atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

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Post by dev » Tue Sep 18, 2007 12:55 pm

I`m trying to wrap my head around the concept of grown men being squeamish about hooking an earthworm. This is Indians for Guns for goodness sake. What are they going to do on a hunt - close their eyes before pulling the trigger ? And what about gralloching a carcase ? As the man said - "You kill your meat, you dress your meat, you eat your meat. That way you KNOW that no dirty bas*ard has shat on your meat !"

Well now you know, we ain't allowed to hunt(that gets rid of shutting the eyes syndrome). Plus most people here are vegetarians and would be deeply shocked by what you have written. (this text has been Maneka proofed). ;-)

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Grumpy » Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:44 pm

Yeah. Fox make some decent gear: They also produce a `Soft Wire` but it is only £1 less expensive than the Drennan for half the quantity.
`Soft Wire` is multiple strands of very fine wire that act like mono....or braid rather than wire. It is very `soft`, isn`t at all inclined to `kink`and is `floppy`. It presents a bait like mono or braid - very naturally.

Dev, plenty of members on IFG have expressed an interest in hunting outside of India and plenty aren`t veggies.........and there is plenty of protein in earthworms although I don`t know of too many people who would eat them but it`s hardly veggielike to impale them on a hook ! :wink:

Don`t apologise for the slogans......I`m glad you explained that because I wondered what provoked the little quips. Keep `em coming - the more humour the better. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by dev » Tue Sep 18, 2007 5:35 pm

I keep thinking this is a wet noodle more then a little over boiled ...while impaling the chappie's rump. I think after a while they have the same consistency as river prawn...purely as bait mind you ;-). Problem is that big sister is watching this yer site. So we all walk a little tippy toe around some issues. ;-)

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Pran » Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:46 pm

Grumpy";p="26972 wrote: there is plenty of protein in earthworms although I don`t know of too many people who would eat them
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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Grumpy » Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:38 pm

Believe it or not Pran, there are earthworms being produced for human consumption and they are extremely high in protein and virtually fat-free. They`re suggested as a major food source for the future.
I still ain`t going to eat one - the fish can have my share !

Dev. as I see it, it is perfectly legitimate to discuss legal hunting outside of India. The matter of meat preparation is also legitimate as animal carcases are butchered by the thousand every day in India. There can be no objection to a practical interest in the matter - frankly people should be much more concerned about what they eat.

Here`s another quote concerning what we ingest:

"Don`t eat the yellow snow".

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Post by dev » Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:02 pm

Here`s another quote concerning what we ingest:

"Don`t eat the yellow snow".

Have you heard of rocky mountain oysters? ;-)

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Grumpy » Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:17 pm

Testicles you mean. Commonly eaten in many cultures and are supposed to be very good.........but I can`t bring myself to try them.
Usually called `Sweetbreads` but this is also a name for the pancreas.

It was often a complaint that shepherds left castrating ram lambs a week or so late because they got an extra breakfast or two..................................

Nowadays lambs are castrated using a rubber band.

If you buy a stock knife one of the blades is invariably a castrator - what the Americans call a `Spay` blade.

Dodger, you have one of those snot coloured Case pocket knives, has that got a `spay` blade ?

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Pran » Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:18 pm

Grumpy";p="26990 wrote:Believe it or not Pran, there are earthworms being produced for human consumption and they are extremely high in protein and virtually fat-free.
That's news to me.I thought eating earthworms was restricted to TV shows like Fear factor.


PS:Grumps, what fish do you guys catch on earthworm?
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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Grumpy » Tue Sep 18, 2007 8:49 pm

"PS:Grumps, what fish do you guys catch on earthworm?"

Jist about everything will take an earthworm......even Pike although it`s not exactly a great Pike bait.

I can`t think of anything that won`t take an earthworm......or some sort of smaller worm anyway.

I remember watching tiny little Sticklebacks in our pond attacking worms with great gusto - worms far to big for them to be able to eat whole.

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Mack The Knife » Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:06 pm

Dodger, you have one of those snot coloured Case pocket knives, has that got a `spay` blade ?
Nope. It has a fillet blade and another attachment that is a fish scaler-cum-hook disgorger. It is a gift from Mark, so don't get snotty about it, else he'll be having words with you. :mrgreen:

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Grumpy » Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:36 pm

WHOOPEE - a pun. We don`t get many of those around here !

The colour ( and what it looks like ) aren`t my fault. Case now do a `Strawberry` colour that I think of as `Putrid Pink`.
Obviously someone on the design team is colour blind......or has really bad taste. A shame because they`re nice, traditional type pocket knives otherwise...........

I`ve attached a couple of pictures of Case knives with `spey` ( castrator ) blades.
In the case ( sic ) of the Medium Stockman it is the left hand blade and the inclined blade of the Trapper.
Just for you Dodger, I`ve made sure that both have, YELLOW bone handles.

Er............Why can`t I directly attach pictures anymore ?

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Pran » Tue Sep 18, 2007 10:47 pm

Thanks Grumpy.Are you a member of any angling clubs? I was browsing through Milton Keynes Angling Association's website and was surprised to see stringent rules against using live bait(fish).It's nice to see such precautions being taken to protect the native fish species.

Mack The Knife, would like to see the hook disgorger the next time I'm at your place.

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Grumpy » Tue Sep 18, 2007 11:17 pm

I`m a member of Glastonbury Fishing Club......have to be because they own the rights to most of the river/drain fishing around here.

I don`t use live baits anyway but I think you`ll find that where they are banned it is to prevent the use of fish brought in from other locations with attendent disease problems. For the same reason many waters only allow the use of sea-fish dead baits.

I detest Milton Keynes. Soulless dump and the roundabout capital of the world. Happily I only have to go through the place on the way to and from Bedford - it`s about three hours away from here......if you drive quickly ! The Great Ouse nearby is fishing extremely well again though.

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Re: atomic fish on Sunday 16th Sept

Post by Pran » Wed Sep 19, 2007 11:08 am

Thanks for the info Grumps.

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Post by eljefe » Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:46 pm

met this gent in Singapore a while ago -he exports cockroaches to Singapore-EDIBLE cockroaches.
30S $ for a bowl of male cockroach soup and 50S$ for a bowl of female cockroach.Go figure...
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