How to carry a handgun (legal issue)
- shutzen
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HI! Nobody here seems to be adressing a core issue - permission to carry- majority of the places have imposed sec.144 and banned carrying of firearms by members of the public. You need to apply for and get permission to carry - which usually is not given easily . If you are cought carrying a firearm without this permission you are likely to be detained and even your licence can be cancelled for violating prohibitory orders. I think more light should be shed on this
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Marksman, I've tried everything. And I think you missed my previous posts (I'm fairly large) 

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Ben Franklin
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Ben Franklin
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Re: How to carry a handgun (legal issue)
Hi Amk,
While I cannot advise u the legalities of the subject,I have noticed our men in uniform pack the IOF 9mm fairly well,whilst in mufti!
Yes I do agree the Browning design Hi-Power is smaller than the Colt 1911,but if u are a fairly large person then it should not be a problem. Request Magnum arms to try and get u the pancake/basket weave holster.This is made by Bianchi and some other company I think and should be worn behind the hip bone on your strong side! It really hugs your body and should not be a problem if worn under a shirt of a slightly thicker material.
Hope above helps somewhat !
Take care!
While I cannot advise u the legalities of the subject,I have noticed our men in uniform pack the IOF 9mm fairly well,whilst in mufti!
Yes I do agree the Browning design Hi-Power is smaller than the Colt 1911,but if u are a fairly large person then it should not be a problem. Request Magnum arms to try and get u the pancake/basket weave holster.This is made by Bianchi and some other company I think and should be worn behind the hip bone on your strong side! It really hugs your body and should not be a problem if worn under a shirt of a slightly thicker material.
Hope above helps somewhat !
Take care!
- Olly
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My question remains unanswered... or should I assume that one SHOULD NOT carry a personal licensed concealed firearm while carrying large amounts of cash to/from the bank ?? OR if one should 'apply' to the bank for permission to bring/take cash with a personal concealed firearm ???Mack The Knife Bana";p="36382 wrote:Some banks do not permit firearms on their premises. You advocated carrying one into the bank surreptiously without permission of the bank. What's more, you did this on an open forum which shows the board in a bad light.Olly";p="36367 wrote:When you carry large amounts of money to / from the bank... where else can one carry his handgun, except tucked neatly inside the waist band... I seriously need more advice on this... MODS ???
What you seriously need to do is get yourself a wallet.

Be realistic guys... put yourself in that situation and then suggest... its a real situation with all of us...
Re: How to carry a handgun (legal issue)
Carrying a gun into a bank is a big no no.Other places are Railway stations/onto trains,airports/onto aircraft in you hand luggage or on your person, universities/ educational institutions or any other building/compound of an institution that prohibits the carrying of firearms into their premises.You also can't carry a firearm in a public place when there are prohibitory orders in force.Re. carrying a concealed firearm,there is no ban on anybody carrying a handgun concealed in an area where carrying of firearms is not illegal
Re: How to carry a handgun (legal issue)
No.Legally it is not allowed.In practise what happens is another matter altogethervjha55";p="36598 wrote: I can not believe you---even in train not allowed.
But I do carry my shotgun in train without any hassle so long as I am in valid area of my licence. Arent you saying a bit too much?
- vjha55
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If legally it were not allowed to travel in train with your licencee firearm, then how on earth you bring a revolver from FGK kanpur to Delhi? There are plenty of officials looking for people in fault to make money out of your breaching the law--------but not heard todate of anyone being fined or detained or whatever for carrying valid firearms in a train.

Re: How to carry a handgun (legal issue)
Legally?The same way you carry a revolver/pistol on an aircraft.What you do or wish to do, is your problem altogether.
- vjha55
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Re: How to carry a handgun (legal issue)
Your original question was as to how a handgun can be carried in India.Whether it has to be carried in open view or can it be carried concealed?So the answer to that is that it can be carried concealed in areas where the carrying of a firearm is permitted.There is no leagal requirement to carry it in open view.
Since you want an expert opinion on this 'very serious matter', consult a lawyer.They are not that hard to find.
Since you want an expert opinion on this 'very serious matter', consult a lawyer.They are not that hard to find.
- mundaire
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Indian Arms Act 1959 - 4 (20). Arrest of persons conveying arms, etc., under suspicious circumstances
Where any person is found carrying or conveying any arms or ammunition whether covered by a licence or not, in such manner or under such circumstances as to afford just grounds of suspicion that the same are or is being carried by him with intent to use them, or that the same may be used, for any unlawful purpose, any magistrate, any police officer or any other public servant or any person employed or working upon a railway, aircraft, vessel, vehicle or any other means of conveyance, may arrest him without warrant and seize from him such arms or ammunition. ... r_3_4.html
Where any person is found carrying or conveying any arms or ammunition whether covered by a licence or not, in such manner or under such circumstances as to afford just grounds of suspicion that the same are or is being carried by him with intent to use them, or that the same may be used, for any unlawful purpose, any magistrate, any police officer or any other public servant or any person employed or working upon a railway, aircraft, vessel, vehicle or any other means of conveyance, may arrest him without warrant and seize from him such arms or ammunition. ... r_3_4.html
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Re: How to carry a handgun (legal issue)
.....and you will have a jolly good time convincing the fellow about your intentions.