In the Wildfowler's Heaven

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In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by Vikram » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:41 pm

When Shooter asked if I would like to go with him to his caravan in Lincolnshire, I grabbed the very kind offer like a hungry wolf pounces on a fat deer running straight at him. “Guess who will be joining us? J too”, said Shooter. I had a few conversations with J earlier but went off line for some time. Then I had a long conversation with him the night before the day we were to meet. “I will be bringing something to show you,Vik” was his cryptic message. I was very curious and excited to say the least, as I knew what J builds,punt guns,punts and large wildfowling pieces.

The next morning Shooter, the kind man that he is, drove all the way from London to Coventry to pick me up from my place and soon we were on our way to Lincolnshire. Here I need to give you an idea about the place we were going to. Lincolnshire is the breadbasket of England and looks much akin to the American Prairies with its unvarying flat landscape. Here, you can almost see your dog run for hours and fall off the horizon. Much of these flatlands were reclaimed from the sea by centuries of filling. Many Dutch engineers contributed to this effort from as early as the 16th century and there are still a lot of people of Dutch origins in these parts, the owner of the farm we were going to being one of them. Everywhere you see lush green fields of cabbage, potatoes, rape, wheat, onion etc and numerous pheasants, pigeons, partridges, rabbits, Crows etc in them. But, it's not these small game that the place we were going to is known for.


J, who towered over my 6’1” joined us soon and did not waste anytime in showing us the “something” that he wanted to show us.He was as excited as us to show us his creation. That something was a big thing. In fact, the biggest thing I have held in my hands.

It’s a 2 Bore single barrelled,hammered, black powder wildfowling gun. The Barrel length is 68”. Yes, sir. You are reading it correct, 68” barrel. Takes 1 ½ oz of powder and spits out 8oz of lead onto 120 yards with devastating effect.

"Weight?” I asked J. He shrugged and curled his lip. Then walked over to me, took the artillery piece from my hands, stretched it parallel to his shoulder with his left hand and said “If you can hold it this way, you can handle it. No problem!” When I tried the same feat, I was very happy that I started my weight training recently or that thing would have ripped my shoulder off. And J is getting close to 60!


Jones rotary under-lever.

The massive hammer cocked


Sighting over the long barrel

Swinging the Big Momma: When I said “It’s an artillery piece”, J said “No, it’s a fowling piece”.LOL.

It was pattern tested at 70 yards. This is the backstop to two more such boards. At 70 yards, it still punched through them and threw almost 6 feet wide pattern.

Now the real question. I asked J if any one could shoot it. He said that it knocked him unconscious the first time he shot it. But, was quick to add that he loaded it with 8oz instead of 7 1/2oz. ST, another friend shoots it regularly and he is not a large man. Three times in a day is the max if one were to retain the limbs,sanity,conciousness and auditory capacities. The weight and length of the barrel helps in taming the beast. The brass cartridges that are used are also made by J in his workshop.I asked him about what would happen if the barrel is cut short. “It will kill ya” was the reply.He says he is getting too old for this stuff,but I don't believe him.

Then we fired up the BBQ and simultaneously began to sight-in the new CZ 425 .22LR of J. We set up a can at about 55 yards and began plinking in earnest.

Also in the picture, a glass of very nice Sloe Gin distilled by J himself.


While we were at it, a police car pulled over out of nowhere. The officer did not bat an eyelid at the sight of the rifle etc. All he wanted to know was if we knew anything about the theft of some tools in the next form. The officer was a young lad and quite friendly. When we asked him to try the 2 bore, he said that he never held a gun!!!

Shooter taking aim with the cannon


Shooter plinking with his TX200 .177.

After the meal, some more plinking, we climbed into the caravan, and had a loooong chat about guns,geese,game,Maggie Thatcher,miners,politics etc, until four in the morning. J’s wit, candour , sense of humour are matchless.I learnt a few ways to express myself.Only,should I deploy them here,I will be banned.LOL.He is a great raconteur.

We woke up to the sound of heavy rain over the roof and it was supposed to be the hottest weekend yet! Typical. Then the land owner joined us and we had another go at the can and by this time the CZ started to shoot really well even with the knocked-up venom scope put on it. It’s a delight to shoot a .22LR anytime and you can do it all day long.

