My first day with the hw 75 had gone far ahead of my expectations since the days when i used to use the co2 ihp air pistol in the 10 mts range, consistancy was great and trigger ,just wowww...,i guess its my first Weihrauch and so the excitement, but i think i wud need more time to master the cocking mechanism with ease,
and since no one in the range was familiar with the looks and that it was an air pistol 'cuz of the hammer action had caused a lot of misunderstandings with other club members,it was so funny, also very surprising the moment i had got it out,a few doubted whether it wud be allowed to take part in the official matches ever

1. can the hw 75 pass thru the weapon scrutiny tests and be allowed to particiapte in official amatuer matches??,since GVM was in my mind,if not then what cud be the probable reasons? the manual its mentioned to be oiled with a few drops of silicon based oil for the seal,what are silicon based oil,are there any available in the indian market?
3. the best suggested pellets i must try?,and the wt specs ,in grain or grams,wud be of immense help, for 10 mts ,the p10 i had used seems heavy for the 75.
and finally a few pictures of joy

thanx to all seniors
warm regards sanjiv