Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by dev » Wed Feb 10, 2010 11:54 pm

hvj1 wrote:
diskaon wrote:Great Post hvj1..
Kind of sums it up..
Can we have some name(s) of the 0.22 LR revolver(s) which you would like to have?

Diskaon, my good friend, NOW you hve touched a very very soft spot. I simply CRAVE for the Ruger Single six, convertible .22 LR/ WMR (The WMR round as you know, is a very lethal one), with a 6&1/2 inch barrel and in stainless steel (See avatar). Quite recently I had posted a revolver in handguns section asking the experts here, what the price should be. If you have seen that post and seen the photographs, it will give you an idea of the pedigree (lovely lines) of the ruger revolver.
Best Regards
O Lord you must be the brother I lost in the Kumbh mela. :lol: I adore the Ruger single six, I saw a really long barreled one in the USA. But the six inch barrel one was what I have shot, friend had it. Even without magnum rounds, using the CCI stinger was a lot of fun. I love this and the Ruger Mini 14 but if wishes were horses...
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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by MoA » Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:54 am

I like the Browning Buckmark as well. Is it the best? Who knows.
Have a few others... but the P22 (Walther) sits on the bed stand since that is the only one currently I have with a suppressor.

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by Sakobav » Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:35 am


Walther P 22 is a great gun choice was made by the circumstances NYC doesnt have great collection or shops selling guns then there is a purchase permit for certain time period within which the guns have to be purchased and inspected by the licensing department. My choices were limited didnt want a Ruger and Hammerli was out of my budget so Browning was it..


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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by hvj1 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:42 am

O Lord you must be the brother I lost in the Kumbh mela. :lol: I adore the Ruger single six, I saw a really long barreled one in the USA. But the six inch barrel one was what I have shot, friend had it. Even without magnum rounds, using the CCI stinger was a lot of fun. I love this and the Ruger Mini 14 but if wishes were horses...
I'll narrate one experience, I was in Munich and went to this fantastic shop - Frankonia, which sells all kinds of hunting equipment, there had the opportunity to heft our darling (single six stainless steel 6&1/2 inch barrel) but in .44 magnum. The salesman said that they keep the .22 convertible only on order, since it is a kiddie's gun in Germany! Ahhhh well! Nevertheless, he could see the hunger in my eyes and allowed me to play John Wayne & Clint Eastwood, in front of the mirror for a long time. Took some photographs and look at it from time to time. (I'll try to post the photos as soon as I figure out how).
By the fan following the revolver has in India, there are many lost brothers out there....

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by badshah0522 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:12 am

diskaon wrote:@

@badshah: King of 0.22?? how many guns do you own?
Thanks for the tile..
i own 3 guns on my name , 2 on my wifes name, 2 on my fathers name & 3 on my brothers name,,Best part of it is we all stay together in one home. :D

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by sa_ali » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:28 am

badshah0522 wrote: i own 3 guns on my name , 2 on my wifes name, 2 on my fathers name & 3 on my brothers name,,Best part of it is we all stay together in one home. :D

Thats what we call welll armed family :D
Pics please :wink:

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by badshah0522 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:53 am

Thanks,I think i posted few of them long time back..I will try to repost them

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by marksman » Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:44 am

I too was looking for a Ruger Single Six, lost patience and settled for a Colt Diamondback .22 LR with 6" barrel. I must admit I am certainly not unhappy with the buy. I don't remember having ever shot it in double action mode. A word of caution though. Most American made handguns, especially revolvers are fussy digesting non SAAMI standard ammo, including some European brands. Indian ammo is a strict no no unless you intend ruining your revolver's timing. The cylinder drag due to substandard dimensions of iof .22 ammo puts a great strain on the cylinder hand which causes it to loose the timing. You'd better be ready to budget accordingly for American ammo if you intend buying these American revolvers. What i'd like to know is has any one experienced similar problem with Ruger Single Six revolvers ?
Cheers !!
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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by hvj1 » Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:07 pm

Thanks Marksman, for the cautionary note on KFs, I was offered a .22 6 inch barrel, Colt Officers Match revolver DA,two weeks ago at R3.25 lacs. But it simply had no ooomph as compared to my dream gun. Quite a fan following the single six has here.

