what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

The legal aspects of owning, shooting, importing arms/ ammo and other related legal aspects as well as any other legal queries. Please note: This INCLUDES all arms licensing issues/ queries!
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what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

Post by shutzen » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:20 am

HI! I have a peculiar question and have discussed it with various ppl. who have held varied views . Lets have the views /experiences of the mebers on this:

case 1:

A person has a valid arms licence with purchase period for buying a rifle and ammunition - can he buy the ammunition before the rifle??

Case 2:

A renowned shooter is allowed to import a rifle and ammunition . Can he import the ammo before the rifle? Lots of ppl. I talked to said the ammo can be got first also since its from different manufacturer and on a separate invoice and being a case of import its allowed. Can anyone clarrify on this point ??

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Post by Mack The Knife » Thu Oct 04, 2007 10:37 am

No idea about Case # 2 but as far as Case # 1 goes, I think the firearm needs to be purchased before or along with the ammo.

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Post by badshah0522 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:12 am

In case # 1 - I am 100% sure that you cannot buy ammo before purchasing the gun.Because your valid Licence is for NPB Rifle ,so it is not sure which calibre rifle you are going to purchase.If in if you buy ammo for .315 before hand and later you buy a .22,what will you do to that ammo,SALES RETURN???? No.
Even you buy a .22 rifle in the existing year and sell it after 2-3 months and again you buy a .22 rifle your Quota for buying ammo will remain the same 100 shot /annum.you cannot buy another 100 shots for the new rifle.

But in case # 2- the import licence - CCP (Custom Clearence Permit) is issued for the perticular calibre,BUt then also i am sure you cannot get the ammo endorsed over your licence without the gun.
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Post by eljefe » Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:37 pm

Knowing our twisted Babu mentality, they'll probably let you import a merc on that ammo licence and seize it after 3 years...whatever, but intresting...like how many quires of angels can dance on the head of a pin...hope we get some body here who's been there, done that.
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Post by mundaire » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:16 pm

You cannot purchase ammo UNTIL you have purchased the firearm and have had it entered on your license...

For renowned shooters, with an allowance of additional arms licenses (over the usual limit of 3), you could have a situation wherein the shooter already has one/ more firearm(s) of the type for which he wishes to import ammo.

Clearly in such cases he can use his ammo import license to import ammo on the basis of the firearm(s) he already possesses on his existing arms license(s), not having to wait for the additional firearm for which he has acquired an import license.

So if he has lets say a .30-06 rifle already entered on his license, he may apply for and import .30-06 ammo, even though the new gun he is planning on importing is lets say a 7mm. He can only import ammo for the latter once he has received the latter and had it entered on his license... of course, that is assuming he still has any ammo import quota left over...

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Post by shahid » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:33 pm

Yes he can, a firearm need not be registered on to a licence in order to purchase ammo. You should have ammo with you when you buy the firearm and transport it home.

The usual method is buy the gun first and then ammo and case from the same dealer, in a control raj like India where there is an artificial shortage of ammo everytime, some ammo is kept aside to oblige those who make gun purchases from the dealer.

When the gun dealer runs out of ammo or his consignment is on its way then he comes to shooters who stock ammo to borrow for gun sales offering to substitute the ammo with fresh stock.

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Re: what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

Post by Rudra » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:40 pm

The hen or the egg- nice question Dude :)
But yes Shahid is right u cant get cartridges if u dont have a weapon on ur licence.
So for this time the hen wins the medal :wink:



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Post by mundaire » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:05 pm

Rudra";p="28319 wrote: But yes Shahid is right u cant get cartridges if u dont have a weapon on ur licence.
So for this time the hen wins the medal :wink:
Am afraid it seems like you have read the complete opposite of what he posted...
Yes he can, a firearm need not be registered on to a licence in order to purchase ammo. You should have ammo with you when you buy the firearm and transport it home.
And AFAIK this (posted above) is incorrect!

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Post by badshah0522 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 9:16 pm

I agree.
if any how i will speak to Haris i will confirm from him as he is importing ammo & guns regularily.
mundaire";p="28312 wrote: You cannot purchase ammo UNTIL you have purchased the firearm and have had it entered on your license...

For renowned shooters, with an allowance of additional arms licenses (over the usual limit of 3), you could have a situation wherein the shooter already has one/ more firearm(s) of the type for which he wishes to import ammo.

Clearly in such cases he can use his ammo import license to import ammo on the basis of the firearm(s) he already possesses on his existing arms license(s), not having to wait for the additional firearm for which he has acquired an import license.

So if he has lets say a .30-06 rifle already entered on his license, he may apply for and import .30-06 ammo, even though the new gun he is planning on importing is lets say a 7mm. He can only import ammo for the latter once he has received the latter and had it entered on his license... of course, that is assuming he still has any ammo import quota left over...

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Re: what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

Post by Rudra » Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:30 am

thanks for correcting me.
Actually i just read the comments of Shahid bhai and replied.

Now the answer of the confusion: -

The first purchase of ammo can be done without getting any weapon on ur licence.
But yes after that u cannot buy any more bullet before purchasing the weapon and getting it registered on ur licence.
I am hundred percent sure about it. :)

And yes From next i will be careful.



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Re: what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

Post by Risala » Fri Oct 05, 2007 8:51 am

Rudra";p="28341 wrote:OOOOPS

The first purchase of ammo can be done without getting any weapon on ur licence.

Debatable I dont think this will apply in the case of a new licensee,a first timer so to say.

I dont think any arms dealer will issue ammo before the licensee buy's the fire arm,typically in most cases it is done simultaneously.

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Re: what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

Post by art_collector » Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:22 am

egg or the chicken.........ammo or the gun ..............guys you forgetting before all this comes the lisensing department

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Re: what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

Post by Rudra » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:49 pm

Sanjay go and enquire. But i am still hundred percent sure
all this i said was for a new licence. :)



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Re: what comes first - the ammo or the firearm?

Post by Rudra » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:51 pm

And yes

Good one AC

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Post by badshah0522 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 6:56 pm

Well i remember when i got a handgun licence ,as a member of UPSRA & rifle club they did not gave me ammo because i did not bought the gun.Only rifle & shotgun ammo was issued.
Rudra";p="28380 wrote: Sanjay go and enquire. But i am still hundred percent sure
all this i said was for a new licence. :)


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