Fastest CP 88 in the world

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Re: Fastest CP 88 in the world

Post by dev » Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:39 pm

Guys as far as I know you can't get 755fps with the CP 88. It has a tiny valve and a four inch barrel that normally does about 325 fps in the stock pistol. I don't mean to disparage Karizman but it can't be done without a major rework on the barrel length and valve etc. I have spent years reading about modifications done to co 2 guns. Specially if you use the Crosman platform like the 2240, 2250 with a longer barrel (atleast ten inches or more)and a modified valve(ported away from the usual 90 degrees),harder hammer/striker spring and lighter valve spring; only then are such numbers possible. Everything else is mere conjecture or at best a faulty chrony reading.


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Re: Fastest CP 88 in the world

Post by mundaire » Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:44 am

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Re: Fastest CP 88 in the world

Post by Samtjioe » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:49 pm

Will you share how to tune the CP88 until 1000 Fps? And what brand of chrono you use to check the Fps? I am from indonesia.

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