"Yesterday an insurgent sniper put two .50 calibre teflon coated armour piercing rounds into a Land Cruiser outside my window. Retrieved the projectiles and they're with the contractors we are with. Apparently Steyr shipped 900 .50 calibre sniper rifles to the Iranians and many have been seized from insurgents."
I asked him if he could take a few pics of the expended rounds for me and I received them tonight and thought you would like to see them.

I did not know that Steyr Mannlicher made rifles in .50 calibre, so this was news to me.
Incidentally, would it be legal for him to bring back those two rounds for me? Haven't asked him yet but if it does not contravene one of our arms/import laws, I'll ask him to bring them back.
Mack The Knife
P.S.: I thought teflon coated bullets were black externally but these seem to be plain old copper jackets. Comments from those in the know, please.