After that some of us apply for dual-citizenship to get OCI (over seas citizen of India) card. Once that received, an NRI becomes citizen of both the nation
Gentlemen you are confusing a lifelong visa called OCI as a dual citizenship. "Overseas Citizen of India" is a clever and misleading name given to a lifelong visa by Government of India. GOI or any law under Constitution of India cannot be against the Constitution. I have clearly mentioned in my previous post above that the Article 9 of Constitution of India does not allow dual citizenship. Moreover if you refer question number 29 at it says:I am an Indian citizen according to the citizenship act 1955/56 and holding a foreign passport but with restriction on certain privileges normally applicable to indian citizens.
Question of "granting" Indian citizenship to OCI does not arise if OCI is already an Indian citizen!29. Can a person registered as an OCI be granted Indian citizenship?
Yes. As per the provisions of section 5(1) (g) of the Citizenship Act, 1955, a person who is registered as an OCI for 5 years and is residing in India for 1 year out of the above 5 years, is eligible to apply for Indian Citizenship.
The law secretary appears to be ignorant about the Arms Act 1959. Nowhere does the Arms Act 1959 says that arms license applicant has to be an Indian citizen, it is so because self defense and RKBA are a human and fundamental rights under Articles 19 and 21 Constitution of India. Arms licenses are issued on basis of residence and not citizenship. You may show the following facts to law secretary to refresh his knowledge related to Arms Act 1959. Arms Rules 1962 is a by law of Arms Act 1959 to implement Arms Act 1959. If you refer the following:The law secretary ruled that the arms act says that the person has to be a citizen
1) As per Arms Rules 1962, Rule 17 Traveller's (temporary) license can be issued
2) As per Arms Rules 1962, Rule 32 arms license can be issued to tourists for bringing of arms and ammunition into India.
3) There has also been a ruling of High Court for issuing arms license to Kenyan citizen. Reference: ... 95#p118448 Therefore giving special privileges to OCI for the purpose of getting arm licenses are also needless and superficial as they are anyways eligible to get arms licenses like Indian citizens.