4-Bore Elephant Gun

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Re: 4-Bore Elephant Gun

Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:25 am


The Vintagers meet in New York and in Hollywood, California. I doubt that they have a German branch. Other big bore clubs in the USA are the BGRC or Big Game Rifle Club (which is a club that comes under the BGRC of Australia) and the DRSS (DOuble RIfle Shooters Society.)

I am aware of a 600 OK rifle that was recently sold after the owner specified it without mercury recoil reducers or muzzle breaks and broke his shoulder. If someone wants to try this kind of thing, good for them. People get pleasure from all kinds of things - some might even enjoy boxing with the world heavyweight champ...

Do enjoy your trip to India and let us know of your experiences there. It should be great fun and something with enough material in it for a book. 8)


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Re: 4-Bore Elephant Gun

Post by mundaire » Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:04 pm

Grumpy wrote:Thanks Mehul - I knew you wouldn`t let me down.
Yes, Baker and `Baby`..... in Ceylon.........Well I wasn`t too far away !
Now that bloke WAS a nutter ! What I find amazing about that is that `EVERY TIME` he fired the gun he was spun round twice and dumped on his backside - the man had more guts than sense ! Didn`t he also develope an almighty flinch as a result of using that 2-Bore ?
Grumps here's a video of a few gents shooting a 2 bore BP rifle...


Unfortunately no one is spinning around (even once) and being dumped on their backsides - the killjoys are using a reduced charge cartridge (2500gr bullet loaded on top of a 12 dram charge) :(

Would have been nice to see these nice chaps demonstrate with the the 3500 gr bullet loaded over a full charge of BP :mrgreen:

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