Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

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Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by dev » Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:17 pm

Hi Guys,

I have always enjoyed shooting the .22 lr for its inexpensive and fun properties. Every 22 cartridge case specially the ones made by CCI carries a warning about the round being dangerous to a mile. Made me think but I always wondered. Here is something to read about a real test done with a .22lr with a muzzle velocity of 1450f.p.s our kf round did a 1,100f.p.s about two feet from the muzzle of my 22inch barrel rifle.

So read this and remember to be safe specially with the little .22 lr.


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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by snIPer » Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:14 pm

Page not found Dev. Can you please check.
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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by dev » Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:55 pm

aahhh heck. let me try again.


-- Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:57 pm --

Seems to be a glitch.
Try here ... ic=53620.0

and read "A cool .22 post..."

Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by MoA » Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:42 pm

The .22 LR has probably taken more lives than any other caliber. It is not a toy, and out of a decent rifle very effective out to about 300 meters.

The main problem being that the bullet looses steam very easily, and gets blown around in the wind quite a bit. But is a great caliber for learning to read wind.

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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by jonahpach » Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:19 pm

I seem to remember reading a story in Readers Digest where somebody driving a car alongside a lake was inadvertently shot and killed by some kids shooting ducks on the otherside of the lake more than a mile away! The investigators deduced that the bullet skipped accross the surface of the lake like those skipping stones that we all are fond of throwing when we come accross any body of water!

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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by Sakobav » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:02 am


Always held lot of respect for .22, cousin had a ricochet incident when a bullet knocked utensils off quite a distance away the folks brought the proof and the bullet to complain, my Uncle in good old days took a deer with a .22 BSA and my personal scariest experience was dropping a .22 bullet on floor and the damn thing exploded - Rimfire :oops:


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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by Vikram » Fri Nov 06, 2009 7:31 am

I remember having read that link sometime back.It just is scary how little it takes to kill a large animal or a man.A lot of cattle are killed using the .22. Thanks Dev for sharing with us.

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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by DAN » Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:33 pm

Have federal lightning... Written on the pack 1 1/2 mile.Post the pics tomorrow :shock:

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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by MoA » Mon Nov 23, 2009 10:42 pm

DAN the 1.5 mile range will be achieved by firing the bullet off at a 45 degree angle towards the horizon. Some boxes of ammo laso say two miles.

Held horizontal with a 50 yard zero, it will hit the ground at about 250 yards.

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Re: Only have a lowly .22? Think again.

Post by Amit357 » Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:08 pm

Hi Dev in Himachal Wild Boar was declared vermin in 2007, i own some land there, for crop protection i have shot wild boar with 22 LR Winchester Hard Heads and CCI Stingers,i shot the boar in the neck and near the front leg.The best thing about 22 is the bullet doesnt go through and through,it keeps on richocheting in the body and does serious damage.It doent drop a boar on the spot but in the u will find it around .This year Punjab has declared Wild Boar a vermin and it can be shot for crop protection and a lot of friends are using the LRs for small boars.The 22 was and still is considered as the most lethal caliber in the world

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