The fact that you are building a custom Mauser shows that you have good taste. Your not liking Remingtons shows that your sense of taste is impeccable.

Since you are building a custom rifle, do post pictures of the entire process over here. It would be nice for our members to see a custom rifle being made. I know this is common on other forums, but IFG is a forum for Indians and I think you would be the first member to commission a new rifle from scratch here.
Montana Rifleman do make a good product for the custom trade and there are many good references to their barrels and actions on various forums. SOme have criticised their actions for being somewhat crude but they do not offer a ready to install action and are clear that these are gunsmith supplies as a gunsmith would definitely finish them. Many fine rifles have been made with their actions and barrels. Congratulations in advance!
For our members do check out the Montana Rifleman website. Also Serengeti Rifles build custom rifles on the Montana Rifleman actions.
Cheers, everyone!