The punt built by J. He explained every aspect of the boat and punt gunning to us.He is building a SXS 1 ¾” punt gun and that, ‘The Big’un’ as he calls it ,will take 8oz black powder and 28oz of shot!

Then we were taken to the holy grounds of wildfowlers, Shep Whites.158 square miles of marshland and home to millions of waterfowl. This is where wildfowlers and punt gunners risk life and limbs to shoot. We were very kindly invited to come in the season to take a shot at Punt gunning.


Here, J spoke at length about the legendary poacher/ wild fowler/ conservationist Kenzie Thorpe. He was so good at what he did, Prince Charles was supposed to have visited his house, a biography was written about him and even the Time Magazine wrote an article about him.
Kenzie Thorpe
Image ... -1,00.html

A piece of history.This innocuous looking slab of cement is a machine gun post built during the World War-II.

Then, we went on to do some pest control by shooting a colony of rats for a farmer. Only, the wily rodents never turned up.
It was an amazing experience for the so many interesting things that I learnt but more so for the people that I spent the time with.Absolute gentlemen and a pleasure to be with. This would not have happened without Shooter.Thank you,Shooter and J.

Hope reading this, you had as much fun we had.


Post Script: J says he is building a SXS 2 Bore of the same configuration as the one in the pics for someone!"Can anyone shoot it", I asked."Naaaah.Straight onto the wall"!
It ain’t over ’til it’s over! "Rocky,Rocky,Rocky....."

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Re: In the Waterfowler's Heaven

Post by prashantsingh » Tue Apr 27, 2010 10:54 pm

My God. Never seen anything like that ------2 Bore 68 inch.
How old is it?
Very well maintained. Looks brand new , even after years.
You guys sure had a great time.
Last edited by prashantsingh on Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: In the Waterfowler's Heaven

Post by prashantsingh » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:00 pm

Perfect weapon for "The Maharaja of Whiskeypore". lol

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by MoA » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:14 pm

Another fun outing missed... damn. :deadhorse:

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by shooter » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:19 pm

Thank you,Shooter and J

Dont mention it Vikram. Glad you enjoyed it.
How old is it?
Very well maintained. Looks brand new , even after years.
Its brand new, built by J.
You want more gun control? Use both hands!

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by Baljit » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:20 pm

wow i never seen a gun like this 2 bore that's nice gun , yes you are right prashant Perfect weapon for "The Maharaja of Whiskeypore".

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by prashantsingh » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:23 pm

Brand New!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I thought 2 bore was obsolete.

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by prashantsingh » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:25 pm

Whats that cooking. Rabbit??????

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by kanwar76 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:37 pm

Wow .. another gem from vickers..

Great write up..keep on doin it guys...

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by shooter » Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:37 pm

I wish. No game as the seasons closed. Actually rabbit can be shot year round but somehow therent many in that area (called South Holland)
You want more gun control? Use both hands!

God made man and God made woman, but Samuel Colt made them equal.

One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted. by Jose Gasset.

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by nagarifle » Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:26 am

the only thing comes to the mind is the wooooooooooow factor :D

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by hvj1 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:34 am

Splendid photographs, Thanks Vikram for the story and details of that artillery piece.

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by Sakobav » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:59 am

Vikram and shooter

Thanks for sharing and like always a great read and that Punt gun is amazing and wow what piece of work. The other CZ is also one of my favorites gonna get it soon.

Back to that bazooka of a gun many birds does this canon shoot down on one shot. One better be on secure footing I doubt I can ever shoot this canon unless its tied to a tire or a support.. :D

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by mundaire » Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:48 am

Great write up Vikram! :) I see the two bore "cannon" has a provision for pulling the trigger using a string... probably once it is mounted on a punt? J does some fine work, that is a well put together piece he has built - even though I'd gladly pass on the opportunity of shooting it myself ;) :lol:

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Re: In the Wildfowler's Heaven

Post by snIPer » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:27 am

Lovely and im :mrgreen:
On my Epitaph - Off to Happy Hunting Grounds.

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