IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

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IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by dsen » Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:56 pm

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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by revolver » Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:58 am

Can modification only to the barrel by the IOF as in the case of Prahar increase the range ?

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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by Vineet » Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:21 am

dsen wrote:
Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:56 pm

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In the video, you say ‘grooves have been improved due to which range has increased upto 50 meters’

What changes have been made to grooves to increase the range ?
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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by Vineet » Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:23 am

Nishank has leaf spring in the grips which gives light trigger pull but IOF have spoiled the looks of Nishank by extending the barrel beyond the front sight.

It would have been nice if IOF gave leaf spring in Parhaar. It would have been good look plus light triggger pull.
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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by dsen » Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:26 pm

Vineet wrote:
Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:21 am
dsen wrote:
Fri Sep 03, 2021 8:56 pm

Please follow me on Instagram (y) :
In the video, you say ‘grooves have been improved due to which range has increased upto 50 meters’

What changes have been made to grooves to increase the range ?
Hello Vineet ji,

Actually, I said rifling has been improved in the barrel at 1:03 in the video. I believe this is what you are referring to.

Since the barrel is the same length as Mk4, increased rifling i.e. faster turn rate is one way the range has been extended.

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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:31 pm

A faster twist rate increases the range of a firearm?

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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by Vineet » Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:54 pm

winnie_the_pooh wrote:
Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:31 pm
A faster twist rate increases the range of a firearm?
Exactly my question.
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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by timmy » Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:38 am

revolver wrote:
Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:58 am
Can modification only to the barrel by the IOF as in the case of Prahar increase the range ?
dsen wrote:
Mon Sep 06, 2021 5:26 pm
Vineet wrote:
Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:21 am

In the video, you say ‘grooves have been improved due to which range has increased upto 50 meters’

What changes have been made to grooves to increase the range ?
Hello Vineet ji,

Actually, I said rifling has been improved in the barrel at 1:03 in the video. I believe this is what you are referring to.

Since the barrel is the same length as Mk4, increased rifling i.e. faster turn rate is one way the range has been extended.

D Sen
D Sen:

We here at IFG are dedicated to the exchange of knowledge about firearms as part of exercising the right of gun ownership and enjoying it.

Your lack of response to revolver and insufficient answer to Vineet regarding the rifling of the Prahaar revolver does not answer the questions posed to you, nor does it impart any knowledge about how rifling extends range, or why Prahaar rifling is an improvement over the rifling on previous guns.

Your responses don't even cite any pertinent data, e.g., what is the rifling twist of the Prahaar and what rifling twist was used on previous guns.

Your posts sound much more like a "salesman's job" than they do sharing knowledge with the rest of us under the guise of a factual review.

Rifling imparts a rotation, or spin, to a bullet fired from a rifled barrel. Whether that barrel is short or long, please explain how a faster twist is advantageous in increasing the range of the revolver's use. This is a straightforward question. I would hope that, if you know the answer, you will straightforwardly respond to the question.

Generally speaking, rifling twist is connected with stabilizing specific bullets. It's long been assumed that heavier bullets require a faster twist to stabilize them, but this is not the case. The main factor that governs the necessary twist of rifling is the length of the bullet.

Documentation of this is widely available on the internet, so the matter isn't obscure by any means. Since you are reviewing the Prahaar, and have taken it upon yourself to tell us what improvements have been made, kindly tell us why the change in rifling twist improves the Prahaar -- why is it better?

Now, you have three members who have asked this question of you. We are waiting for your reply.

Also, you further stated in your reply
faster turn rate is one way the range has been extended
This implies that there are other ways that the Prahaar's range has been extended. If implying this was not your intent, please correct your response.

If there are other improvements to the barrel that extend the range of the Prahaar that you know of, please share them with us.

I sincerely hope that you don't mind us asking you to explain yourself on these matters.
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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by revolver » Tue Jan 04, 2022 4:23 pm

Good shooting video that I thought I must share.

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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by eljefe » Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:55 pm

Some info FYI
1. ... wist-rate/

“… Using the formula of known muzzle velocity multiplied by 720, then divided by the measured twist rate in inches, will determine what characteristics the bullet should possess for optimum performance in any gun—providing the barrel is in good shape and the bullet isn’t damaged in the feeding and chambering process or by a muzzle attachment... Official NRA Handbook

2. ... ength/amp/

3. Barrel maker Dan Lilja, "If we look at a recovered bullet, we'll notice that the rifling cuts a partial helix in the bearing surface of the bullet for each land. The helix is on an angle matched by the twist in the barrel. If the twist rate decreased, the angle of this helix would decrease also and would effectively cut a wider groove into the bullet. This condition is undesirable because the bullet could then yaw while still inside the barrel. It would lack the full support of the barrel, especially on the driving side of the land. The yaw would be demonstrated by poor grouping on a target once it was released from the barrel.

"Conversely, an increase in rifling pitch would tighten the angle. While this is no better than a constant twist on the bullet, it is certainly better than a decrease in twist."

If some one can
a. Sacrifice a .32 iofb round( Should I call it .32s&w long?)
Measure bullet diameter, length and weight
b weigh the powder in grains
c. Measure the twist rate of the .32 iofb revolver as given here: ... wist-rate/

And get back here, lets do some simple ballistics, and see what we can churn out of the manthan?

Also, a pic of the powder in good light.

Lastly, will it be worth writing to IOFB to ask for these soecs and the velocity/energy of this round?

It may be a worthwhile effort to help out our fellow IOFB revolver users…
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Re: IOF Prahaar .32 revolver हिंदी video review

Post by Prabhath » Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:05 pm


Plus 1 to what Timmy's asked.

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