CO2 Cylinders - 88gm or 12gm

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Post by monty3006 » Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:04 pm

I have 10 boxes of these for sale at Rs. 155 each.
Thats Rs. 1550 for a box of 10.

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Re: availability of co2 cylinders

Post by rahulk » Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:34 pm


Thanks for the reply.
I will surely check with Faridabad Gun House for availability.

By the way, Monty you are in Maharashtra, that is what looks like, and my friend is in Delhi so how will we manage to get these to Delhi. If you want, you can PM me for details.


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CO2 Cylinders - 88gm or 12gm

Post by Rahul » Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:46 pm

Hi all,

has anyone tried to import or export CO2 (88gm /12gm) cylinder to indai? Plz do share ur experience if anyone has tried that.

i stay in Mumbai. last time i bought 12 gm CO2 cylinders for my walther lever action, from Tahir Arms Stores. It cost me arround Rs.1000 for 5 capsules. As expected, its almost 4 times the cost i paid in dubai for d same. but not so lucky to find any 88 gm CO2 cylinders for Umares 850 AirMagnum, in Mumbai. so now bought the umarex CO2 adapter which can fit 2 X 12gm cylinders.
plz update me if anyone got any other option or any experience of importing or exporting CO2 cylinders to india.

Thanks & Regards

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CO2 Powerlets anyone?

Post by OhGod424 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 5:16 pm

This is for all those who want to buy a cool looking replica of the famous Berettas and Walthers and Colts.
I might just have stumbled onto a reliable and CHEAP source for the CO2 powerlets, the lack of availability of which, has been the major reason for most of us staying away from this fun and cool aspect of air-gunning.

The guy I am talking about already has substantial stocks and regular supplies of the CO2 cylinders which are a little smaller in size compared to the powerlets required for air guns.....but he just might be able to source the Crosman/Umarex etc. variety in a short while.
I will be meeting him to discuss this issue probably on Monday/Tuesday and should have a firm answer and quote from him by then.

Then again, this might all turn out to be wild goose chase but hey, no harm in trying; Right?

Will keep everyone posted.


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Post by dev » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:20 pm

Man you pull this off and I know a guy who will anoint you with oil and bury you with hop beverage ;-). Actually an 8 gram cartridge can also be used if you put a few coins inside the magazine.

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Re: CO2 Powerlets anyone?

Post by OhGod424 » Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:25 pm

I better get cracking on this guy then.....God knows the Eagle is gonna end costing me a hell of a lot more than the 21G's I already paid, at the rate I'm exhausting Kingfisher cans to use as targets! 8) :lol:

Good info on the powerlets (8g), will try out some as well.




Re: CO2 Powerlets anyone?

Post by yash3_great » Thu Aug 07, 2008 7:20 pm

Unavailability of CO2 cartrigdes has been putting off many people from buying CO2 powered airguns. If you can arrange these at a good price I am sure it will have a lot of takers.

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Post by mundaire » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:00 pm

Very interesting indeed... do keep us posted on any fresh developments! :)

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Post by dev » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:03 pm

Yup I shall get me a cheap Crosman bb blowback pistol once this source delivers. The 12g carts and the pistols are a load of fun if available reasonably ;-).

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Post by mundaire » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:55 pm

OhGod424";p="49303 wrote: This is for all those who want to buy a cool looking replica of the famous Berettas and Walthers and Colts.
I might just have stumbled onto a reliable and CHEAP source for the CO2 powerlets, the lack of availability of which, has been the major reason for most of us staying away from this fun and cool aspect of air-gunning.

The guy I am talking about already has substantial stocks and regular supplies of the CO2 cylinders which are a little smaller in size compared to the powerlets required for air guns.....but he just might be able to source the Crosman/Umarex etc. variety in a short while.
I will be meeting him to discuss this issue probably on Monday/Tuesday and should have a firm answer and quote from him by then.

Then again, this might all turn out to be wild goose chase but hey, no harm in trying; Right?

Will keep everyone posted.

Akshat, any progress on this? I have a brand new CP88 that's currently lying idle (no gas)! :P

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CO2 Powerlets

Post by OhGod424 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:13 am

Well guys...Seems that my earlier source ended up as a wild goose chase! :(
What he seems to have are re-filled, 8g Soda Siphon cylinders. :shock:

However I have handed over a sample of the 12g powerlet to him and hopefully he should be getting back to me in a couple of days on whether he can manage regular supplies of the same or not.

Now for my homework of the previous one week:

As I have learnt, Compressed Co2 is HazMat and not many freight forwarders/postage companies or shipping lines carry the same. In fact you require a licence at both export and import ends to transact in this product. that's why people in Bombay are ripping us off...I hear you say! :deadhorse:

Well fret not my fellow IFGians! I have already started working on it.

I have managed to work out that if we can get together and manage a sizeable order, I can coerce one of my friends....who happens to be in the business of import COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDERS to get in a shipment of powerlets on his import licence! :D :mrgreen: 8)

I say get together as that way we can keep the costs reasonable because if my friend or me or anyone else were to invest a sizeable amount of money into this venture, they would obviously expect some sizeable profit...which is something we can not afford!

If we have some interest here, I can start ringing some bells and see what noises come up...PM me please with your interest and if possible, tentative quantities that you would be willing to buy in a single lot, so I can try and work out the logistics.

Phew! that was a long post! :zzz:


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Post by mundaire » Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:59 am

Well, I'm in but the quantity I can pick up really depends on what the net price will work out to be (CIF+Duty etc.)...

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:28 am


It's a tentative yes from me. The final decision will depend on the price. If your friend is able to sell each cartridge at no more than Rs. 45.00 then I would buy 100 to start with.


Post by ai » Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:36 pm

My bid is Rs.75/- for better makes like Walther/Smith &Wesson etc. I'll pick 100 at a time, probably every month. I have some friends who would be interested. You could consider an auction unless its all gas again!

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Re: CO2 Cylinders - 88gm or 12gm

Post by saahil » Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:06 am

100 for me too. btw is it easily available in our neighbouring country pakistan.

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