National Rifle Association of India - NRAI

A list of shooting clubs & associations in India. This includes state associations as well as NRAI affiliated rifle clubs.
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Post by Olly » Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:10 pm

Mack The Knife Bana";p="37498 wrote:You are most welcome, Anu darling...
One of the rare days when the ol' man seems to be in a good mood... :P

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Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:27 pm

Wrong! It's one of those rare days that somebody hasn't posted something stupid to get my blood pressure up.

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Post by Olly » Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:40 pm

Again ??? :mrgreen:

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Post by nm » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:46 pm

Thanks Mack The Knife.


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Post by snIPer » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:34 pm

WTF why 21000/- are they crazy
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Re: National Rifle Association of India - NRAI

Post by OverUnderPump » Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:00 pm

snIPer";p="37585 wrote:WTF why 21000/- are they crazy
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well what can I say. You said it all.

The universe was born with a BIG BANG, no wonder guns run in my blood.

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Joining N.R.A.I.

Post by Rebello » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:44 pm

Hi Guys,

Can somebody out there please enlighten me how to join the National Rifle Assoc. of India club by mail.They mention in the enrollment form I downloaded from the net, that a new member should be sponsered by two other members, I am new to this Air Gun clubs thing (though absolutely delighted to discover I.F.G) & will be very much obliged with any advice or help in joining NRAI.

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Re: National Rifle Association of India - NRAI

Post by browning » Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:35 pm

Yasho";p="12176 wrote:Friends,
How does one enroll/become a member of NRAI? Does one have to be a national/state level qualified shooter!
Please provide necessary info.
You don't need to be a state or national level shooter to become a member. My dad took the life membership recently. It really helps when you have to obtain ammo and some weapons. They stock IOF ammo And .30-06 ammo (sellior and Bellot). The IOF ammo is slightly cheaper. They have their sales office in defence colony.
As a member you can take part in certain training camps as well as competitons. Thay also import air rifles ans stock rifles made by the IOF.

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membership to NRAI

Post by sudhaiob » Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:31 pm

Hello everybody,
went thru the nrai website to see the membership details. it says the application is to be proposed and seconded by members and an endorsement got from a District Magistrate. how to go about getting a proposer and seconder.

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Re: National Rifle Association of India - NRAI

Post by icemanV » Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:42 pm

At least does having a membership give you an affiliation kind of thing.....can i shoot at any state clubs on that basis?

Some members earlier pointed out the descretion rests with the state they exercize it very often?


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Re: National Rifle Association of India - NRAI

Post by dodger » Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:39 pm

what all do they charge for the Ammo ?? and what all type of ammo do they give there?
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Post by TenX » Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:49 pm

sudhaiob";p="41350 wrote: to go about getting a proposer and seconder....
Far as I know, you HAVE to get in touch with NRAI members (those already members) and get their 'autograph'. Getting the District Magistrate attestation is not very difficult, if you can locate a sub-registrar office close to you.

icemanV";p="50735 wrote: At least does having a membership give you an affiliation kind of thing.....can i shoot at any state clubs on that basis?
Getting an NRAI membership has two primary advantages:
1. Get to shoot (being a non-member) in any affiliated state club.
2. Enter NRAI conducted competitions on your own, without having to go thru a state association (but this has its own hiccups)

Apart from this, you have the access to ammo, importing of air rifles, etc... which may eventually seem helpful in the long run.

.. As per your question, Yes, you can shoot at any state club if you are a NRAI member.
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Post by mundaire » Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:13 pm

dodger";p="58456 wrote: what all do they charge for the Ammo ?? and what all type of ammo do they give there?
Check out the NRAI website for a list of available ammo and prices etc. It's just the usual KF manufactured stuff, AFAIK they don't issue any imported ammo to members in the normal course...

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Post by mundaire » Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:40 pm

I just got a mailer from NRAI, see below:
November 12, 2008

All Life members of NRAI

Dear Member,

A meeting of the Life Members of the National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) classified as "WILDLIFE ASSOCIATION OF INDIA" will be held on 23rd December, 2008 at 16:00 hours in the Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010 to elect 4 representatives on the General Body of the NRAI for the next 4 years. You are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Secretary General
Anyone have a clue as to what this "WILDLIFE ASSOCIATION OF INDIA" is? What is it's relationship with the NRAI?

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Post by eljefe » Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:38 pm

Misra of the 23mm ,
are you flying 27's or using it as a chin gun?
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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