Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

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Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

Post by warthog » Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:39 pm

Can i import it without license? and why the hell wont the govt liberalize atleast tasers.

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Re: Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

Post by mundaire » Mon Apr 20, 2009 1:22 am

AFAIK you can legally own a handheld stun gun, the type that looks like an electric shaver and one has to physically stick it into the attacker to disable him (same principle as a cattle prod). However, the kind usually referred to as tasers shoot out electrode projectiles attached to wires and allow you to use them from a distance of several feet away - to the best of my knowledge these can only be possessed by security personnel and not civilians. If anyone has information to the contrary I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this count.

Anyhow, they don't manufacture either kind in India so you'd have to ask someone to get one for you from overseas (the 1st kind mentioned above, that is legal).

You could always try pepper spray... it's legal and made in India and best of all it's available all over the place at reasonable prices...

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Re: Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

Post by Private Merc » Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:13 pm

It's easy to develop a homemade taser gun; but dare I reveal the method on this site! Its like on the same lines of having an inhouse illegal arms manufacturing unit!! lol

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Re: Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

Post by ScoutSniper » Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:59 pm

mundaire wrote: You could always try pepper spray... it's legal and made in India and best of all it's available all over the place at reasonable prices...

yup! thats available at all the Chemist shops! :)

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Re: Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

Post by z375 » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:04 am

You could always try pepper spray... it's legal and made in India and best of all it's available all over the place at reasonable prices...
Yup! good ol' pepper spray :mrgreen: once a friend of mine came over to my place and both of us decided to head out for grub around the corner, lying in one of the cubby holes of his Indica was this bright yellow can with a picture of a really pissed-off lookin' snake on it, the can was pretty tiny and I remember (while my eyes were open and perfectly functional at the time) that it had this little red plastic tab like some sort of safety on it which needless to say, had to be pulled out like a grenade-pin before you decide to marinate your hapless victim with the "kaalimeeri" concoction.

So there I was fiddling with the little yellow can and wanted to see if this thing really worked (bad move) and with the glasses up and the AC on full blast I didn't remove the RED plastic safety tab, but ever so gently squeezed the release like a finale match-winner at Camp Perry! A wee bit made its way past the nozzle despite having the red tab in place.....and that was it....the end of the world for both of us.....instantly my throat felt like I'd guzzled nitric acid, my eyes!! oh my eyes!! :cry: the nose was a hopeless mess too....I was wheezing and coughing worse than a cat with a fist-sized hairball...this agony thankfully lasted only a couple of hours...i shudder at the thought of letting someone have a good dose of this head-on! Tell you one thing though, works wonders for the sinuses :mrgreen:
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Re: Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

Post by BJL » Thu Apr 23, 2009 1:37 am

I've got a little can of that. Had to test it as soon as I got it. I stuck it out the window (23rd floor), faced it down wind and gave a little spray, what ever little came back in made me tear and cough for a good hour. It does indeed work wonders for the sinuses :)

Carry it with me every now and then.
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Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by AquaPina » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:36 am

I am looking to buy stun gun or taser gun for a family member of mine in India. If they are legal please tell me if I can bring them in baggage with me to India from the United States. Indian arm act states nothing about these self defense equipments.

Stun gun of this type. ... h_LED.html

And taser gun of this type.

Thank you very much for any help.

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Re: Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by Vikram » Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:58 am

AFAIK,they are not legal in India.They cannot be imported.

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Re: Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by AquaPina » Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:11 am

Vikram wrote:AFAIK,they are not legal in India.They cannot be imported.

But Abhijeet said the stun guns were legal as long as they are compact size and looks like a shaving cream or cigarette box.

I am just posting this thread confirm.

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Re: Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by Vikram » Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:35 am

Check this thread please.

Penpusher says that they are legal but cannot be imported.Go figure.If he says that they cannot be imported, almost certain that they cannot be. Crazy but that's the situation.

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Re: Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by AquaPina » Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:46 am

Vikram wrote:Check this thread please.

Penpusher says that they are legal but cannot be imported.Go figure.If he says that they cannot be imported, almost certain that they cannot be. Crazy but that's the situation.


-- Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:26 am --

No website is clear on it, one website had posted that it is for [POLICE USE ONLY] and entire web world have copied exactly the same page.

But I think some things that fires projectiles, gas, shell is not legal.

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Re: Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:28 am

To add further to this,since tasers uses compressed gas to propel a projectile,depending upon who is interpreting it,it might fall within the definition of a firearm.

Would require some stretch of imagination on the part of the babu but then this is something that is not lacking when it comes to something like this.

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Re: Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by AquaPina » Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:13 am

I too think Taser would fall under firearm category but what about STUN GUN. Any idea on that. Please help.

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Re: Are stun guns and taser gun legal in India?

Post by island-miami » Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:49 pm

AquaPina wrote:I too think Taser would fall under firearm category but what about STUN GUN. Any idea on that. Please help.
Tazers need approval in India. Even if u buy one they need to be activated, in the US they use your social security number to register and activate, this way it is linked to you. The govt in India is hesitant to give approval. Stun guns and stun batons are legal,efficient and available in India.

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Re: Is Taser legal in india and where to get a one?

Post by island-miami » Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:53 pm

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