box lock and side lock shotguns

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box lock and side lock shotguns

Post by dev » Sat Oct 07, 2006 11:33 am

Will someone please explain the two to me. I looked at both here in the forum and both look the same to me. Ofcourse I haven't seen that many shotguns, except what my grandfather and a friend had. Granddad's piece is now with an uncle of mine, it has external hammers and is quite long about 32 inches.


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Post by mundaire » Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:01 pm

Hi Dev,

You may want to check out this link for a basic description of boxlock and sidelock actions.

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Post by Sakobav » Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:36 pm


Nice link very informative


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Post by snIPer » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:13 pm

The Anson and Deeley Boxlock Action:
The Classic Field Shotgun ... ticle.html
On my Epitaph - Off to Happy Hunting Grounds.


Re: box lock and side lock shotguns

Post by penpusher » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:26 pm

One(sidelock) is more expensive than the other(boxlock).Why get the more expensive shotgun/rifle? Looks good(?)Gives more area for engraving(?).A true example of craftsmanship(?).Otherwise,if built properly(which no India made gun is) and properly cared for, both will all go bang for a couple of generations.

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Re: box lock and side lock shotguns

Post by Grumpy » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:39 pm

Sidelocks are also a lot easier to work on if there are any lock problems.
- But otherwise what you say is true penpusher.
You forgot to mention that sidelocks are also prettier.
There are also trigger plate actions - like the Dickson and MacNaughton round actions - which have a lower profile ....... and tend to be the best handling guns around.
`Gnashing my teeth` ? No, nothing to `gnash` about.


Post by shahid » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:47 am

Any gun - and a bespoke gun from a top maker has a lot of difference.

It is a work of art, not just a piece to fire off a cartridge except in home defence application.

A fine shotgun is a work of art and great skill on part of the gunmaker, its balance its shot placement, its trigger pressure, its fitting, everything contribute to make it a fine shotgun.

Sidelocks, round action, A & D action, single barrel,, and then American pump action and automatics, each is designed for a different application.

Quite a few good english makers produced box lock too, and they are fine guns indeed.

But today, if it is a fine bespoke gun, in all probability it will be a sidelock.

The engraver's art on the sideplate, trigger guard and other parts of the gun is a specialised trade involving many man hours of work.

The list is endless, but today the world has changed a bit towards the Berreta, Perrazi, Benelli O/U even at classic english shoots.

H & H, Boss, Churchill, Aya, and the Italian gunmakers that rank among the most seen guns at the shooting countryside today on organized cartel hunts and estates, all make a fair percentage of their new guns as O/U now.

But a classis english sidelock will always have its place in history.

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