Okay guys, here we go....
We got delayed by 30 minutes but were still able to complete the comp whilst there was enough light to shoot by.
One of the first things we did on reaching the ground was to pick lots to decide who was to shoot in what order. Inder did the honours (in more ways than one, more on that later) and I brought up the rear. A time limit of 5 minutes to complete the course was agreed upon.
With the shooting order out of the way, we set up the ten shooting points and corressponding targets. Took a few group snaps and we were off and what a start it proved to be.
From left to right: Mo, Gasram Gandu, TenX, Inder, Diskaon, Ranjeet, Pran and IcemanV.
Inder's run:
TenX's run:
Ten X had a poor run and was only able to hit 6 targets and took 5 min. 20 secs. to complete the course. Unfortunately for him, we were using Inder's phone's stopwatch and he got a call just after Ten X shot target no. 6. So, the times may be a bit out.
Ranjeet's run:
Ranjeet managed to hit 8 targets and fluffed the last and completed the course in 4 min. 22 secs.
Diskaon's run:
Diskaon was using an old Diana 25 with open sights that he had borrowed from a friend and never shot before, so was on able to hit three targets in 4 min. 51 secs. With a bit of practice I'm pretty sure he will be able to knock down all targets.
GG's run:
GG cocked-up on shot no. 5 by shooting target no. 6. Had he not goofed, he would have taken the lead from Inder because he too managed to hit all ten targets and completed the course in 4 min. 20 secs.
Can Boy's run:
Our very own Can Boy managed to hit 7 targets in 4 mins. 20 secs.
Mo's run:
Mo hit 6 targets and completed the course in an outstanding 3min. 57 secs.
Iceman V's ru:
Ice hit 8 targets and completed the course in 4 min. 43 secs.. He did not win the comp but in my opinion his was the best performance of the lot because he was shooting an IHP 35 with open sights. Well done!
Last but definitely not the least was the amply proportioned Nawab of Richard's Town.
I fluffed the last shot (empty shotgun shell) and completed the course just in the nick of time - 4 min. 59 secs.
Here's the score card...

Today, Singh was indeed king. So let's hear it for Inder. Hip Hip! .....
And here's the last pic of the day...
If possible we will do another round in October. Thanks for the company and laughs and I look forward to a cracker of a video when I return from Chennai on the 3rd.
P.S.: Anand, in case you are wondering, I have oiled your rifle before putting it away.