License for M1 .30 carbine
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License for M1 .30 carbine
hello we have a us carbine .30 rifle, i want to find out if i can get license for it because my grand father used to have license for it but he expired it is in Armour shop now.
thank you,
thank you,
Re: us carbine .30
You can get a license.Abhijeet would be able to guide you better on how to apply for one.
- Vineet
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Re: us carbine .30
Legally we can not obtain a license for .30 carbine because its a fully automatic weapon and falls under prohibitted bore category but I have seen people owning .30 us carbine.What they did is they took permission for .30 rifle on license and illegaly got us .30 carbine registered on their license (the weapon is not inspected by the authority) and they still have it witout any problem . Try it if possible!!!!!!
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Re: us carbine .30
Vineet, you shouldn't condone illegal things on this forum- seeing as how it represents legal Indian gun owners.
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Re: us carbine .30
Pay attention to BJL's point and refrain from posting incorrect information especially about circumventing rules it will land some one in trouble. You have been around long enough to know the board rules.
Pay attention to BJL's point and refrain from posting incorrect information especially about circumventing rules it will land some one in trouble. You have been around long enough to know the board rules.
- Mark
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Re: us carbine .30
The M1 carbine is not an automatic rifle, it is semi-automatic.
There was a select-fire version made, but that is the M2 and I suspect you do not have one of those. Here is a link to the manual that can describe both guns: ... 6_1947.pdf
There was a select-fire version made, but that is the M2 and I suspect you do not have one of those. Here is a link to the manual that can describe both guns: ... 6_1947.pdf
"What if he had no knife? In that case he would not be a good bushman so there is no need to consider the possibility." H.A. Lindsay, 1947
- mundaire
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Re: us carbine .30
Hi Chaitanya,
Mark is correct, it is a semi-auto and not a full auto rifle, therefore it comes under the Prohibited bore category (and not prohibited arms category). Licenses for these can be issued ONLY by the Min of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.
There are essentially two ways in which you can get a license for your granddad's M1 Carbine:
1. The recommended route - Apply for a license to your local licensing authority stating your reason for wanting a license as "transfer of family heirloom". The usual papers would need to be submitted along with the application, as well as a copy of your granddad's license (as proof that the firearm has been owned by a member of your family for not less than 20 years), you will also need an affidavit from each one of his (your granddad's legal heirs) stating that they have no objection to you inheriting the firearm. Any additional documents you can attach that will establish your bona fides as an upstanding citizen should also be submitted.
The local licensing authority will review your application and if they determine it to be a genuine/ deserving case, they will forward (along with comments) it to the Home Ministry, State Government where it will be reviewed once again. The state Home Ministry will review it once again and if they determine it to be a genuine/ deserving case, they will forward (along with comments) it to the Min of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, where it will be finally decided whether or not to issue the license.
As you can well imagine, this is a time consuming and difficult process and your application can be rejected at any one of these levels. However, you will never know unless you try.
2. Conversion to straight pull bolt action (not recommended) - You can also have your Granddad's Carbine converted to a straight pull bolt action, by disabling the semi-auto/ self-loading function. Once this is done it is no longer a Prohibited Bore and can be held on a normal Non-Prohibited Bore rifle license. However the conversion MUST be permanent and a certificate to the effect would be issued by whoever makes the conversion. I have never come across someone who has had this done, but am given to understand that these conversions are carried out either at the Arms Depot Jabalpur or one of the Ordnance factories. Maybe someone else here can provide you with details on this.
Mark is correct, it is a semi-auto and not a full auto rifle, therefore it comes under the Prohibited bore category (and not prohibited arms category). Licenses for these can be issued ONLY by the Min of Home Affairs, Govt. of India.
There are essentially two ways in which you can get a license for your granddad's M1 Carbine:
1. The recommended route - Apply for a license to your local licensing authority stating your reason for wanting a license as "transfer of family heirloom". The usual papers would need to be submitted along with the application, as well as a copy of your granddad's license (as proof that the firearm has been owned by a member of your family for not less than 20 years), you will also need an affidavit from each one of his (your granddad's legal heirs) stating that they have no objection to you inheriting the firearm. Any additional documents you can attach that will establish your bona fides as an upstanding citizen should also be submitted.
The local licensing authority will review your application and if they determine it to be a genuine/ deserving case, they will forward (along with comments) it to the Home Ministry, State Government where it will be reviewed once again. The state Home Ministry will review it once again and if they determine it to be a genuine/ deserving case, they will forward (along with comments) it to the Min of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, where it will be finally decided whether or not to issue the license.
As you can well imagine, this is a time consuming and difficult process and your application can be rejected at any one of these levels. However, you will never know unless you try.
