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Post by pkaran » Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:42 pm

Hi Friends,

Here is a pic of my Ashani MK-iii I took delivery of a few days ago.

Not a single shot has been fired by me, but the factory at Cossipore has avowed that they had test-fired it before delivery which is probably why I cannot see the rifling groves inside the barrel due to its inside getting blackened. The product's specification sheet gives its rifling details as "6 Groves Spiral 1/16 inch RH".

If you own a Mark-iii, can you please confirm that its rifling is visible to the eyes?

Ashani MK-III delivery on 28 Jan 2023.jpeg
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Post by Vineet » Tue Jan 31, 2023 9:30 pm

The barrel is not going to blacken from inside by test firing shots so much so that grooves become hard to see.

Yes it can rust heavily if not cleaned after use for few months. Just clean the barrel, put some light on one end and click pics from the other end and post here for us to see
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Post by pokhar » Tue Jan 31, 2023 11:51 pm

pkaran wrote:
Tue Jan 31, 2023 4:42 pm
Hi Friends,

Here is a pic of my Ashani MK-iii I took delivery of a few days ago.

Not a single shot has been fired by me, but the factory at Cossipore has avowed that they had test-fired it before delivery which is probably why I cannot see the rifling groves inside the barrel due to its inside getting blackened. The product's specification sheet gives its rifling details as "6 Groves Spiral 1/16 inch RH".

If you own a Mark-iii, can you please confirm that its rifling is visible to the eyes?

Cheers!Ashani MK-III delivery on 28 Jan 2023.jpeg
Congratulations dear (y)
Have happy and safe shooting...

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Post by eljefe » Wed Feb 01, 2023 4:58 am

No cleaning for 10,000 rounds will obscure rifling.
Not 10-20 test shots

IOF has been known for selling revolvers with barrels unrifled. Nothing is beyond their quality control.
Check after a good clean with a wire brush.
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Post by Shadmohammed » Wed Feb 01, 2023 6:59 am

it has chrome lined barrel very much shinning inside.

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Post by Vikram » Wed Feb 01, 2023 5:40 pm

Did you clean the barrel?
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Post by pkaran » Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:28 pm

When looked through the barrel after inserting a tiny piece of white paper in a rolled position in the rear side of the barrel when the slide is pulled back for the incident light to pass through it, the rifling, if at all there is any, should become visible.

Another method is to take a .32 ACP bullet and try inserting it from the front side. When a little pressure is applied on the bullet, the rifling should leave as many marks as there are groves in the barrel. I tried the first method and found to my chagrin a rather indistinct impression of what may be called rifling inside it. It is so nominal for a new pistol and is incapable of exerting enough torque to impart a spin to the projectile around its longitudinal axis during shooting that the projectile may gain stability by the conservation of angular momentum.

The Cossipore Factory Manager expects me to evaluate their product from a consumer’s point of view and post a video on Youtube as they expect a positive feedback, but if the above observations are to be included in such a video, I am sure it will reflect negatively on their product at a time when the Mark-iii is rated high on social media.

Your comments, please! ... =625&dpr=1

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Post by Mr.Shome » Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:47 am

If practical, ask him to let you test the pistol at their range, while the the video is shot by some personal trustworthy accomplice. Upload the video later.

Their reaction will speak volumes! Almost sure that they won't allow it.
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Post by eljefe » Sun Feb 05, 2023 8:24 am

pkaran wrote:
Sat Feb 04, 2023 9:28 pm
When looked through the barrel after inserting a tiny piece of white paper in a rolled position in the rear side of the barrel when the slide is pulled back for the incident light to pass through it, the rifling, if at all there is any, should become visible.

Another method is to take a .32 ACP bullet and try inserting it from the front side. When a little pressure is applied on the bullet, the rifling should leave as many marks as there are groves in the barrel. I tried the first method and found to my chagrin a rather indistinct impression of what may be called rifling inside it. It is so nominal for a new pistol and is incapable of exerting enough torque to impart a spin to the projectile around its longitudinal axis during shooting that the projectile may gain stability by the conservation of angular momentum.

The Cossipore Factory Manager expects me to evaluate their product from a consumer’s point of view and post a video on Youtube as they expect a positive feedback, but if the above observations are to be included in such a video, I am sure it will reflect negatively on their product at a time when the Mark-iii is rated high on social media.

Your comments, please! ... =625&dpr=1

Strip barrel from frame if you can. If its pinned to frame, oil the barrel, hold the frame vertical in a vice with padded jaws. Take a soft lead ball of approx the same diameter and hammer it through the barrel from top end using a 6mm metal rod with about 25 mm insulation tape on the end making contact with lead pellet( to avoid damaging or scratching the barrel)
Use calipers to measure groove depth-which will be mirrored on the lead
''It dont mean a thing, if it aint got that zing!''

"...Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away..."

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