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by dev » Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:20 pm

marksman wrote:I too was looking for a Ruger Single Six, lost patience and settled for a Colt Diamondback .22 LR with 6" barrel. I must admit I am certainly not unhappy with the buy. I don't remember having ever shot it in double action mode. A word of caution though. Most American made handguns, especially revolvers are fussy digesting non SAAMI standard ammo, including some European brands. Indian ammo is a strict no no unless you intend ruining your revolver's timing. The cylinder drag due to substandard dimensions of iof .22 ammo puts a great strain on the cylinder hand which causes it to loose the timing. You'd better be ready to budget accordingly for American ammo if you intend buying these American revolvers. What i'd like to know is has any one experienced similar problem with Ruger Single Six revolvers ?
Cheers !!
Wow a Colt Diamondback that is another little treasure. I guess they don't make them anymore. Enjoy it.

-- Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:26 pm --
hvj1 wrote:
O Lord you must be the brother I lost in the Kumbh mela. :lol: I adore the Ruger single six, I saw a really long barreled one in the USA. But the six inch barrel one was what I have shot, friend had it. Even without magnum rounds, using the CCI stinger was a lot of fun. I love this and the Ruger Mini 14 but if wishes were horses...
I'll narrate one experience, I was in Munich and went to this fantastic shop - Frankonia, which sells all kinds of hunting equipment, there had the opportunity to heft our darling (single six stainless steel 6&1/2 inch barrel) but in .44 magnum. The salesman said that they keep the .22 convertible only on order, since it is a kiddie's gun in Germany! Ahhhh well! Nevertheless, he could see the hunger in my eyes and allowed me to play John Wayne & Clint Eastwood, in front of the mirror for a long time. Took some photographs and look at it from time to time. (I'll try to post the photos as soon as I figure out how).
By the fan following the revolver has in India, there are many lost brothers out there....
You know in an ideal world I would have a single six matched with a Marlin model 39, that would be my little cowboy collection. I remember being allowed to touch everything by a very kind gun shop owner in Ohio. At that time I was a young machine gun guy and so I tried picking up a thompson .45 man it was incredibly heavy but a fascinating firearm none the less. i have seen a girl shoot a guava at 25 or so yards off hand with the single six.

regards dev
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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by lionheartguru » Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:39 am


you have posted a really fantastic description ...
its great ...

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by brijendra » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:55 am

i think it should be SIG mosquito pistol
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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by rpm148 » Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:46 pm

best 22 target pistol is a browning buckmark, no question. #2 is a ruger MKII

For plinking, the options are endless, but I think that a single action 22 revolver is a good choice, because a) they're accurate b) they don't get as dirty and jammed up with gunk as 22 semiautos. I own a bersa 644 which was my first gun ever, and it gets very dirty very quickly, although it is accurate.

as far as a defensive 22 pistol, I think for concealed carry, the walther p22 is a nice option. You have 10 round magazine, a zinc slide which cycles reliably, and a threaded barrel if you live somewhere that suppressors are legal. A small sized 8 shot 22 DA revolver is not a bad idea. I personally think that carrying a single action revolver for defense is a bad idea, unless you're Bob Munden.

If you can get your hands on a reliable semi-auto 22 with a high (15+) magazine capacity, that would be the ideal defensive .22 because if you can't make a big hole that bleeds a lot, you can at least make several small holes that collectively cause a lot of damage (or there's a higher likelihood that one of them will hit something vital). A well placed 22 in the cranio-ocular window or the midline neck would do the trick, but I've personally seen people who have been shot in the head with 22's from some distance, the the bullet has failed to penetrate the skull. We just pluck the bullet out and place a few skin stitches.

If you're really into concealablity, North American arms makes some very small .22 magnum revolvers and derringers, and the beretta tomcat is a classic which they make in 22, 25, and 32 calibers.

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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by marksman » Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:24 pm

Dear hvj1,
Considering all the points in your post, seems I have a winner in my 6" Colt Diamondback .22 LR,
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Re: Best 0.22 pistol/revolver

Post by MoA » Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:37 pm

The Sig Mosquito has a terrible trigger unfortunately. Which is a deal breaker for me.
The Wlther p-22 is decent. Not everyone likes the fit, easy to conceal and has trouble with CCI standard ammo. You can forget about match ammo in both the P-22 and Mosquito. It will not cycle the action.
The Browning Buckmark is popular and indeed an excellent pistol.
Another popular alternative pistol is the 22 Kadet conversion for the CZ-75. A cheap way to practise with the full size pistol. Simillar conversions are available for the 1911 as well.

The Buckmark will cycle with match ammo. Most of the others need something with a little more oomph. I have done some work on my P22 to make it work with the CCI standards. And simillarly with the Mosquito.
In terms of revolvers there are a large number of excellent ones from Ruger, S&W, Manhurin et al. :cheers:

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