2. Conversion to straight pull bolt action (not recommended) - You can also have your Granddad's Carbine converted to a straight pull bolt action, by disabling the semi-auto/ self-loading function. Once this is done it is no longer a Prohibited Bore and can be held on a normal Non-Prohibited Bore rifle license. However the conversion MUST be permanent and a certificate to the effect would be issued by whoever makes the conversion. I have never come across someone who has had this done, but am given to understand that these conversions are carried out either at the Arms Depot Jabalpur or one of the Ordnance factories. Maybe someone else here can provide you with details on this.
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- Vineet
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Re: License for M1 .30 carbine
.30 caliber is not a PB it is NPB.Licenses under this caliber are issued by the authority for pistols and rifles.As far as semi auto is concerned then allmost all pistols are semi auto and there are semi auto shotguns as well (pump action).Then why does .30 carbine comes under PB category keeping in mind that it is .30 and semi auto.
.30 caliber is not a PB it is NPB.Licenses under this caliber are issued by the authority for pistols and rifles.As far as semi auto is concerned then allmost all pistols are semi auto and there are semi auto shotguns as well (pump action).Then why does .30 carbine comes under PB category keeping in mind that it is .30 and semi auto.
- mundaire
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Re: License for M1 .30 carbine
Vineet .30 calibre may not be a PB, but ALL semi-auto long guns (rifles & shotguns) are indeed PB. Please see Schedule I of the Arms Act/ Arms Rules at - ... ule_I.html
Please scroll down and see Category I(b). While at it also see Schedule II and you will see who the relevant licensing authority is for firearms falling in this category....
Please scroll down and see Category I(b). While at it also see Schedule II and you will see who the relevant licensing authority is for firearms falling in this category....
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Re: License for M1 .30 carbine
"Indian Arms Rules,1962 ,Schedule I Category I(b) Semi-automatic firearms other than those included in category....III(a)...."(Licensing authority- Central Govt.)
"Category III(a) Revolvers and pistols."(Licensing authority-DM)
"Indian Arms Rules,1962 ,Schedule I Category I(b) Semi-automatic firearms other than those included in category....III(a)...."(Licensing authority- Central Govt.)
"Category III(a) Revolvers and pistols."(Licensing authority-DM)
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Re: License for M1 .30 carbine
PA.....semi auto ???Vineet wrote:Mr.Mundaire,
there are semi auto shotguns as well (pump action).
AFAIK a PA requires manual cycling of the rounds, whereas a semi-auto shotty will cycle the rounds using blowback.
Here's a guy letting of some steam with a semi auto, notice the fact that he doesn't have to cycle the action to chamber the rounds(unlike a PA).

The universe was born with a BIG BANG, no wonder guns run in my blood.
Disclaimer: My post is either a question or a reply to one. I am stating an opinion. If my opinion differs from yours, It's not intended as an insult.
Disclaimer: My post is either a question or a reply to one. I am stating an opinion. If my opinion differs from yours, It's not intended as an insult.
- Vineet
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Re: License for M1 .30 carbine
Firstly, sorry for mixing PA and semi auto shotguns.Secondly, I didn't knew that semi auto shotgun(which chambers 4 or 5 cartridges at one time) is a PB weapon.Thirdly I want to know that can we have two pistols of different calibre on one license.Normally there is custom of having one pistol,one ghot gun and one rifle.Once an arms dealer told me that the law prohibits us from having two weapons of same calibre but if the calibre are different we can have two pistols.Is it true.
- mundaire
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Re: License for M1 .30 carbine
Please don't take anything dealers tell you at face value, while there are honest dealers around - by and large arms dealers in India are a unscrupulous and often enough ignorant lot! See the very first post under in the following thread -
Am quoting the relevant portion below:
Am quoting the relevant portion below:
Type of Gun
Guns permitted for use by civilians are Shotguns, Handguns and sporting rifles. Civilians can hold a maximum of THREE arms licenses. There is no limitation as to what combination of 3 can be held, so in theory a person may very well use his three permitted arms licenses to hold: -
1 handgun + 1 shotgun + 1 rifle (which is what most people do, but there is no legal necessity to adhere to this particular combination)
OR 3 handguns
OR 2 handguns + 1 rifle
OR 2 handguns + 1 shotgun
OR 3 rifles
OR 2 rifles + 1 handgun
OR 2 rifles + 1 shotgun
OR 3 shotguns
OR 2 shotguns + 1 handgun
OR 2 shotguns + 1 rifle
BASICALLY any combination of THREE you so desire - this is of course theoretical, you would still need to convince the licensing authority of your stated NEED for each additional arms license you apply for!
For members of accredited/ recognised rifle associations/ shooting clubs, in addition to the (above mentioned) max permissible limit of 3 arms licenses, they are permitted to own 1 additional .22 cal rifle for the purpose of target shooting - thereby taking their total allowance of arms licenses to FOUR.
Competition shooters who have achieved the status of "renowned shot" are exempted from the above provisions, details of the relevant notifications pertaining to them (i.e. "renowned shots") can be found at for further details.
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