Day out at the Range

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Post by dev » Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:02 pm

Too much time on your hands eh? The last one was at Mundaire's post not yours. Get your bifocals on motey er...matey. Bet all you can run to now is the tea pot. But it seems like I struck a nerve this time, even under all those layers of epidermis ;-).

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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:20 pm

Well, you did quote Abhijeet but I don't see what he or for that matter me, had to lighten up about?

Oh yes, I love my tea. :mrgreen:

You just reminded me that even whilst in Junior College in Bombay, I used to cycle from one end of Bandra to almost the other end of Dadar. Not sure what the distance is but I would say about 6 kms each way. I wasn't superfit then but it certainly never felt like a problem. 30 kms on the exercycle was almost a daily affair. Bombay to Poona was done a few times and we did not have any fancy cycles - just the ordinary racers without gears. The only trip I wanted to do but never got down to doing was the 1000 kms (approx.) from Manipal to Bombay. Chickened out of that one.

Five years or so back, I bought myself another cycle - gears and all but had to sell it because try as I might, I could never inflate the tyres enough to bear my weight :mrgreen: but I would love to get a good bicycle and start all over again.

P.S.: Has the parcel arrived or not? It was sent on Friday evening!

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Post by dev » Tue Nov 20, 2007 3:41 pm

Stop you are trying to make me cry over the mis spent youth ;-) not fighting fair. Okay I give up. Haven't got the parcel yet and had been competing with Krypto to the door every time the bell rang on the weekend.

Okay I'm beginning the scrap again," HW 97 has a plastic trigger!" Hee hee hee.

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Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:43 pm

Got to go out right now but call DTDC (Delhi) and ask them for parcel no B40356573.

I will call them when they open tomorrow.

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Post by dev » Tue Nov 20, 2007 4:57 pm

Am digging up number and calling now.

Thanks much.

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Post by Sid_kapur30 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:45 pm

Hey does anyone from around delhi intends to visit a range over the coming weekend ???? i really want to accompany some one to the range and make them try out my rifle :D

Do let me know

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Post by Pran » Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:41 pm

Sid_kapur30";p="31530 wrote:H i really want to accompany some one to the range and make them try out my rifle :D
Sid, how'd your parents let you buy an air rifle if they didn't like you shooting?

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Post by Sid_kapur30 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:23 pm

i bought it and then told em :D hehe

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Re: Day out at the Range

Post by Vikram » Tue Nov 20, 2007 11:57 pm

Don't know what happened to my earlier post.So, here again. Congrats on a great day out guys.

Not trying to play Mr knowsitall, the reason for the high "felt" recoil, from what I see in the pic, could be due to the short stock. Am I right in assuming in all you three are about the same height?Try adding a recoil pad and it might improve the next time. Nothing monstrous in 12 bore loads unless they are 3" or 3.5" which I doubt.

Nil gai (cow), Blue Bull( byle)? :lol:

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Post by Olly » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:39 am

Sid_kapur30";p="31472 wrote:The fact is my parents probably wont allow me to visit a range, it was hard to convince em to let me visit the sirifort for they only have Air Rifles/Guns there. I hope you guys can understand my plight. They were shocked when i told em i got an AIR RIFLE and my mom freaked out when she saw it. They think i got something wrong on my top floor (though every one i know tends to agree with em) and my dad got my new knife locked in his drawer and the reason given is IT'S SHARP YOU MIGHT CUT UR SELF!
dev";p="31460 wrote:
Sid_kapur30";p="31366 wrote: :( wonder if i'd ever be allowed to visit the tughlakabad range plus do they have a range for air rifles ?? i really need help zeroing my rifle, been experimenting lot with the sights but not quite getting there
Hey Sid,
Tell me when u wud like to go to Siri Fort.... i'll come there and also let u shoot my HW-77K. It would be a good idea to bring your parents along too to give them a first hand feel of the whole issue including the range and the guns... I understand it is difficult to convince parents at first, but once they witness your group and the concept, they agree and let you fulfill your passions...

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Post by dev » Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:08 pm

Not trying to play Mr knowsitall, the reason for the high "felt" recoil, from what I see in the pic, could be due to the short stock. Am I right in assuming in all you three are about the same height?Try adding a recoil pad and it might improve the next time. Nothing monstrous in 12 bore loads unless they are 3" or 3.5" which I doubt.

Nil gai (cow), Blue Bull( byle)? :lol:


You are right that we are all about five ten but Ollie is about 7.5' ;-). Agree from what I remember of shotgunning one barely felt the 7&9s. But then I had more meat on the shoulders and all which has now just slipped to the belly.
Might be fun to have a pachmayr recoil pad or a limbsaver. But a twelve bore is fun, nice bang and thud on yer shoulders beats the wimpy .22 and air rifles I shoot most time.

