Mehul, I would fit right in with that lot with no problems

On a serious note, I shoot with some specialist clubs and we have competitions ‘in the spirit of the original’ and these events are great fun. For instance, the Mad minute and snap shooting at 300 & 600 yards is a favourite of mine! I try to do my best of course

I can understand your affection for the ‘service sporter’, though I am not partial to it myself. However, I do like messing about with actions and stocks and recently built a BSA Martini .22 into a custom carbine.
Grumpy & Vikram, Hello there

It would be great to meet up with you guys one of these days at Bisley. Do you have FACs?
Vikram, it wouldn’t be a bother, really. I know for a fact that there are Asian shooters in the UK, but I have rarely come across one at any of the shooting events that I attend. In fact, I have yet to see one in action apart from me at the same time or place. I usually stand out like a sore thumb at arms fairs, etc because I tend to be the only Indian bloke there.
Grumpy, yes, guns do come and go in my case

The trick is to impress your FEO that you are a genuine and dedicated shooter and if you can satisfy the safety & storage requirements then things should be ok. Like most shooters, my restriction is of course the finance and cabinet space to store all my new acquisitions. So, I prune my collection every now and then according to the frequency of usage. But, my firm favourites have remained with me despite the ups and downs, I am happy to say.
Have a good day gents