more F class

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more F class

Post by eljefe » Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:36 pm

This is a link to some pics from the recently concluded Queens shooting competition in Brisbane. See the crowd on the 1000yd line in F class. No fancy bench rest, just plain blood & guts , and ofcourse any style... ... =slideshow

pics (C)
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Re: more F class

Post by nagarifle » Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:48 pm

eh boss, your spossa to be operating not shooting, :D so get back to the op table and castrate a few brains. so where were you , behind the gun or the line :D
i like the badge, very nice indeed.

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Re: more F class

Post by eljefe » Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:02 pm

hell no! i wasnt even there-was castrating... :twisted:
Come on over and we'll do some LR shooting Richard. I dont want to use the 6.5x284 for short ranges like 300m, maybe a 223 or a 308? there's an 80 gr bullet for 1in 8 barrels in 223, supposed to do well upto 1000yds
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Re: more F class

Post by nagarifle » Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:14 pm

ok doc, just get me a plane ticket will you :D or do you expect me do dig my way down under :(

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Re: more F class

Post by eljefe » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:04 pm

why do you think they are called ' diggers' :D
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Re: more F class

Post by Vikram » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:44 pm

Great pics,Jefe.Heartening to see so many attending and participating. I am a complete novice when it comes to long range shooting and equipment. Some of the rifles look right extreme tools of precision.

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Re: more F class

Post by eljefe » Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:30 pm

Vikram, wait till I post some BR snaps-78lb rifles...338/416, 15lb of lead in the fibreglass stock,barrel like a mortar! :shock:
makes me want to stick to service class with a stock mark3 SMLE in 308
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Re: more F class

Post by MoA » Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:27 am

Dont knock the BR crowd...
The Heavy Gun class does routinely produce some astonising results, and rules are very wierd. Though I agree that its not everyones cup of tea.
Enter a couple of point blank BR matches in the factory or light gun classes. It can be a very humbling experience.
Most of the group shooters are in the low 1's or even 0's.

I am happy to be in the 2's on good days, and over the moon when I get into the 1's.

Interesting to see the number of shooters using tuners, and the 6-6.5x47 Lapua and AI seem to be popular. :cheers:

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Re: more F class

Post by eljefe » Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:01 pm

Ho MoA, who's knocking the big boys? not I !
I am a small town shooter, happy with my 6.5x284, and wind reading and 3's.
Too much precision scares me... especially the rail guns :shock:
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Re: more F class

Post by MoA » Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:27 pm

2's should be easy with the 6.5x284. Doing it consistently is a whole different story.

So far how AR have you become about your reloading process?

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Re: more F class

Post by eljefe » Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:10 pm

Had a choice between the 6.5 and the 300 win mag, chose the 6.5 as I can use it in both , light and heavy.also a steep learning curve...going to be using 4350 next weekend, and some grouping and the new scenars with a new chrony, lets see, will keep posting.Oh, its a RCBS single stage with redding comp dies.A good pardner does the neck trimming, and a new MADDCO 31 inch barrel on order
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Re: more F class

Post by MoA » Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:08 am

The .300 Win Mag is not really super accurate. Does fine for tactical LR, but isnt quite for BR/F-Class.
I got rid of my .300 WM because I tired of the recoil (SHR-970), plus the 6.5's and 6's are as efficient at bucking wind at that range.
H4350 is a damn good powder, as are Varget and N-550/540/150/140. I have had good luck with them with my .260.

The Redding comp dies are great as well. For bushings, it is .01 - .001 less than the diameter of the loaded case. You will want your own trimmer by and by, and the lyman is a good starter. Though it does not include the 6.5 pilot, which needs to be bought seperately.
The RCBS Rock chucker is a good single stage.
At some point you will want the run-out tool and neck turning tool as well, dependent on what brass you're using, and just how obsessive you become over your ammo.
Also spend as much as you can on a decent scope, else you will end up buying multiple scopes.

Also read up on Optimal Barrel Time, will save you time and effort during load development. I for one can not reccomend Quick Load enough along with the Lyman manual.

Am not familliar with the MADDCO barrel's but am sure they will be great. Are you going to mount it your self? What action are you using?

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Re: more F class

Post by eljefe » Thu Sep 10, 2009 5:57 pm

The scope is a nightforce 12-42, and the barrel change is courtesy MADDCo, all inclusive.but thats in another 800 rounds.
Yup, steep curve, I am comfy with hunting grade reloads, but this is a different cuppa tea.Add to the travails of working at salt mines and endless other 'householder' time constraints, roughly 3hours per week... will get the whole kit and caboodle of neck trimmers, go no go and the bells and whistless etc by Jan.any good PDA ballistic program?
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Re: more F class

Post by MoA » Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:16 am

While not really PDA... but will run on a netbook.

Quickload comes with Quick Target.
Put your load into Quick Load, it will tell you everything about pressure, barrel travel time, expected velocity etc. Quick Target will pick the data up and tell you the exterior ballistics based on the load, and other variables like wind, temperature, zero range et al. Necco in the US sell it, and will ship it to you.

Nightforce is a great scope. I have a NF 12-42 with the NP-1RR reticle. I did have BR reticle version as well, but was somehow not enamoured by it. Personally I prefer the NF versions over NXS due to easier parallax adjustments, as well as the 1/8 MOA clicks. I would love to have a March scope, but need a proper rifle before that.

BTW I do know that Nightforce also do a PDA called NOMAD with their ballistic program. Cant tell you much beyond that. Though Quick Load is perhaps the very best ballistics package, bar none.

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Re: more F class

Post by eljefe » Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:55 pm

Thanks for that MoA, ditto the reticle.let me check out the Quickload.
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