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Post by Sid_kapur30 » Wed Nov 21, 2007 12:10 pm

Olly";p="31615 wrote:
Sid_kapur30";p="31472 wrote:The fact is my parents probably wont allow me to visit a range, it was hard to convince em to let me visit the sirifort for they only have Air Rifles/Guns there. I hope you guys can understand my plight. They were shocked when i told em i got an AIR RIFLE and my mom freaked out when she saw it. They think i got something wrong on my top floor (though every one i know tends to agree with em) and my dad got my new knife locked in his drawer and the reason given is IT'S SHARP YOU MIGHT CUT UR SELF!
dev";p="31460 wrote:
Hey Sid,
Tell me when u wud like to go to Siri Fort.... i'll come there and also let u shoot my HW-77K. It would be a good idea to bring your parents along too to give them a first hand feel of the whole issue including the range and the guns... I understand it is difficult to convince parents at first, but once they witness your group and the concept, they agree and let you fulfill your passions...
Hey Olly lets make a plan for this sat. or when ever it suits you. HW-77K wow nice well about that thing of getting my parents along i think i'd rest that issue for they know about it lets end it there and when things settle down a little; i' dbreak them the news of my plans to go in for a better rifle or as they'd say 'waste some more money on idiotic things' :D shall pm you my No. in a minute. lets make a scene sometime soon :)

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Post by cooldude » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:15 am

Pran";p="31256 wrote: Thanks for the write up, 'Olly'.

>Saturday and Sunday there is no administrative staff. Monday is the range holiday.

The range is open 6 days a week? Are you guys charged to use the range every time you visit or is it included in the monthly sub..scription?

Once you become a member, there is no extra charge for using the range.
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Post by cooldude » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:21 am

Olly";p="31246 wrote: After initiation by Dev, finally a trip to Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range at Tughlakabad, Delhi materialized on Saturday. Our buddy Sanjay too joined in the outing. The arsenal was Dev’s Marlin .22 with CCI Stinger ammo and Sanjay’s Baikal DBBL with loads of Astrams, KFs, etc.

First an enquiry was made for membership. For the benefit of members of IFG, here are the requirements :
> 3 passport sized photographs
> Residence proof
> Medical certificate from a MBBS doctor certifying that your upper storey is sane and working fine and the muscles, bones and other organs too are well oiled, healthy and coordinating well with each other ! :)
> A copy of the license might also be asked for.
> Demand Draft for Rs. 1500/- (@ Rs. 500 pm for three months minimum) + Rs. 70/- as Admn. Charges, payable to Secretary, Sports Authority of India.
Saturday and Sunday there is no administrative staff. Monday is the range holiday.

Well, the range itself is quite impressive and vast. Nice place for walking / jogging if not shooting, with plenty of fresh air. The ruins of the Tughlakabad Fort are in the backdrop and make for a serene view.

Being a Saturday, there was no possibility of getting forms etc. However Dev and I strolled over to the Trap and Skeet ranges to see some action. Well there was plenty of action … a camp for selection of a shooting team was underway. Lots of Pirazzi’s and Berettas…

Sanjay joined us at this point and took the initiative to enquire around for some possibility for us firing a shot or two, instead of standing there and joining ranks with monkeys, watching the shooters fire away at the clays….Very soon we were in business…{how? please do ask Sanjay, for he went alone}… proudly taking out our guns and ammo… The range guys quickly set up a big iron sheet board for us to hit on.

Sanjay shot the Baikal with various kinds of ammo he was carrying. Dev and I too joined in and taking in kick after kick of the explosive recoil ! Our booms were creating enough noise to announce that we were using heavy ammo and heads were turning our way from as much as 60-70 meters away !

Dev’s Marlin .22 was great fun to shoot and purred like a cat in comparison to the monstrous 12 bore rounds of the Baikal. The Marlin performed very well especially since it was fitted with a scope. A neel gai with his family too stopped by to enquire about the fuss we were creating, peeping in from the bushes in the direction of our fire. The guards dutifully asked us to stop firing to let them pass…

It was a great fun filled day with lots of adrenaline rush and bruised shoulders. Sanjay’s shoulder was red with lesions !! He was too shy to let me take a pic of the mess…

Here are a couple of pics…
I was on the Trap range every day as my son was taking part in the camp. By the photos I can make out that you were on the skeet range. When did you exactly go to the range? The selection trials were over quite sometime back and it was the practice camp for the selected members in the month of Nov.
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Post by cooldude » Sun Dec 09, 2007 12:27 am

Olly";p="31269 wrote: Gosh... seems a slip up happened... BUT am learning on the job... :x .
How can u be so quick, Pran :?: :)
I don't think we need to pay every time we use the range. Ofcourse the cost of clays and other 'consumables' wud be extra... will find that out... They do have guns for hire too...
You won't be able to pick up clays from the SAI as they do not have any. The only place that you can pick them up from is the NRAI and that goes for the Ammo too. The only thing that you can get on the range is the Perazzis & Berettas on hire at Rs. 50/- an hour. If you seriously want to take up the sport then you should become a Life Member of NRAI first.
The day guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

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