Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Grumpy » Wed Jan 02, 2008 3:24 pm

Thanks for posting the pictures Mack The Knife - the website just wouldn`t allow me to load them, even after multiple attempts. They do, I think, make it much easier to explain what is being discussed.

I really don`t know what you are complaining about penpusher.......the various names make complete sense. If a part is made of bar stock, we call it the `bar`; If it`s flat, we call it the `flats`; If it`s flat like a table we call it the `table`; If it`s flat, facing forward and has two `eyes we call it the `face`............ All perfectly logical. ( :roll: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: )
- As if we British would make up silly names just to confuse you former colonials ( :wink: :twisted: :lol: )
Things could have been much worse you know : An engineering part that is inserted into another is referred to as `male`. The part into which it is inserted is `female`. A projection into which grease or water is inserted ( or extracted ) is referred to as a nipple. If someone came up with those names nowadays the militant feminists would be screaming `sexist`. Perhaps it`s just as well that there aren`t too many feminist mechanical engineers................................. :wink:
On the same basis, and considering the prevailing non PC ( ie, intrinsically racist and sexist ) attititudes of the times when these parts were named its lucky that the fences of a double gun weren`t named the `scrotum`; or that a trigger wasn`t called a `clitoris`; or that a firing pin wasn`t called a `willy`........ or that the flat face of the action wasn`t called the `Chinky`...................................

Oh har di har Asif...........You have a damn good memory don`t you ? !
`Doctor Death` ( :wink: :twisted: ) is aware that one term that really annoys me is the modern American affectation for referring to the table as the `water table`............ which is just plain stupid. The `water table` is the mean depth at which standing water is found. Dig a hole in your garden and when you reach water, that`s the `water table`. Dig a hole in the action ( `bar`, `table`, `flats` ) ( :wink: ) of a gun and you are unlikely to find water..................................

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by penpusher » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:31 pm

So the good doctor was laying a trap for poor innocent me :wink:

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Grumpy » Wed Jan 02, 2008 4:59 pm

The `good` doctor is a baaad man. :wink:
- He doesn`t refer to himself as `el Jefe` - the wicked Mexican bandito - for no reason ! :twisted: 8)

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by OverUnderPump » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:16 pm

Grumpy";p="34322 wrote: Thanks for posting the pictures Mack The Knife - the website just wouldn`t allow me to load them, even after multiple attempts. They do, I think, make it much easier to explain what is being discussed.

I really don`t know what you are complaining about penpusher.......the various names make complete sense. If a part is made of bar stock, we call it the `bar`; If it`s flat, we call it the `flats`; If it`s flat like a table we call it the `table`; If it`s flat, facing forward and has two `eyes we call it the `face`............ All perfectly logical. ( :roll: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: )
- As if we British would make up silly names just to confuse you former colonials ( :wink: :twisted: :lol: )
Things could have been much worse you know : An engineering part that is inserted into another is referred to as `male`. The part into which it is inserted is `female`. A projection into which grease or water is inserted ( or extracted ) is referred to as a nipple. If someone came up with those names nowadays the militant feminists would be screaming `sexist`. Perhaps it`s just as well that there aren`t too many feminist mechanical engineers................................. :wink:
On the same basis, and considering the prevailing non PC ( ie, intrinsically racist and sexist ) attititudes of the times when these parts were named its lucky that the fences of a double gun weren`t named the `scrotum`; or that a trigger wasn`t called a `clitoris`; or that a firing pin wasn`t called a `willy`........ or that the flat face of the action wasn`t called the `Chinky`...................................
LMAO :mrgreen: :lol: . Nice ones Grumpy.I took a fall after that one.

Apologies for going a bit OT based on the naming conventions that are flying around. A famous snippet from Cricket Commentary during the glory days of West Indies Cricket.

According to an urban myth, during a Test match between the West Indies and England when Michael Holding was to bowl to Peter Willey, the commentator at the time, Brian Johnston, described the action as
"The bowler's Holding, the batsman's Willey". courtesy
The universe was born with a BIG BANG, no wonder guns run in my blood.

Disclaimer: My post is either a question or a reply to one. I am stating an opinion. If my opinion differs from yours, It's not intended as an insult.

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Grumpy » Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:30 pm

There was also the famous statement during an England/Australia Test :
"Lilley, bowled Dilley, caught Willey".
.....Not to mention the occasion when Jonathan Agnew when reviewing a match made - completely unintentionally - a domewhat dubious remark comcerning a bowler getting tied-up in the stumps which reduced Brian Johnston and `Aggers` to hysterical tears.

