IndianShot";p="40164 wrote:Hi Ebenezer,
Thanks for the information about rifle club in chennai, Am a newbee in this forum. It would be of great helip if I can have the contact number\person for this rifle club.
Hi Arvind,
As Ebenezer mentioned, the administrative office for the Chennai Rifle Club is at the premises of the Rani Weekly press on Poonamalee High Road. I suppose you will have to meet one Mrs.Beula Moses on the second floor for more information on the membership. But as a couple of them have mentioned, the answer that you may get is that the membership is full for the next year.
I contacted the office about a year back and I got the same response. From other sources I was told that you would have to pay a donation to the tune of Rs.1.5 Lakhs to be able to get into the membership roles of the club.
There are other procedures to be completed apart from the donation part which includes two recommendations from exisiting active club members and a police verification etc.
All said, I would recommend that you step into the office and get first hand information on the formalities.
What I have stated above is what I've heard from external sources.
Hope I've been helpful with the above info.