Shooting the IOF 30 06

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Mack The Knife
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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:53 pm

kanwar76 wrote:Ah, talking about Mr. Mack the knife, I wonder where is he nowdays.. :roll:
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-- Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:54 pm --
cottage cheese wrote:
dsingh wrote: I personaly think .315 is better some friend who knows a ballistic expert told him that .315 is among the most lethal if used from 50 to 100 yard range than other rifles.

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by BJL » Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:08 pm

Those are some thick shafts Mr. Mack the knife. What sort of set-up are you using?
dsingh wrote: I personaly think .315 is better some friend who knows a ballistic expert told him that .315 is among the most lethal if used from 50 to 100 yard range than other rifles. I may be not an expert but he has quoted this from an expert and who has wide experience from labourity tests of various arms.
I'd certainly go ballistic on any "expert" who said that. Heh.
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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by kanwar76 » Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:38 pm

Mack The Knife wrote: Learning something new.

:wink: shucks...don't tell me. Even I am reading about them Bows and Arrows from last so many days. Even set my mind on buying one traditional 40lber one

Don't tell me you bought that Black Widow .. :shock: .

You free on Sat BTW? :mrgreen:

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:02 am

Those are some thick shafts Mr. Mack the knife. What sort of set-up are you using?
Cheap and cheerful sort but loving every minute of it. Martin Jaguar TD recurve 40lbs @ 28" and Easton GG 2016 and 100 gr. Saunders combo points. No sights, just instinctive shooting. Wanted to buy 1816 shafts but couldn't get them at short notice. Just got my copy of Shooting The Stickbow by Anthony Camera today and am really looking forward to improving my skills in the days to come. shucks...don't tell me.

Cannot afford a BW but looking at getting a Bob Lee later in the year.....if my progress is good enough and funds permit, ofcourse. There is a weekend plan but its tentative. Give me a tinkle on Friday and if Pran can arrange some farm space you two can have a go with the bow and perhaps the the '06 as well.

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by jonahpach » Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:11 am

dsingh wrote:It was a nice experience Iam more fond of rifles and shotguns than handguns. But this gun is better for sport in selfdefence I personaly think .315 is better some friend who knows a ballistic expert told him that .315 is among the most lethal if used from 50 to 100 yard range than other rifles. I may be not an expert but he has quoted this from an expert and who has wide experience from labourity tests of various arms. This was also proved in encounter of chitrkoot.
I second this.. I have myself personally gouged out a .315 round from a tree trunk which it had struck laterally! OUCH! Imagine the ? grain bullet hitting you laterally in the ribs. I bet it would hurt a lot! It looks like you could kill someone by just chucking it on his head.

On a more sombre note, and after seeing the actual closeup photos, I wish the pseudo butter knife bolt handle were a bit slimmer and not made of alluminium! Maybe they are not too sure of their cast alluminium abilities?? (Why didnt they at least black annodize it?) Even Bike brake levers are much slimmer and they are able to withstand a lot more stress than while locking and loading a bolt. Forget alluminium the handle should have at least been made of brass! or maybe just a flattened old SMLE handle would have done the trick (I bet they have a huge surplus stock of it) :D

About the wooden stock, ahem! I think I'll let CC gripe about it. Never the less, I believe this rifle is a 100% improvement over the .315's and a good value for money especially if you consider the only other alternatives of 80+ year old Mausers and Manlichers available in the market today which cost anything above 3x the IOF's latest offering. Also on the positive side, The quality of the rear sight looks really good (Brno rip off?)while that of the foresight (in the video) reminds me of the good old No1. Mk-III SMLE. (I guess somethings sort of just hang in there..)

BTW what kind of safety does it have?? Another SMLE ripoff? Or is it the tiny button just ahead of the trigger?? Then where is the magazine catch?? What kind of bolt stop does it have?? An button on the LHS of the reciever would have been really cool..

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by herb » Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:28 am

Very interesting writeup and a nice rifle. Thanks for sharing.


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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by Vikram » Wed Aug 05, 2009 4:44 am

Congratulations, Olly,on your new rifle and thanks for sharing with us.

Dev, thank you for that entertainingly written post and videos.Enjoyed a lot reading it.

It looks a lot better than the .315s I have seen though,no offence meant, the wood work could have been done better.I never liked butter-knife bolt handles on a lotmore expensive models but that a personal whim .
How far were the bricks by the way?

