Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

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Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by GunUser » Fri May 07, 2021 10:19 am

Hi Friends,

I've a state-wide handgun license for self protection. For many years, I own and carry (concealed) a .32 pistol. Is it legitimate to carry my pistol in an OWB holster in India?
I am from south and generally people won't carry guns openly here.
Comments and suggestions from IFG experts are very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance....

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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by pran80 » Fri May 07, 2021 12:35 pm

yes it is legal to carry pistol in OWB holster.

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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Fri May 07, 2021 1:43 pm

Publically carrying a handgun is prohibited. IWB or OWB makes no difference as long as it is not be visible to anyone

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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by GunUser » Fri May 07, 2021 2:33 pm

@ pran80,
Thanks for your reply.

@ winnie_the_pooh,
Would you mind sparing few more minutes of your precious time to clarify my doubt. I think, I should have elaborated my question in a better way. My mistake...
My concern is whether is it ok to carry a pistol in a holster, which won't conceal the pistol completely. Please find attached the image of the gun in my holster. Is it ok to move around in such a way without any jacket or coat to cover/conceal the weapon? I know it is a bit awkward to move around in places with partially visible gun in India. But my question is more in to the legal aspect of it?
So, would you care to provide more clarity, when time permits?

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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by eljefe » Fri May 07, 2021 5:09 pm

Begs the question- Why?
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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by Vineet » Fri May 07, 2021 9:54 pm

GunUser wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 2:33 pm
is it ok to carry a pistol in a holster, which won't conceal the pistol completely.
Yes it's ok to carry in a holster which won't conceal the pistol completely.

GunUser wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 2:33 pm
Is it ok to move around in such a way without any jacket or coat to cover/conceal the weapon?
It's not ok to carry this way as our Indian law don't permit open carry.

Here is an extract from Arms Rules 2016 regarding your query. It says "a firearm must be completely covered"
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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by GunUser » Sat May 08, 2021 1:27 pm

@ Vineet,
Thanks a lot for the clarification. So, open carry is prohibited and the weapon should be completely covered. Yes, now it's clear... :)

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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by Vineet » Sat May 08, 2021 4:39 pm

:cheers: :cheers:
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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by marksman » Sun May 09, 2021 9:54 am

The laws in India (luckily) are pretty relaxed when it comes to carrying a handgun on one's person. How ever, it specifically mentions that its an offence to carry it without case/ holster. It's a privilege to own one in India and displaying it openly is nothing less then flaunting that privilege. One should leave this for the protecting forces of our society. Besides, if an ill wisher registers an FIR stating you pointed a gun at him/her if aware that you are carrying one, can lead into serious legal hassles to prove it otherwise. An actor known for his flaring temper once got in serious trouble flaunting a handgun in an ordinary road rage incidence a few years ago. I personally have reprimanded a new licensee for doing this in public places. This idiot kept it sitting on the bar table of my club to show off a la Chicago gangster style and got from me what he deserved. And I assure you that I wasn't bashful about it at all in public.


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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by GunUser » Fri May 14, 2021 7:14 pm

Hi Marksman,

I too concur with you...

Last year, I bought this IOF Pistol after selling my Webley revolver which was with me for more than a decade. The main reason for this change of weapon is my desire to conceal and carry.
Recently, there was a discussion in my Rifle Association regarding the usage of these holsters which don't cover the handgun completely. So, as I mentioned in my question, my doubt was more from the Legal perspective. Our doubt was that whether it was legal to carry the handgun in holster which does not cover the handgun completely.
Indeed, in our area with one of the highest rate of political violence in India, displaying or showing off a gun is the easiest way to get anyone's license revoked.

Thanks to Vineet for bringing our attention to the Legal Point that the weapon has to be covered COMPLETELY.

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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by DEBAETE » Sun Jun 06, 2021 9:05 pm

I usually carry my llama .32 in holster under the waist with modified holster clip so that it can be fully secured in belt.

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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by mundaire » Mon Jun 07, 2021 12:10 am

eljefe wrote:
Fri May 07, 2021 5:09 pm
Begs the question- Why?
Arms Rules 2016... there is never a good "why"....
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Re: Is it legal to carry a Pistol in OWB Holster in India?

Post by Woods » Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:20 pm

GunUser wrote:
Fri May 14, 2021 7:14 pm
Hi Marksman,

I too concur with you...

Last year, I ••••••••••

Thanks to Vineet for bringing our attention to the Legal Point that the weapon has to be covered COMPLETELY.
Why exactly are we concluding that a pistol carried in OWB holster should further be under a shirt , jacket , coat or something ? 🤔
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