CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Discussions on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by Rottmeister » Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:39 pm

I know that, GBM, but believe me, it's been more than a year that I'm trying it. A similar instance was when I brought home my Rottie; despite my sincere attempts to make my neighbors understand that there is nothing to be afraid of Rottweilers (and they saw that with their own eyes when their children played with him in the park), they went ahead and lodged a complaint to the local PS, accusing me of terrorizing the neighborhood. Some fruitcake passed on the rumour that rotties go mad for a couple of hours everyday and that did the trick; it's only that the Inspector knew a great deal about dogs and laughed away the matter. They still are afraid and I'm a human whose patience has limits. If that is the general response of people to dogs, think about their views to weapons. I'm already a social outcast in my community, merely for owning a dog, an air-rifle and a couple of knives and a nun-chuck and kids are warned not to talk to me because their parents think I'm an antisocial. If you ever visit Kolkata, please come down to the place I stay; you are definitely going to change your views. It's the average Bengali society where Rabindra Nath Thakur and Satyajit Ray are the last words. Had they spoken in favor of guns, believe me, there would have been more guns than mobile phones in WB.

-- Sat Oct 10, 2009 15:45 --
Vikram wrote:Rottlord,

We may win an argument but we may not win a mind to our side.
Did anybody, outside this community, try winning our minds? Fight fire with fire. You can survive on meat but not on jelly pudding.
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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:39 pm

We live in a world full of diversity, even in a family we do come across different opinions. We cannot change the diversity of this world, we have to live with it, nor can we change the opinion of each and every individual in this world. So long we are able to achieve our objectives, it should not bother us much.

As about, neighbors filing complaint in Police Station about your dog, even though their children play with the same dog, it appears to me, it is their reaction to your interaction with them(they want to get even with you) not with your dog. If they can tolerate you/accept you in the neighborhood, they will also tolerate/accept your dog in the neighborhood. Believe me, this is my personal experience when I had a Doberman as a pet. Just try it, I am confident, it will work. If some people want to stay afraid of dogs and do not want to come out of it, let them be, it is their personal matter, one should not try to infringe upon someone personal territory.

I have seen local boys driving away "Dog Control" vans of Municipalities, out of their localities, when they came to catch neighborhood street dogs. I believe majority of people around us are tolerant of dogs, unless they become rabid etc.

As about your opinion about average Bengali society being averse to guns, I do agree with you, it is almost same in the entire country. But at the same time, don't you agree that it is not your "personal" responsibility to change the entire society. Yes I agree that you should make "your" contribution to bring about an opinion change in the society, sometimes it does not happen as quickly as expected, sometimes it may take months, years and even decades. Since we live in a hypocritical society, it is my opinion, that information of your personal "weaponry" of couple of knives, a nun-chuck etc. should not have gone to your neighbors or anybody outside your family for that matter. Moreover from point of security also, it is never advisable to let anyone know your personal weapons of defense. Element of surprise, does have its place in both situations of defense and offense. If your weaponry is known, the element of surprise is gone.

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by Rottmeister » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:58 pm

Your words are comforting, GBM. The things got flashed since I tried letting know a couple of interested kids whatever little bit I know about shooting sports; they were willing to learn but could not keep their mouths shut. But then again, it was my fault; I shouldn't have shown them the things. However, may I expect you all to voice your personal opinions through the CAFI feedback section? If you guys do, then please let those people know that we are a community of levelheaded people who are past their little gun-lube fantasies for 20 years or more; I believe they shall be able to realize that GUNS CAUSE CRIME THE SAME WAY AS FLIES CAUSE GARBAGE.

Regarding "....reaction to your interaction with them", yes, I do agree because I'm in the habit of calling a spade a spade and not "a marvellous, big-size, spatula-shaped invention by human beings, which, if used in great numbers may move mountains". Can't be a hypocrite unlike the rest in my community, who, despite bearing a world full of grudges against each other throw plastic smiles whenever they spot a benefit.

-- Sat Oct 10, 2009 17:08 --
The government should recognise that family killings are the only category of homicide in which women outnumber men as victims
This is a strong point; let's ask the Govt. to get women armed for their personal protection against violences targeted towards women. Did the authoress realize that she spoke in favour of an armed society?
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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:14 pm

Can't be a hypocrite unlike the rest in my community, who, despite bearing a world full of grudges against each other throw plastic smiles whenever they spot a benefit.
You do not have be be a hypocrite, but have to be aware of:
1) when to speak what
2) what to speak with whom.
3) It is true, sometimes we have to smile even if we do not want to smile(keeping in mind, the future utility of the person). Because in society, an individual cannot survive in isolation. He/she does need some supporters around him/her.

As far as CAFI goes, yes I agree we should express our opinion, but at the same time I will say if CAFI people knowing fully well that what they are preaching, is not based on facts and want to preach, with their own motives in mind, we cannot stop them. What we have to think and do is, to see what we can do to achieve our goals, surpassing their baseless propaganda to mislead people by exploiting their emotions.

