OUP, you have mistaken the point I was trying to make. I am
no where advocating even "stricter" checks and balances. Our current system already has plenty of those... and they are followed over zealously for any normal applicant, the minute pressure/ money is applied those checks & balances disappear!

I am all for a "free" regime with mere check to determine if the applicant has a previous criminal record or history of mental illness. This is the only a clear and objective measure, everything else makes the process "subjective" which is what it is now.
The minute we make the decision to issue or not to issue (arms licenses) subjective, we open the door to corruption. A clear objective measure combined with the landmark RTI Act is a sure shot method of eliminating corruption from this entire process and paving the way towards a freer and fairer society.
Furthermore, a whole bunch of people with arms licenses but no guns or ammo to buy, is the best way to ensure that the import ban is lifted...
warthog wrote:well i searched the site but i couldn't find it and rather than debating here about RKBA we should contact abhinav bindira
What terms did you search on? I got this on my first search -
The enumeration of the fundamental rights of free Indian citizens was made at the Karachi session of the Indian National Congress (March 29-31, 1931), where they adopted a resolution on fundamental rights.
Debates/ discussions are what forums are all about... like I said earlier, I do not know Mr. Bindra but if any of you here know him I'd be happy to extend an invitation to join us for an online "interview"...