.303 rifles fight against AK-47

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.303 rifles fight against AK-47

Post by msandhu » Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:43 am

http://www.rediff.com/news/2008/dec/02m ... at-cst.htm

This is something that everyone knows. How our police forces are using outdated firearms and communication equipment. When it comes to VIP security ( even for criminal netas) , the guards have the latest and greatest equipment but when it comes to common Indians, police equipment is pretty much useless. Isn't this still a class system where the elite gets all they want.
Why our govt. waits for some tragedy to happen to upgrade any system?

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Post by TenX » Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:41 am

I guess this is a pretty much open fact, that the 1920's 303 is the great nation's best bet when it comes to civilian guard. Of course, the VVIP's have their kitty to command equipment for their security alone. No babu will think beyond. The basic Ambassador car used by these mantris is bullet-proof glass fitted, some equipped with anti-mobile-signal (Signal Jammer) and sorts... which I heard costs a minimum 14 Lakhs per car upgrade. The thought that one immediately gets is that if these babus dont keep themselves safe, how can they get along with their politicking.
They will say that they need to be safe to see into others' safety, but we all know the truth :)
As long as a majority of uneducated clout stop loving the canvassing and forced elections, this will not change, I guess...
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Post by casual shooter » Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:02 pm

:x :( ambassador are ambassdor only externally, they have special engines to carry the load of armourd plates specially imported for the job, bullet proof car panes which can withstand the imopact of grenades special susspension systems,. etc and other electronic gadgets,

As told to us by our netas,

always our enemy has been at the adantageous position may be perched at a height in 1965 kashmer and 1999 kargil operations,

better equiped against our .303 rifles in 1947 kashmer. 1962 china operations,

pajistani sabers were always superior to our gnats

1999 pakistan had gun finding radars for artillery where we thought of it after 1999.

why why why
when will we get better netas and babus when will this rotten stuff fizz off. can any one tell.

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Post by diskaon » Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:27 pm

In this world all pigs are equal.. but some pigs are more equal......
klick klack..... diskaon

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Post by nagarifle » Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:18 pm

diskaon";p="60742 wrote: In this world all pigs are equal.. but some pigs are more equal......
if all pigs are equal in front of a bomb and bullet, then when was the last time any politician got a threat or attacked by the terrorist?

the vip security is not to keep away the terrorist. it is to keep away the citizen of this country from their leaders as the politicians do not fear the terrorist (in most cases they are the terror for the people) but have great fear of the people of this country.

if you say it can not be done, then you are right, for you, it can not be done.

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