How much does presentation & finishing matter?

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How much does presentation & finishing matter?

Post by KDS991213 » Thu May 27, 2021 11:41 am

How much does presentation & finishing matter especially to you? I am getting 3 types of response. First, it doesn't matter & people who care will spend time and money to look after their weapon so don't pay much attention to it. Second, it matters but not that much & as long as it looks & feel decent most people will be fine with it. Third, generally people in India who get arms licenses are already quite well off & fixated on what they want, they will get stuff done to their weapon regardless of what you offer as default so don't bother with presentation as they will do it for themselves. what do you think about presentation, finishing of the weapon, the box it comes in & all accessory that comes with it.

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Re: How much does presentation & finishing matter?

Post by pgupta » Thu May 27, 2021 1:26 pm

There is hardly any choice available in the Indian market for people to put too much importance on these. Yes once people have choice then these will be of importance.
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