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Vikram » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:13 am

It is my thick head,but honestly I still cannot understand the explanations.I need to hold the actions, shotgun actions I mean( before a perverted mind misconstrues them :lol: :wink: ), and compare both. But hey,thanks much.

Jann Von Grumpenstein, if you to register for free on , you can upload all your digital photos in your computer there.Then, all you need to do is copy the tag of the picture you want and paste in the post. Voilà, you got the picture on line.Very simple.

penpusherh, it's the Dicson/MacNaughton site that I went to the moment I read your post.Lovely guns, ain't they? When I go to Glasgow, you all will have a drool fest. :lol:

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by penpusher » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:35 am

Wouldn't mind one,if it were possible.I am sure other people can make as good a shotgun as the London gunsmiths.Maybe better :wink:

One thing I have always wondered about is ,"Who is the most undervalued/underrated gun maker who makes or has made shotguns to rival the best London gun makers"

Grumpy please.

Don't want to be accused of anything :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Grumpy » Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:14 am

Gordon Bennet Vickers - just how much explaination do you need ? !!! :oops:

I`ll try and find pictures of all the relevent parts ( even the scrotum and clitoris if you like ) to help explain.

Most under-rated gunsmith ? In my opinion - and Mehuls - the best gunmaker in Britain is Robin Brown of A.A.Brown & Sons - based just outside Birmingham. He still makes guns the traditional way, by hand, without the use of CNC machines.

I`ll pass on some pictures to Mack The Knife to post here as the website is still at capacity re loading pictures directly. I am registered with Photobucket but just can`t be ar*ed to faff about with it.

The best handling gun I`ve ever tried is one of David MacKay Browns round-actions.

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Vikram » Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:27 am

From Grumpenberg. Source-A.A.Brown & Sons website


Explanation from Grooompy to follow.

I am thick headed Grumps.No two ways about it. :lol:

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Grumpy » Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:48 am

`Thich-headed` ? So distracted that you`ve lost the ability to spell - let alone absorb firearms facts - it would seem.
I wonder why you`re not able to concentrate fully ? :wink:

The three guns pictured above are all Supreme De Luxe sidelock ejectors built by Robin Brown of A.A.Brown & Sons. Beautiful.

A. A. Brown & Sons. 1, Snake Lane. Alvechurch. Birmingham. B48 7NT. England.

Thanks for posting the pictures Vickers.

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Post by Vikram » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:19 am

You know why and you still ask?Naughty man.Tut tut. You should see me.Almost lost a stone,weight that is.LOL.

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by penpusher » Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:46 pm

Nice guns.However,I do not like the wood of the stock used for the refurbished Holland & Holland.The figure is a bit too over the top for me.Something more subtle (and slightly cheaper in the bargain)would do for me.

Since we are not allowed to import and even if we were allowed to,I do not have 30-40,000 pounds rolling around at the back of my desk drawer,it is completely meaningless what I like or do not.But we can dream can't we.Forgot the 35% import duty.

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Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by Grumpy » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:18 pm

If you want something less expensive you need to keep away from new guns......and the `big three` makers - although new guns are expensive whoever makes them. You can buy a lovely sidelock ejector for WELL under £5k if you look around. If a gun is in good condition it doesn`t matter if it`s 100 years old ..... or more. A decent boxlock can be bought for under £1k. There are very few new boxlocks being made as - in real terms - they don`t cost that much less to make than a sidelock but the makers can`t charge anything like as much for them as people would - for the most part - rather buy a used sidelock for less money.
Good, fancy figured wood is very desirable ..... and adds a lot of money to the value of a gun. Hardly surprising when a well figured walnut blank can cost well over £1k........and that`s just for a lump of wood.
It costs around £5k to have a gun engraved with a basic scroll, or rose and scroll pattern. Easy to see how the money starts to add up for a new gun.


Re: Solid bar and Bar in wood actions

Post by penpusher » Tue Jan 08, 2008 12:29 pm

Checked up some American gun forums.This 'water table' thing is really ridiculous.

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Post by eljefe » Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:03 pm

Actually, there was no trap penpusher! I got hammered a while ago for the americanism too!
As for the pics, I was scared about the 'latter' (human parts!) and not the former(gun parts) being posted, Von Grumpenstein bein wot e is ;)
Long forgotten, just flashed nostalgia' in my shrunken brain-Grumpy, do those 'cocking indicators' on the side plates go horizontal or vertical on cocking?
Vikram, great pics!
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

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