
-- Sun May 08, 2011 17:46 --


Lets do that...


gverma wrote:Quick question Why cant we at IFG have open sight air competetions between us. I mean almost all of us will have .177 / .22 IHP rifles. Lets just do an competetion between ourselvs.

May be a mail order competetion.
As an example of overcoming adversity, Karoly Takacs has few peers. He was part of Hungary’s world champion pistol-shooting team in 1938, when an army grenade exploded, crippling his right hand. Ten years later, having taught himself to shoot with his left, he won two gold medals in the rapid-fire class.

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by dev » Mon May 09, 2011 7:26 pm

fantumfan2003 wrote:Dev,

For me even an FWB700 is within reach. But its not about me.

If opensight is not on someone's list of priorities, then what is being done by that someone for novice target shooters to move up the ladder ? Subsidised rates for weapons like CMP in US ? Match air rifle on EMI ? What ?

In clubs here, outsiders are not allowed to use club match weapons and getting membership of bigger ones is also an expensive and time consuming affair. So the way I see it is, this is shutting out new beginners unless they have deep pockets. Put yourself in that beginner's shoes and imagine what it will be like to convince dad to buy a Rs. 50000/- gun.

Get my point ?

Dear Manish,

I have been thru the novice shooter thing over the last five years or so. During this time I have been through the struggle of using club guns and borrowed pistols...buying cheap Russian versions etc. Loads of shooters have done the same and are winning at the nationals even by begging, borrowing and doing whatever it takes to organise the ammo et. all. Most can't ask Papa for 50k, but they can shoot the Hume Pipe's made match air rifle or pistol. Many also shot the earlier IHP cadet Co2 rifle. Please try to understand that no one asks the public whether they would like such and such match. It hasn't happened before nor is it likely to happen. For instance Formula1 won't ask whether you would like to race with a go cart. Once you zero down on a solution you can fix what you want to do. Refusing to accept facts is like running into a wall, only you will feel the pain.
If you want people to shoot with an IHP, they can add inexpensive peep sights and shoot, or better yet if you get the field target game going. Every part of the ISSF game has guys borrowing weapons and ammo and indulging in their hobby, that is how many qualify. I did the same while competing in the small bore rifle some years ago.
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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by Subal das » Mon May 09, 2011 7:59 pm


should be not so costly

here, Hyderbad SAAP shooting range having few such rifles and most still functional, tunning/repair should be not a problem also.
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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by fantumfan2003 » Mon May 09, 2011 9:44 pm

Dev, said it....beg or borrow and qualify........


Understand IHP Pneumatic been phased out, is very heavy on maintenance and its successor has a waiting time of one year plus....


As an example of overcoming adversity, Karoly Takacs has few peers. He was part of Hungary’s world champion pistol-shooting team in 1938, when an army grenade exploded, crippling his right hand. Ten years later, having taught himself to shoot with his left, he won two gold medals in the rapid-fire class.

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by brihacharan » Tue May 10, 2011 10:54 am

Hi Guys,
> Yes the cost of air rifle shooting is going up.
> Checked with Hassanand Hemandas the principal dealer for IHPs in Mumbai - cost of IHP25 in 0.177 is Rs.5500/- & of IHP35 22cal is Rs.6000/-!!!
> The reason they gave me was short supply due to low production - IHPs Makhija confirmed this. Wonder where the glitch is???

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by fantumfan2003 » Tue May 10, 2011 11:09 am

They do not have wood to make the stocks and IHP distributor/dealer network is taking advantage of the short supply and IHPs apathy to correct the situation.

Phir bhi....

Mera Bharat Mahaan

As an example of overcoming adversity, Karoly Takacs has few peers. He was part of Hungary’s world champion pistol-shooting team in 1938, when an army grenade exploded, crippling his right hand. Ten years later, having taught himself to shoot with his left, he won two gold medals in the rapid-fire class.

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by prasanjit.baul » Tue May 10, 2011 3:56 pm

fantumfan2003 wrote:They do not have wood to make the stocks and IHP distributor/dealer network is taking advantage of the short supply and IHPs apathy to correct the situation.

Phir bhi....

Mera Bharat Mahaan


-- Tue May 10, 2011 4:59 pm --
brihacharan wrote:Hi Guys,
> Yes the cost of air rifle shooting is going up.
> Checked with Hassanand Hemandas the principal dealer for IHPs in Mumbai - cost of IHP25 in 0.177 is Rs.5500/- & of IHP35 22cal is Rs.6000/-!!!
> The reason they gave me was short supply due to low production - IHPs Makhija confirmed this. Wonder where the glitch is???
IHP 35 0.177 or IHP 25 0.177 for Rs 5500??

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Re: Cost of entering into air rifle shooting goes up 10 fold

Post by CanIndianHt » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:29 pm

In my opinion before Nationals you don't really have to own a shooting sport gun. (shooting sports guns = not a weapon) You gotta have confidence mental practice and determination to be a good shooter. You can always rent a gun or equipment in competitions from state teams, or local teams. They would love to help you out for a fee. You can find a club or talk to your local schools which posses air rifle ranges and guns. M sure they will let you practice there or borrow their guns for a little fee. Also its important that you make as many good contacts as you can. It'll definitely help you be get equipments and guns at competitions. About attending competitions on your own. It could be the toughest part of your shooting life, however you can always tag along with your local school teams and stay with them at competitions, offcourse it won't be free but it will seriously get you started. These are not just ideas but facts. This is exactly how I started shooting.

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