Implement RKBA for china threat

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Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by warthog » Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:58 pm

with the recent news about china's aggression it think its time to have RKBA.IF the entire north east pop is armed with semi auto weapons and given militia training china will never dare take the lands.
Can someone post the Japanese general ww2 quote about USA RKBA and mainland attack.

If we push this through media the govt would do it.When the state govt created salwa judom why cant it do on a grand scale.
also if someone files a PIL demaind the govt to review its arms policies and implement amendment 438 of the constituent assembly which gave"right to bear arms"

we can use the right to life for this.
it is possible!

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by goodboy_mentor » Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:11 pm

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (Japanese Navy)

If following is true, it is a cause of real concern: ... 817-3.html

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by hvj1 » Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:59 pm

Dear Warthog, goodboy_mentor,
Hurrah! I had posted a similar theme, which suddenly disappeared (with all due respects tot he powers that be). I am all for it guys. Lets keep in constant touch.

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by MoA » Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:19 pm

There is about as much chance of a war with China as a Zombie Invasion. :cheers:

Conflict and border skirmishes over various points of the McMohan Line are about as common as mosquitos, so do nto sweat it.

Unlike Pakistan, China has bigger fish to fry. They have enough trouble internally, not to want to start a war. Additionally, any future war in the subcontinent is likely to go nuclear, not something anyone wants.

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:50 pm

Hypothetically speaking,if the Indian govt. was to give each of those who in favour of this,a rifle,would they catch the next bus to the Indo-china border?

Or ,

1."My mother is not well,I will go next week"

2."My pundit says that it is not auspicious for me to travel during the next 15 days."

3."My children have their papers and so it is not convenient for me to travel"

Some how I don't forsee Indian citizens marching to the border to take on the Chinese.

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by Rottmeister » Mon Sep 21, 2009 1:13 pm

Don't know about the rest, but I and my rottie Adolf shall definitely catch the bus at the earliest. I'm sure, him, being such a friendly, loving creature shall ease the situation and establish peace. The rifles; however, shall be used for target shooting in a friendly competition with the Chinese army. :D

I'm sorry if someone finds this post inappropriate, but we must also loosen up sometimes. However, with Adolf, I'm serious.
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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by hvj1 » Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:39 pm

Deleted my message
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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by eljefe » Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:28 pm

Guys, I dont think you will make it that far, velocity of detonation of a nuclear device is probably in the order of a millions of meters per, its instant nirvana, no time for dachau or treblinka
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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by ravi.sharma » Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:36 pm

Hi Eljefe,
Guys, I dont think you will make it that far, velocity of detonation of a nuclear device is probably in the order of a millions of meters per, its instant nirvana, no time for dachau or treblinka
Hey, then i think we should plead our case with the Babus more then before for RKBA, as our last wish before "NIRVANA" :lol:

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by eljefe » Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:23 pm

Pack the sods off to the area in question :twisted: to form the first line of defense
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by The Doc » Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:38 am

eljefe wrote:Pack the sods off to the area in question :twisted: to form the first line of defense
From the first line of corruption to the first line of defence , now , that is poetic justice !! :mrgreen:

It's always better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it !

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by dobhal87 » Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:37 am

china will never attack our country ...because they know whatever they want to do to us is been done by Neta ji and Babu ji in a better way ... im very surprised that we have maintained 4% gdp :idea: :idea: at the time of worst recession when brazil was having -ve growth, that means we do have good guys here...dedicated ones !!

i suspect some of our politicians (atleast commies !!) are being funded by chinese as "make india worse gift".

dont you think that if they pass RKBA the first victims will be Netaji's hooligans....who make u caste ur vote on gun point or make u stay home and caste ur vote instead by looting a poll booth?.

"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (Japanese Navy)

well india will be the worst place for the chinese if they ever attacked... because there are so many illegal arms manufacturer who will ofcourse turn to save the country from the invador...
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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by eternalme » Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:11 pm

Power imbalance is a very political ploy, you need to understand this one.

How come suddenly a noone starts moving in a convey of 21 strong with an ambulance, armored car and level of US president security. Don't you think it gives them the idea of being on the seventh heaven ?
All of a sudden money start pouring in as money orders ,as personal birthday gift , donation for their beloved leader in small currency notes.

150 crore in gifts, i suppose everyone in the state must have paid something ,though highly improbably.
Even leaders like Gandhi ji, SCbose couldn't turn people like this.

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by dobhal87 » Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:14 am

:agree: but someone has to take up power... i think Israeli model of presidential power is the best to keep chinese at bay..

ab mai bahut saara type nahi karunga...please use google/live to search the israeli foreign policy and power sharing.

if u like it :D :D ...then i can talk to the president to follow that ROTFL ROTFL ROTFL

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Re: Implement RKBA for china threat

Post by Vikram » Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:46 am

dobhal87 wrote::agree: but someone has to take up power... i think Israeli model of presidential power is the best to keep chinese at bay..
Israel's model of government is very similar to India's, a president as chief executive but with limited powers and a prime minister with real executive powers. Parliamentary democracy.

Doing a bit of reading and thinking over is essential before prescribing grand remedies to important issues.Not being critical of you.But, important issues deserve informed reflection.

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