Welcome to IFG, ypatel

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Welcome to IFG, ypatel

Post by axp817 » Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:14 am

I would like to welcome Yatin Patel (ypatel) to IFG, I came to know him through SigForum after reading other members' experiences dealing with him. He is a licensed firearms dealer (FFL), gunsmith too, I believe, and SigForum members have the highest regard for him for the high(est) levels of customer satisfaction that he provides.

I am sure we will all benefit a lot from Yatin's experience and knowledge.

Please join me in welcoming him.


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Re: Welcome to IFG, ypatel

Post by mehulkamdar » Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:21 am

Welcome, Yatin. Where are you based? YOu must be the second Indian FFL dealer I've heard of after Raj Singh in Carol Stream IL.

Good to see you here and do post often!

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Post by mundaire » Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:36 am

Welcome aboard Yatin! Look forward to seeing you posting frequently here :)

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Re: Welcome to IFG, ypatel

Post by ypatel » Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:10 am

Thank you for inviting me.

I am a licensed dealer in Ecorse, MI. For those who are familiar with Detroit, I'm two miles away from Detroit, Michigan.

People often ask me why I became a gun dealer. My reply is "Since my relatives have the alcohol and tobacco products covered, I thought I'd go for the hat trick and cover firearms". It's a bad joke/pun regarding the ATF and Patels in general. Yes, it's true that my relatives own convenience stores and sell alcohol and tobacco products. So why not firearms for me? The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms now regulates my entire extended family.

Seriously, if you want better jokes, you need to read the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section of my website.

If you have questions regarding firearms, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to get you a satisfactory answer.

Firearms are just tools. They are not inherently evil or good. They're just things. They are fun too. Not everyone buys a gun for defense. Many buy for shooting paper, cans, bottles, etc. while others buy them as collectibles. Most of my customers are collectors/shooters. Only the Law Enforcement customers actually use them for "work".

You can always reach me at [email protected].

Feel free to surf my site Patel's Repair. I also have a blog that I need to update more regularly: SAA Blog

I have lots and lots of pictures of firearms. Feel free to look at them, download them, etc.

Did I mention I am a bit opinionated too when it comes to certain brands of firearms :D ?

Again, thank you for allowing me to join your forum. Please let me know if I can be of service.

Yatin Patel
[email protected]

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Re: Welcome to IFG, ypatel

Post by eljefe » Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:42 am

"Firearms are just tools. They are not inherently evil or good. They're just things. They are fun too. Not everyone buys a gun for defense. Many buy for shooting paper, cans, bottles, etc. while others buy them as collectibles. Most of my customers are collectors/shooters. Only the Law Enforcement customers actually use them for "work". "
Great Sentiments-People, remind me to sock the next anti in the mouf with this line.
Welcome aboard Patelbhai, May the force be with you!
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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:30 pm

Used to know a Yatin Patel in college but he was studying architecture...

Welcome aboard Yaps (that's what I called the chap I knew) and Naren thanks for bringing him over.

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Post by Sakobav » Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:18 pm

Welcome aboard Yatin, there is one more member from MI, Sharief.


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Re: Welcome to IFG, ypatel

Post by kanwar76 » Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:04 pm

Hi Yatin,

Welcome to the board and have fun here :)

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