Thanks for the reply. I was actually expecting something from the learned ones like you.
MRA quotes on it circular for MAWC May 2011 that NRAI has decided to do away with open sight. That's puzzling.
And I still ask. Did they consult anyone before taking that decision ? Did they send out a circular ? I discovered dropping of opensight when I read the MRA MAWC May 2011 notice.
What should all those opensight shooters do ? All I want to say is this is not good for the sport.
If shooting associations exist on paper then I am quite sure NRAI knows what to do with that problem.
The height of it was when I asked at MRA what will we do now that opens sight air rifle category is dropped, I was told I could take up pistol shooting.....

hvj1 wrote:Hello FF,
With all due respect to your views and opinions, no doubt you have a substantial point. However, may I draw your attention to another perspective on "Why opens sight was PROBABLY removed" ?
1. The very fact that open sight guns are easily available, masses take up this sport through this cost effective avenue. For the organisers of any Competition, regardless whether it is state or national level, the sheer quantum of entries and conduct of the open sight event attain unmanagable proportions!
2. The NRAI like the sport itself, has moved on, their focus is obviously to create the wherewithals for the development of talented shooters, who would go on to bring laurels for India. With the limited amount of funding received from the Central Govt., the allocation of resources is obviously going to be in the direction of events, which are participated at the international level.
3. Frankly, it is the function of District level associations to hold these type of open sight competitions and it makes sense, since the associated infrastructure cost (range, ammo, targets etc) is lower, which would suit not only aspiring shooters but also fun level shooters.
So why is this not happening? Take a closer look at the all the District SHooting associations in Maharashtra itself. MOST of them, exist only on paper. So QUO VADIS open sight shooting and shooters.