License Issuing and Use

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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License Issuing and Use

Post by snIPer » Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:51 pm

If one is granted a license for Sport say a 12 bore dbbl. can he carry it around - i mean covered up - to his farm or elsewhere within the legal jurisdiction. or does it have to be only from the house to the arena.
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Post by mundaire » Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:21 pm

snIPer";p="38609 wrote:Hi,
If one is granted a license for Sport say a 12 bore dbbl. can he carry it around - i mean covered up - to his farm or elsewhere within the legal jurisdiction. or does it have to be only from the house to the arena.
You can carry it and use it anywhere within the jurisdiction(s) for which you have permission. Also, AFAIK if you have a license for sport and get caught in a sticky situation wherein you are called to use your firearm for self-defence (say your home is invaded by dacoits), then you would be within your legal rights to use it for self-defence as well. Will try and see if I can find a relevant judgement to this effect...

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Post by snIPer » Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:25 pm

Thank you Abhijeet.

One more question.

If you are the member of a rifle club say RSRA. is it adviseable to go in for a license on say a Sporting request or a Safety Request. (which is sanctioned easily given the above condition)?
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Post by mundaire » Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:42 pm

snIPer";p="38622 wrote:If you are the member of a rifle club say KSRA. is it adviseable to go in for a license on say a Sporting request or a Safety Request. (which is sanctioned easily given the above condition)?
In both cases you will need to beef up your case for your "stated need". While they are slightly lenient towards club members applying for a license for a .22 LR rifle, the best would be to at least have participated in at least 1 district/ state level match (the more the better).

While applying for an arms license it is YOU who needs to convince the licensing authority of your need being genuine. Needless to say even after a +ve police verification etc. it is entirely his discretion whether or not he would issue you a license.

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Post by snIPer » Wed Feb 20, 2008 6:04 pm

Thank you.
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Re: License Issuing and Use

Post by Mack The Knife » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:18 pm


When Abhijeet said that you can carry and shoot your firearm anywhere within your jurisdiction, it is only applicable to your property or some other place, other than the range, where you have permission to shoot from the owner and the police/municipal authority. That includes your property as well. Failing to comply with this will land you in big trouble.
If you are the member of a rifle club say KSRA. is it adviseable to go in for a license on say a Sporting request or a Safety Request. (which is sanctioned easily given the above condition)?
If you want to give target shooting as a valid reason for owning a firearm make sure you have a lot of certificates to back you up or sympathetic officers handling your file.

Also, don't assume that having lots of certs will make it easy. My request for an additional rifle finally moved from the Commissioner's office to my local police station. The inspector called me over and his first question was why I wanted another firearm. I explained to him that my present rifle is in .22lr calibre and I would not be able to use it in the Big Bore 300 metre competitions. Then KSRA membership came up and his reaction was something along the lines of, "Oh, you people join KSRA just to get a firearm". At which point I told him I wasn't one of those members and would he please have a look at all my certificates earned at various levels. To which there was a grudging, "ok, I'll go through your file and think about it".

Unfortunately, this inspector is not sympathetic to shooters compared to his predecessor who was a gem of a bloke, President's medal awardee - Inspector Srinidhi, who fired the writer when he realised that the writer was pestering me for documents that were not required when applying for an additional firearm.

So, if you are only joining KSRA to get a licence be warned that you are gambling with your membership money because nothing is guaranteed.

Now go and apply for a licence. You are entitled to a firearm and the more of us there are the better it will be.

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Post by eljefe » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:40 pm

Funny part is Mack The Knife, out here, an application for an arms licence means -for revolver/pistol for self protection-easily comprehensible!ask for a rifle for target shooting will cause a major furrow on the listener's brow-whats that? coming from a policeman-mastercard moment
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Post by Pran » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:55 pm

eljefe";p="38720 wrote:ask for a rifle for target shooting will cause a major furrow on the listener's brow-whats that? coming from a policeman-mastercard moment
That's nothing Doc. A good friend of ours was asked by a policeman what a shotgun was :lol:

On a serious note, it makes me wonder if these chaps are even trained to use the fire arms they carry.
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Re: License Issuing and Use

Post by snIPer » Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:53 pm

Mack The Knife Bana";p="38708 wrote: So, if you are only joining KSRA to get a licence be warned that you are gambling with your membership money because nothing is guaranteed.

Now go and apply for a licence. You are entitled to a firearm and the more of us there are the better it will be.
Thanks Rusty for sharing that.

With regard to the above - I wanted to get a license since a long time (to enjoy shooting and participating in competitions with my own weapon) but never did cos I was Misguided stating that it would be turned down if no rifle club membership was there. I was told that KSRA membership would aid in that (both for competitions and also for the licesnse).

Apart from that I always wanted to participate in shooting competitions but did not know how to proceed. It is only after I came to know of KSRA 2 years back that i actually got more interested in shooting & also participated in the competitions that were held (year before last). Thats when i decided I needed to be a member full time and enjoy my life long passion.

But now after reading what you wrote and going thru the other posts here it would seem that the best way would be to go thru the normal channel and utilise my RKBA which every law abiding citizen is entitled to do.

I shall apply ASAP - have the form lying at home since a few years.

P.S. Pran you have PM
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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:08 pm


If you want to participate in comps you will need to become a KSRA or NRAI member.

The 'open' shooting comps come around only every alternate year.

BTW, the Indian constitution probably considers firearms ownership a priviliege rather than a right. Atleast, that's the impression one gets when applying for a licence.

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Post by eljefe » Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:21 pm

Absolutely-at the discretion of the neighbourhood Pandu, who cant recognise a pitole from a barah bore?
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Post by snIPer » Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:23 pm

yes. Rusty thats right. I guess that is something that we have to live with :-(
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Re: License Issuing and Use

Post by Risala » Mon Mar 31, 2008 11:41 am

snIPer";p="38609 wrote:Hi,
If one is granted a license for Sport say a 12 bore dbbl. can he carry it around - i mean covered up - to his farm or elsewhere within the legal jurisdiction. or does it have to be only from the house to the arena.
For a new applicant,it is perhaps better to apply for an arms lic citing self defense rather than sports as the reason for owning a fire arm,irrespective of the category of fire arm applied for.
Easier to justify the former.

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Post by snIPer » Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:45 pm

Well, have applied.
Police verification is done and I must say that it was a very tedious one. The Inspector was a very helpful person.
Status as of now - In progress in commissioners office. (i hope).
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Re: License Issuing and Use

Post by sudhaiob » Mon Mar 31, 2008 4:11 pm

Hello there,
in my opinion the the process starts from the top. if the licencing authority decides on giving you a licence, you start from that and go down, this is how i got 2 of my licences. the dm asked me if i wanted the licence and i said yes and he asked me to apply for it. got it without any hassles.

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