need info about airrifle competetions

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need info about airrifle competetions

Post by ronish » Sat May 31, 2008 10:54 am

gurus.... as im new to competetions, please clear my doubts

1. does the 10 meter air rifle competetion means ,peep sight only & there is no separate competetion for open sights? or if both types of sights can be used in same competetions. it possible to alter an ihp springer for a peep sight? if so how? should i have to buy peep sight from abroad. or is it available in india? pls mention some links about using peep sight.

3. is it a rule in competetions that front sight of an air pistol must not have a hood cover on it? what perfomance can an ihp springer air pistol do in a state competetion compared to pcp"s, pls share ur experiance in competetions using an ihp springer pistol.

4.does the competetions for air rifle limited to 10 meters only?


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Re: need info about airrifle competetions

Post by browning » Sat May 31, 2008 12:48 pm

IHP Springer would be useless for competition. Nowdays most people use only pcp's for competiton.


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Post by mundaire » Sat May 31, 2008 1:02 pm

1. ISSF rule matches are shot with peep sights - basically peep sights make it easier to shoot paper targets accurately hence they are used. However most state level competitions have a separate "open sight" category as well. Not sure if they have open sight matches in the Nationals. A good set of peep sights will cost you more than your IHP air-rifle is worth - and that is if you buy them directly from overseas!

2. As Browning has said, with an IHP you would not have a chance in hell. In the peep sight category you would be competing against chaps with $3,000+ German PCP air-rifles... nothing is impossible, but it is highly improbable that you would stand a chance. IHP springers are good for general plinking and learning the basics NOT for competitions.

3. First time I heard of this rule to do with the pistol fore sight... though I don't recall seeing an air-pistol with a hooded fore sight... IHP springer air-pistols are honestly good for nothing! They have a CO2 air-pistol which is OK and you may still have somewhat of a chance with that. With the springer your chances would be zero.

4. In India only ISSF matches are shot. For all of these matches 10m is the range at which airguns are shot. Field Target/ Hunting Field Target matches are shot at longer ranges, but these events are not conducted here.

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Post by ronish » Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:21 pm

thanks abhijeet & browning.
foresight i mentioned was from an article in pyramid air

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