I have to find the keys to the second safe, seem to have kept them a little too safely..
Both my savages are switch barrels, so I do change calibers on them very frequently, currently between the 6 mm NBR, .260 Rem, .22-250 and .260 AI, also am waiting on another 6 BR and 6.5x47 Lapua barrel and contemplating a 6 PPC. It takes me about 10-20 mins to change calibers.
In terms of additional guns, there is the SHR 970 currently for sale at the armourers,a couple of handguns, and a couple of rifles, nothing fancy though.
I do not own drillings, H&H shotguns (I do have a BP Muzzle loading 12 GA lying around somewhere though not by anyone famous), or exotic heavy caliber guns. Simple stuff mainly for tactical LR or BR.
Plus with my current schedule I cant shoot very often, and I am having a difficult time justifying everything to the Finance Minister, since each additional acquisition means the gun, dies, brass, powders, primers etc. And complaints that there is too much gun stuff at home. To give you an idea, across calibers I have about 7-10K rounds of ammo, with about half of that being .22 LR of various types.
Here is an old picture of the FMR RS-1

Completely impractical as a gun, wieghs in at 25 lbs, and is for sale as well. The rifle is not very accurate with subsonic ammo, and not very quiet with supersonic.
Another pic, with the mauser and a shooting event I won last year.. With the Mauser, off hand shooting at100 meters. no slings or peep sights allowed.
This is about the best group I have shot

It is .350 inches edge to edge or .107 (about 2mm) center to center @100 meters. Too bad wasnt in competition, and too bad I cant do it consistently
Will take some more pics and post soon.