Why is nobody selling scopes?

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Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by nikitagupta2106 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:45 pm


I've been trying to buy some scope online (under 10k) but nobody is selling anymore. I believe the market has open up and imports are without restrictions.

Any particular reason why no online store is selling at the moment?

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by GauravDubey » Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:49 pm

people are selling scopes but they are priced very high... maybe because it is illegal to import gun accessories from outside of india and there is no indian manufacturer available.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by SoulSniper » Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:07 pm

Scopes, NVDs, similar Military Grade Rifle Accessories, are Banned for sale to Civilians, in India. One holding a Fire-Arms/FAC License can however procure from authorized Arms Sellers/Dealerships.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by winnie_the_pooh » Tue Sep 29, 2020 7:05 pm

SoulSniper your information is incorrect

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by nikitagupta2106 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 9:38 pm

I don't think that's the correct answer about scopes being illegal.

Every online store was selling scopes until the lockdown happened.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by SoulSniper » Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:06 am

I've tried to speak to over 4 local, and interstate Arms Dealerships and they've suggested what i quoted.
On Your inputs, i researched in news threads and found multiple where they mentioned allegedly/illegally procured Foreign Made Scopes.
A recent news was of Assam (30-Juy-2020).
However i couldn't find any officially released document like that of the .22 Cal restriction amendment that explicitly suggested Banning of Rifle Scopes in India.

One of my acquaintance from Defense did indicate about NVDs being officially banned imports/Custom Clearance, though.
Pls. see if other contacts of our members have information on those otherwise, specifically, if an official one.
Since i'm also looking for buying Scope, and have not been able to find a good one.
On having a FAC though, all of the Dealerships did confirm, they can avail me one of my choice.
Will be helpful if we can get legit info further.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by bandukbhandar » Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:45 pm

SInce, no import license has been issued by Govt. of India for import of riflescopes, hence whatever available in the market are smuggled ones, hence illigal to sale and purchase.
Import of riflescopes and night vision devicescan be done only against import license issued by Director Geeral Foriegn Trade, and also note that whenever you contact any riflescope manufacturer to supply in India, they would first ask for a copy of import license, then only they will go ahead.
Presently, some exporters from China, smuggle their scopes in India, as binoculars, goggles etc. and that alos through Chinese border in North East India.Export of night vision devices is prohibited by USA govt.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by SoulSniper » Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:15 am

That's some helpful and clear information. Thanks!

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by nikitagupta2106 » Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:30 am

This informations given above are a lot of BS!! Where are the admins?

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:06 pm

Hi, I have three riflescopes in my possession. Nikon P223 3x 32 mm, Tasco 3 - 9x 40 mm and Vortex 4 - 12x 40 mm Diamondback. First two were bought from anazon.in and last one from amazon.com. All of them were imported from the US by the seller.
As per DGFT Riflescopes are "Restricted" items, not prohibited.
NVDs are prohibited. But NVDs which use IR Flashlights are not prohibited. You can get one from amazon.in but they are expensive.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by nikitagupta2106 » Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:48 am

sumbriavikramaditya wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:06 pm
Hi, I have three riflescopes in my possession. Nikon P223 3x 32 mm, Tasco 3 - 9x 40 mm and Vortex 4 - 12x 40 mm Diamondback. First two were bought from anazon.in and last one from amazon.com. All of them were imported from the US by the seller.
As per DGFT Riflescopes are "Restricted" items, not prohibited.
NVDs are prohibited. But NVDs which use IR Flashlights are not prohibited. You can get one from amazon.in but they are expensive.
Can you send me the link to amazon.in? I can't find any scope!

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by eljefe » Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:25 am

nikitagupta2106 wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:30 am
This informations given above are a lot of BS!! Where are the admins?
Which info?

Arms and their accessory imports are a bit of a grey area, subject to the whims and interpretations of the babus. Can you clarify as what you know or have read, so that we have an insight into the ‘BS’ ?
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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by Djanko » Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:24 am

Let's put it this way, looking from a logical point of view,even the cops who uses firearms regularly,many have never used a scope before.In some states in India gun laws are very strict,it is as it is,as there are lots of ambiguity .You get caught with a PCP or even a powerful Springer with a scope on some bad day and you are a goner. See the magnifications of the scopes,if I am a cop I will easily arrest a person with a scope on his gun. Ours is a small community of passionate airguns and firearms lovers,we know what is what,but see the physical inspection of a cop with your powerful PCP like he can see clearly a person 500 yards away with the scope attached,he will come to a conclusion. Scopes online one day will come to scrutiny,it is just a matter of time. Buy when you can,stay safe and be responsible. Don't boast and advertise. And yes, scopes are still available online. Simple,search for it.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Wed Oct 07, 2020 1:27 pm

nikitagupta2106 wrote:
Wed Oct 07, 2020 12:48 am
Can you send me the link to amazon.in? I can't find any scope!
P223 is discontinured by Nikon. None is available right now on amazon.in. Keep searching. It may pop up some day.
Amazon.com has lots of option but only few are available for delivery in India. Check for 'Buying Options'.

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Re: Why is nobody selling scopes?

Post by goodburner » Sat Oct 10, 2020 9:26 am

I think currently its in a legal limbo due. You would have seen in some websites selling scopes that they have a remark stating "not original, this is a replica scope". Obviously the "replica" scopes are very real and I have a few of them myself. So they are doing it to make sure they are not breaking any law.

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