Acquired a new toy

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Acquired a new toy

Post by thesinfulsaint » Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:28 pm

A few days back I was out grocery shopping with the missus, just regular shopping no firearm purchase intended at current ammo prices. I swing by the gun counter like I always do and suddenly I see Henrys marked for sale. I quickly ran towards the break room to find the gun counter guy. He comes out and tells me that they are on clearance for a limited time but all the 357 are gone (bummer) and he has only two 44 magmum left which might be gone shortly as well.

I usually do not do impulse buys but looking at the rifle couldn’t help myself. I asked the man to start the process and while he was doing his magic my wife comes in with the cart and she said: “I knew I would find you here“.

Anywho, long story short I picked up the rifle. Took the baby to the range and it was a hoot to shoot. Probably one of the best impulse buys for me.

44 mag ammo is crazy expensive now, about over a dollar a round. Luckily found some for around 70 cpr.

Here it is:






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Re: Acquired a new toy

Post by timmy » Sat Feb 06, 2021 11:32 pm

That looks like a fine toy to me, and a good find, as well.You should now be set to go find a hog or two that's tearing up some farmer's fields.

Also, 44 Mag is easy to reload. If you don't want to take the plunge, go for some cheap Lee dies, a press, and even a mould and furnace, and then you can roll your own! (Powder and primers are unobtainium now, though :-( )

That really looks like a very enjoyable rifle. I hope that you have lots of fun with it. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Acquired a new toy

Post by Vikram » Sun Feb 07, 2021 12:00 am

That is a rather nice little rifle. Congratulations!
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Re: Acquired a new toy

Post by thesinfulsaint » Sun Feb 07, 2021 10:48 am

timmy wrote:That looks like a fine toy to me, and a good find, as well.You should now be set to go find a hog or two that's tearing up some farmer's fields.

Also, 44 Mag is easy to reload. If you don't want to take the plunge, go for some cheap Lee dies, a press, and even a mould and furnace, and then you can roll your own! (Powder and primers are unobtainium now, though :-( )

That really looks like a very enjoyable rifle. I hope that you have lots of fun with it. Thanks for sharing.
Someone I know offered me single stage press with all the accessories and dies at throwaway price more than a year back but I did not capitalize on it as I was not ready, or so I thought. Now I repent that.

Either way, I find ammo here and there. Also saving the brass of all the calibers so I have enough stock when I can get into reloading after all this nonsense is over. Seems like it will be a long wait.

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- Saint

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