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by nagarifle » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:17 pm

hi RottLord

sorry am not coming to see you in Kal as your are anti social and have big dog problem :D but then i do like dogs with chilly and bamboo shoots, :D so you might find me on your doorstep :lol:

like they say minds are like parachute, they only function when its open.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by Rottmeister » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:33 pm

GBM, I know what to speak with whom (being cutthroat has a few privileges); sadly, the middle class bengalis do not. If u were I, how long would you have tolerated people giving you unwanted suggestions on what dog to keep as a pet or what should be your pastime? The problem with the Bengalis is, they are way too bothered about what the other person in the area is doing or whose kids are dating whom; that gives them the pleasures during the cards game sessions. You have never been inside the regular Bengali communities, I presume; the day you are, you'll feel like going off to the Himalayas. How sane is people from Barrackpore boasting about Mr. Obama being their next door kid who, out of nostalgia, retains his first name resembling his actual birthplace? ROTFL

I'm serious and I can cite many a funny such incidences; thankfully, the elite class here is indeed elite and they stay confined within their own small, clandestine groups. But that's what keeps the majority ignorant. Or, they are way too intelligent to understand that swines and pearls don't make a good combo.

-- Sat Oct 10, 2009 17:47 --

Man, Naga, please let me know if you ever come to Kol; I shall be more than glad to receive you at the airport. There are enough two-legged varieties here and we shall have a feast. :D
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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:51 pm

If u were I, how long would you have tolerated people giving you unwanted suggestions on what dog to keep as a pet or what should be your pastime? The problem with the Bengalis is, they are way too bothered about what the other person in the area is doing or whose kids are dating whom; that gives them the pleasures during the cards game sessions.
This is something that is natural and prevalent everywhere in the world, wherever people have time to sit and gossip. They need some "masala" to gossip about. This is nothing but human nature, nothing to do with Bengalis or any other community etc.. Best thing one can do is to learn to ignore and carry on with ones life... :)
I'm serious and I can cite many a funny such incidences; thankfully, the elite class here is indeed elite and they stay confined within their own small, clandestine groups. But that's what keeps the majority ignorant. Or, they are way too intelligent to understand that swines and pearls don't make a good combo.
Above is also true everywhere in the world, again this comes to human nature and behavior, whenever one thinks he/she has become "elite". :)

As per my thinking, everybody has 3 spheres of control in their life:

1) Sphere of full control(family, close friends etc.) where one can influence behavior of people to the maximum extent(within reasonable limits).

2) Sphere of partial control(colleagues at workplace, neighborhood, relatives etc.) where you can influence people to a certain extent.

3)Sphere of little or no control(situations not falling in above 2 situations)

Whenever one tries to exercise the same control wielded in situation 1 into situation 2 or 3, there is bound to be frustration and stress.

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by Rottmeister » Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:35 pm

Man, that seems a thesis in Sociology and Human Behaviour Patterns, but it provokes a lot of thoughts.

-- Sat Oct 10, 2009 21:39 --

However, I'm not thinking about controlling the people around; I just want them to get rid of irrational fears and let me be the way I am.

-- Sat Oct 10, 2009 21:42 --

I spent a few years of my life in B'Lore but never saw people moral policing the others. Or, maybe it's just the place (Johnson Market) that influence the people?
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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by ravi.sharma » Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:22 am


You are absloutely right about the article posted by DOC, It definitely MOTIVATES and further so, its always better to understand your opponent before launching at him. Any info i find out will post it here for reference.

Rottlord & GBM,

Guys intresting conversation going on...............

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by eljefe » Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:46 am

Ban cars.
Biggest killers of humanity.
Check any WHO website...
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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by hvj1 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:38 am

Sun Tzu says;
“If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose”.
“If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself”.
“If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.”

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by nagarifle » Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:01 am


if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by hvj1 » Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:56 am

Dear nagarifle,
Thank you for drawing our attention to the article in Nagaland News. This is indeed the kind of response one should give to CAFI, mature correct in facts and convincing.

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by Rottmeister » Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:34 am

No offence meant, gentlemen, but what purpose is it serving by pasting url-s into this forum? They should head the CAFI feedback section. If each one of us posts at least one response there, I'm sure it's going to make a major impact.

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Re: CAFI -Control Arms Foundation of India

Post by nagarifle » Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:57 am

RottLord wrote:No offence meant, gentlemen, but what purpose is it serving by pasting url-s into this forum? They should head the CAFI feedback section. If each one of us posts at least one response there, I'm sure it's going to make a major impact.

"Up, men, up; and to your posts."
have you seen any anti remarks in cafi feedback section? or is there really is a feedback section? or is it one sided that is if postive feedback then show it if not ignore it?

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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