Ranger - revolver (clone Colt or SW revolver)
Storm - pistol (clone Walther PPK) for indian agent 007 i think

Many big weapon concern not interesting civil indian marketdsingh wrote: βThu May 07, 2020 1:58 pmIt is pure loot real test is when u fires the weapon IOF new modified is better easier to carry and improved fuction now Webley is opening in 2 months their pistol and revolvers in 2 models r cheaper and better . Glock have come with 2 types of pistols one 380 and another 357 .IOF Nishank is best in 32 calibre I have seen it .Seikh co is going for big loot Dwarka arm co whoose shaktiman cartridge is best in ball category willl be also producing revolvers in 32 and 22 calibres due to lockdown it has delayed.
Think Glock give technology making his pistols - Indiasourabhsangale wrote: βThu May 07, 2020 5:28 pmGlock is going to come in civilian market . Have spoken to them . They are waiting clearance from central government.
Hopefully they should get it soon .
I agree with this.. If saikh arms can produce and sale in India then 100% sure Glock will be... No doubt in it..sourabhsangale wrote: βFri May 08, 2020 1:27 amIt is going to happen for sure . Have spoken to them .
Many famous gun big concern NOT interesting indian civil marketpartheus wrote: βFri May 08, 2020 3:08 pmIt's actually kind of silly how major firearms manufacturers have been ignoring the Indian market for so long. There is HUGE demand here and with the whole Make in India thing in full swing, the early movers will stand to reap rich rewards. Glock is the only major company I know of that is offering great products to civilians in countries with PB/NPB legalities. So, there's a very good chance they will come out with 380s and 357s soon. But, I do agree it's best we don't hold our breath and wait till we have something more concrete like dealers with the actual products.