Mumbai under attack

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Re: Mumbai under attack

Post by Lahkar » Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:00 am

Bollywood’s Bachchan Sleeps With Gun Under Pillow After Attack[/size]

Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Amitabh Bachchan, hero of Bollywood action blockbusters such as “Sholay” and “Zanjeer” slept with a revolver under his pillow after terrorists attacked hotels, railway station and an apartment killing 121 people.

“I am ashamed to say this. As the events of the terror attack unfolded in front of me I did something for the first time and one that I had hoped never ever to be in a situation to do,” Bachchan wrote on his blog. “I pulled out my licensed .32 revolver, loaded it and put it under my pillow.”

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Post by R-Dhillon » Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:21 am

One thing that came to my mind was the irresponsible role of the media. According to my dad's friend Brig. Gill, the media focused a lot on prominent officers outside the building and all the positions taken by our soldiers and the terrorists had access to television sets and could easily know the positions n rank importance of our soldiers and made 'em easy targets. This took away the element of surprize attack in this mission and the terrorists knew who was coming from where.
I think that the news channels just for their scoop spoil things. In matters of National Security, the media should not be allowed to interfere till the mission is completed.
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Post by cottage cheese » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:47 am

R-Dhillon";p="60302 wrote:One thing that came to my mind was the irresponsible role of the media. According to my dad's friend Brig. Gill, the media focused a lot on prominent officers outside the building and all the positions taken by our soldiers and the terrorists had access to television sets and could easily know the positions n rank importance of our soldiers and made 'em easy targets. This took away the element of surprize attack in this mission and the terrorists knew who was coming from where.
I think that the news channels just for their scoop spoil things. In matters of National Security, the media should not be allowed to interfere till the mission is completed.
Yup...quite right Dhillon.

...also noticed how incredibly stupid many of the field reporters were. Most(Particularly that annoying parroting female on Times Now) were simply spewing hours and hours of high decibel gobbledygook.

Absolutely zero home work at that- just the supreme ability to jabber disjointed squak incoherent drivel all day long.
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Post by cottage cheese » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:49 am

warthog";p="60300 wrote: our heroes are not the out of touch lawmakers(cough politicians) but our NSG.I salute you!
...dont forget india's silent cancer - the babudom... it's a disease that is more permanent than politicians.
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Post by nagarifle » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:44 am

i have not watched tv to see whats going on but read up a little in the local rag. my heart goes to the people and there families.

in the 70s, Olympic game in Munich, smiler TV reporting was done and the terrorist watched all the police snipers movement. it is lack of crowd and media control. it seems that the security forces have not learn t any lesions from the past.

today in the local rag i saw a pic of a police commando firing his auto rifle above his head without aiming, where the shots went only he and God knows(or a bystander who could have been shot)

as for me my thoughts are on the hostages and the suffering of the family members.

i just pry that this all comes to an end soon, also we should not be criticizing the security forces for any mistakes made. they will have long statement to make soon and others will be criticizing them plenty.

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Post by mundaire » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:46 am

I agree, Times Now was the most irresponsible channel of all, I particularly dislike that hypocrite Arnab what's his name. He's the sort that typifies the "say anything for better TRP's/ a juicier sound bite" attitude!
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Post by TenX » Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:16 am

cottage cheese";p="60310 wrote: ...Absolutely zero home work at that- just the supreme ability to jabber disjointed squak incoherent drivel all day long.
Totally agree on that...

The one part of the live telecast from various channels that got my attention was Pritesh Nandy directly rediculing the PM and Sonia Gandhi for not showing a moment's unity at crucial times like this. But I am sure this will go nowhere close to headlines. People have got so used to a lower quality of news and attitude, that most agree to things that are common, like the Babugiri.

One other thing is that the cops, army-men and people in other forces are also men, citizens, with families like all of us. Some were damn lucky like the cop whose belt the bullet struck, while some others were not. Somehow, I feel, personally, part of the loss of lives ...
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Post by TenX » Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:40 am

paragvns";p="60324 wrote: It may out of thread, but i'm posting a SMS I recieved yesterday

PLz fwd Raj Thakere's Phone no.
if u can find it
we don't know where he is
when Mumbai needs him. :roll: :?
We want him to go and save
"Amchi Mumbai" along with his MNS goondas,
the sons of the soil....!
Army and NSG commandos are no
"Marathi Manoos"....!
Why should they fight
or lay their lives for Raj's
Mumbaikars.....! :evil:

Matter of fact, there is also a mention of this in today's Times of India, Page 12 "Raj, seen this one?"

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Post by archer » Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:29 pm

one other thing that bothered me was, the news channels showed that there were 11 cops killed. They only reported the death of the ADD Comm of Police, the ATF chief and the Sr Inspector. Who were the other 8 cops? they laid down their lives trying to save ours. Why not talk about those lesser known cops as well? Just because they were not famous doesnt mean what they did on that day was not important.

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Re: Mumbai under attack

Post by Hunter » Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:54 pm

Just thoughts I would add my thoughts to this thread,and say that I too like Yaj was horrified at seeing the ATS chief entering a war zone without any protection of sorts.I think our police force has still to realize the gravity of a terrorist attack !! This is simply history repeating it self after that officer in Delhi got shot again wearing no proctection.

To all the members of our forces who have laid down their lives--THANK YOU FOR GIVING US YOUR TODAY SO THAT WE CAN ENJOY A SAFER TOMORROW.

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Boat Vs Vote terrorist

Post by casual shooter » Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:59 pm

more harm has been done to this country by terrosits who come by votes than they come by boats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by diskaon » Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:08 pm

very true.. unfortunately if the vote seekers are a little strict the the one who did not get votes (opposition) say they are not being democratic and are acting like dictators!!

when the roles are reversed and the ruling party becomes opposition... the party in opposition condemns all acts of the ruling party.

Basically no one is allowed to do his work properly.. if i wish there was a rule that only sensible people were allowed to stand for elections. it could make a big difference :-)

klick klack..... diskaon

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Post by Yaj » Sat Nov 29, 2008 4:31 pm

mundaire";p="60317 wrote:I agree, Times Now was the most irresponsible channel of all, I particularly dislike that hypocrite Arnab what's his name. He's the sort that typifies the "say anything for better TRP's/ a juicier sound bite" attitude!
Couldnt agree with you more Abhijeet! I cant stand the guy, he is an overbearing buffoon!
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Post by cottage cheese » Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:24 pm

mundaire";p="60317 wrote:I agree, Times Now was the most irresponsible channel of all, I particularly dislike that hypocrite Arnab what's his name. He's the sort that typifies the "say anything for better TRP's/ a juicier sound bite" attitude!
Full agreement.

Cant's simply understand how he got where he is. Stupid, infantile, tone-deaf, half-baked knowledge, often total ignorance and presumably, blind.

The stupid woofs couldn't even tell the difference between a Qualis and a Bolero or a jeep.

Lost track of which channel but I remember the NSG chief having to (rather patiently) explain what a Tornado was- simply because an empty head asked what a tornado was in one of the later press conferences!

Couldnt agree with you more Abhijeet! I cant stand the guy, he is an overbearing buffoon!
You can add "jackass" to it.
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Re: Mumbai under attack

Post by indian » Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:54 pm

I came across this news in a Telugu daily which said that one of the terrorists is an Asst.chef in taj for the past ten months.pretty well planned buggers :twisted:

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