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Mack The Knife
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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Jun 20, 2006 8:00 am


Since mine are 7 and 4, they'd get along well with Mark's boys. Taking them fishing this weekend and they are all charged up. It's a boys only camping trip. I just hope I survive until Sunday night... :roll:

Pity one has to drive 100+ kms to get to the sticks. As a kid, I grew up with the woods starting literally 25 metres from my gates. It's very sad that they will never experience the joys of a feral childhood.

Mack The Knife
Last edited by Mack The Knife on Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by kanwar76 » Tue Jun 20, 2006 5:04 pm

Mack The Knife wrote: It's a boys only camping trip.
So are you planning to take me and Nahar on the same trip, Don't know about Nahar but I am still a boy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Mack The Knife wrote: the joys of a feral childhood.
Ah those were the days... :(

Boys are looking nice

I am the Saint the Soldier that walks in Peace. I am the Humble dust of your feet, But dont think my Spirituality makes me weak. The Heavens will roar if my Kirpan were to speak...


Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:33 pm

Mack The Knife,

I know what you mean. We used to own a bungalow in Kodaikanal where I would go every summer as a boy and there was shooting, of course, we would pick wild raspberries and fruit in our garden. The town was almost always deserted even in May/June except for the odd tourist who came there and it used to be crazy going there or leaving - just one bus a day to Kodai Road and then a 14 hour train ride back to MAdras. ABout 10 years ago my father sold the place and a resort was built over it. The last time I went there, a little stream than ran off our property towards the Bear Shola Falls had been walled over and some bloody fascist had built apartments there. I saw a fat woman screaming at her children off the balcony calling them in to watch some TV show - that was my last trip to the place.

I'll never go to Kodaikanal again. :(

You'll love visiting here, though. There are lovely places to visit and a lot of shooting to enjoy. Mark lives in a particularly beautiful place which you have to take a ferry to reach and where you have mountains, a beautiful river, some small lakes on the property and miles upon miles of greenery teeming with game. And there are many places like this in the USA and Canada. Just come over sometime for a visit at least. I'll be happy to take you around.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:03 pm

kanwar76 wrote:So are you planning to take me and Nahar on the same trip, Don't know about Nahar but I am still a boy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Far too many in camp this time but I will arrange to take you and Nahaar along sometime soon.

Nahaar is joining WASI next month. You're next Boyo! :mrgreen:

Mack The Knife

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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Jun 20, 2006 10:25 pm

I know what you mean. We used to own a bungalow in Kodaikanal where I would go every summer as a boy.
Mehul, we did this day in and day out through out the year and never tired off it. We had woods, farms, three ponds, a disused quarry, some ancient ruins including a caravan serai if you please and a army shooting range as our play ground. Schools wound up at 1 p.m. and by 2 we were off only to return at sunset. Happy days would be a gross understatement. It was nothing short of boyhood heaven and Delhi was a wonderful city then. To think that I then had to move to a concrete jungle (Bombay) explains why I have an intense dislike of cities.
You'll love visiting here, though. There are lovely places to visit and a lot of shooting to enjoy. Mark lives in a particularly beautiful place which you have to take a ferry to reach and where you have mountains, a beautiful river, some small lakes on the property and miles upon miles of greenery teeming with game. And there are many places like this in the USA and Canada. Just come over sometime for a visit at least. I'll be happy to take you around.
Mark's place is exactly the sort of place I would like to live in and if I ever return to my roots (whatever the country) for even a few years, then I will consider myself blessed and kick the bucket with a smug grin on my face. :mrgreen:

Your experience with Kodai is a facsimilie of mine with Ooty. Trust Indians to bug*3r up almost everything they touch.

Mack The Knife

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Post by eljefe » Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:54 am

Hey Mack The Knife, Dont Grouch :D :D bless you too!!
Am passing on the crow and spinner to Dev for North Indian Field testing :evil:
There's supposed to be a shop in CP -some hobby center which sells fishing stuff, will go there and check out spoons etc.Dev and I want to go and hook ourselves some dead cattle/ dogs in the river down the road..
Thanks for the spinners -send me a couple, keep the others-I showed wife some pics of spinners-Mepps Agila -and with her Wire bending experience, she says, should be a snap!!She's planning to use dental orthodontic wire-now that you 're sending a couple, will see how they're made and then ask Kulsum to sit down with her wire/pliers/vice basket...
Happy to see shank in free pistol league-thats a fine looking weapon-how does it shoot? :D
Guess you'll always have low life of the -TURN-HOLDING-A LOADED -WEAPON sort all the time, from here to timbuktoo.Like cockroaches the past few hundred million years , cant be eleminated, ever!
New money, new car, new membership, old, neanderthal brains-right? :evil:
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Jun 21, 2006 12:53 pm

Hi Asif,

Let me know what you find at Connaught Place. Over here Olympic Sports has started stocking a bit of tackle but not much.

Had these four made for you by a friend, so please keep them and if you need more don't hesitate to ask. Will have the courier pick them up from home this evening - can't get to the P.O. until Friday or next week.

The TOZ-35 has been in use for years. The factory grips rarely fit properly but otherwise it's a good Free Pistol. Shankar has his trigger set to 4 grams. :roll:
New money, new car, new membership, old neanderthal brains-right? :evil:
I don't know about this chumps monetary status but you are on the mark with the last two.

Mack The Knife

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Post by Young Tiger » Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:19 pm

Very Handsome young men with a nice pistol Hats off to thier gentleman father, I think our forum has a secure future

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Post by kanwar76 » Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:06 pm

Mack The Knife wrote: Mehul, we did this day in and day out through out the year and never tired off it. We had woods, farms, three ponds, a disused quarry, some ancient ruins including a caravan serai if you please and a army shooting range as our play ground. Schools wound up at 1 p.m. and by 2 we were off only to return at sunset.
Stop it guys I am becominng nostalgic. :( :mrgreen:

Really missing home :(. We still have all these things just minutes away. You can be in lap of nature in 30 min but what to do PAPI PET takes you places

I am the Saint the Soldier that walks in Peace. I am the Humble dust of your feet, But dont think my Spirituality makes me weak. The Heavens will roar if my Kirpan were to speak...

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