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by bobbysidhu » Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:57 pm

dear members,
For guys here who have very little idea about the construction of rifle,the bolt is all steel including the butter knife handle :!: ! it is chepo chrome plated(that is why it looks like made out of aluminium) and is fitted by welding on the cylindrical bolt body the receiver is all aluminium,the safety is located just behind the bolt it is push button safety press it to engage and presson the button front of the trigger to disengage,magazine catch is right in front of magazine well on the front bottom side! hope this clears some air :?:

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by TwoRivers » Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:02 am

Just to add a bit to Bobby's message, the new IOF is simply a copy of the Sauer 200 series. As to using Lee-Enfield bolt handles instead, the Lee bolt and handle are forged in one piece, so no spares heaped up in a forgotten corner.
If a bullet hits sideways, "keyholes", accuracy will be nonexistent. It means that the rifling is gone, or the twist is too long to stabilize that particular bullet. Nothing to be happy about, though you may hit the occasional tree. (If close enough.)
Though the .315 doesn't lag too far behind the .30-06, the latter is ballistically superior, with a larger case and smaller bore, and loaded to higher pressure. Loaded to the same pressure, the ballistics would be just about the same, though the .30-06 would be better at longer range.
Trying to compare the performance of two cartridges based on a single, or at best a few, observation(s), is comparing apples and oranges. Exact shot placement, bullet construction, are the most important factors. The alert status of the target, i.e. adrenaline, is another. Never trust what your brother's girlfriend's cousin heard from an uncle who had heard it from a friend of the expert.

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by m24 » Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:05 pm

An afternoon well spent:

Fixed up an appointment with Olly yesterday to meet his 30-06 and finally went today to see his new piece of hardware. :wink:

When I went there, lo and behold! I find another gentleman, running his hands over the beauty before me :shock: .
Now I was jealous. Turns out it's a fellow IFGian, 'Nagarifle', who was in town.

Anyway, coming back to 30-06, What a beauty!!!!! and so light, at no more than 3kgs roughly. Olly's HW was more heavier than the 30-06. Over snacks and soft drinks, we discussed about the gun, the ammo, the stance required to shoot, self defense and what not. Richard took pics of the 30-06, which I am hoping, he'll post. Also had a look at the Llama pistol which Olly had at his place (his uncle's, which he's desperately trying to flick), his HW and his Discovery and the great collection( my mouth is still drooling) of his knives. The only regret was we could not see the 30-06 in action (Argh!!! the problems of staying in Delhi, no place to practice).

Before we knew, we had pretty much spent 3 1/2 hours discussing everything under the sun and our own respective business's were beckoning us :( . With promises to catch up later, we decided to part ways and that, My friends, was an afternoon well spent, with friends, with guns.

Richard, it was great to meet you, spend time with you and Olly admiring his new purchase. (I might take you up on the Nagaland visit during November :) . Will let you know in advance).

And once again congratulations, Olly, on the purchase and thanks for the hospitality.


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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by dev » Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:48 pm

Mack The Knife wrote:
Those are some thick shafts Mr. Mack the knife. What sort of set-up are you using?
Cheap and cheerful sort but loving every minute of it. Martin Jaguar TD recurve 40lbs @ 28" and Easton GG 2016 and 100 gr. Saunders combo points. No sights, just instinctive shooting. Wanted to buy 1816 shafts but couldn't get them at short notice. Just got my copy of Shooting The Stickbow by Anthony Camera today and am really looking forward to improving my skills in the days to come. shucks...don't tell me.

Cannot afford a BW but looking at getting a Bob Lee later in the year.....if my progress is good enough and funds permit, ofcourse. There is a weekend plan but its tentative. Give me a tinkle on Friday and if Pran can arrange some farm space you two can have a go with the bow and perhaps the the '06 as well.

Talk about going one better :lol: I sentence you to forty lashes with a wet noodle for the thread hijack. This is not about the likety spit nice bow that you have. Write us a nice article on it...come on Rusty. :cheers:

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by sawbones » Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:55 pm

Hey dev

im adding a photo to give some balast to the thread

sawbones ... directlink
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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by eljefe » Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:25 pm

Great reading Dev,
Yup, woodwork is absolute meena kumari, (will benefit from that guys in purani dilli) try the other Bobby, he can refer you to the la di dah stock maker.a schnabel would look very good indeed and if you can live with the aluminium bolt,no sweat, so can I
Olly, waay to go.
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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by TwoRivers » Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:31 pm

What aluminium bolt??? The receiver, which is unstressed, is an aluminium alloy, but there is no aluminium in the bolt. There seems to be an obsession in declaring parts alu, when they aren't. What gives? Cheers.

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Re: Shooting the IOF 30 06

Post by eljefe » Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:37 pm

:deadhorse: mea culpa, thought i read somewhere its an al bolt.Bobby's correction has now seen the light in my pitiful grey cells
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