Congratulations to Rana.Love him for saying things most Indian shooters are too scared to voice.
“I haven’t decided on a place and time yet,” Rana told The Indian Express, “and not that I have made any plans regarding the nitty-gritties either, but I will probably be running for an Uttaranchal assembly seat at the next general elections.”
It’s bad news for Indian shooting, though. “His interest has wavered, he is thinking of it (politics) more and more, and I guess India will miss a good shooter at the top. I think he is the best talent in this category in the world — in the near future,” said national coach Sunny Thomas.
Why politics? “Because in public life it will be better than the bad politics of sport.
At least there I will be sure who my enemies are and who my friends are. In Indian sports you know nothing,” said Rana.
I have to fix some people. My father and I have given a lot in the last 16 years, and have received nothing in return.”
Strong words, but that’s how Rana would want to talk. At the Main Press Centre of the Games, word was spreading about the impending world record equalling feat of Rana.
Indian Olympic Association secretary general Randhir Singh was around. When this correspondent asked Singh to go to the range and give a boost, he said “yes, chalo, abhi”. At the Lusail shooting range Rana would not believe it. “He won’t come, you see,” Rana told this correspondent. Till such time that Rana had finished his dope test Singh had not arrived.
Not that this proves anything, but how much more important than the athlete is the sport itself? What constitutes the basis of the sport at any level? Why do the Ranas always talk against the system? Is it just that it fetches many more column centimetres imprint and more time on telly?
“They don’t see me as a shooter, successful or not,” says Rana.“
They see me as a problem, as the problem, simply because I always speak my mind. Sujit Bhar