Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by laiqather » Fri Oct 11, 2019 2:38 pm

IN Today's News paper(Deccan chronicle) reg tightening the Arms Act , your 3rd fire arm must be deposited .

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Fri Oct 11, 2019 3:07 pm

ASIF007 wrote:
Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:21 pm
Just read this article from our very own TC Sir.

https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-ne ... NetCN.html

A common citizen can now have only 2 weapons as against 3. Really sad.
As said by Abhijeet ji in this article, strict laws will lead to more illegal firearms. And illegal firearms are already difficult to trace. And decreasing the number of licensed Firearms that can be owned by civilians is really sad and will lead to the death of this industry.

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by pran80 » Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:05 pm

Is NAGRI doing anything about it? Let us know how we can be of help?

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:25 pm

Dear Esteemed members of this forum,

We must join our forces to make a statement in front of the Government of India. These news articles could be speculations or they may be insider reports. I personally support the Govt. in taking stern action against illegal Arms Trade but there is no excuse for harassing a common Legal License Holder who has spent his time and money in procuring these Arms through a legal procedure.
I would request our senior members to guide us in this time.

Vikramaditya Singh

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by mundaire » Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:54 am

Reports are correct, the Ministry is seeking to amend the Arms Act and penalise legal gun owners while ignoring the criminals.
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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by Biren » Mon Oct 14, 2019 9:37 am

Either we debate, discuss or take a legal recourse file a writ. Thats going to cost time and money...a lots of. . Since its going to against Gov..It will throw all its might. Therefore educating general public and the ppl behind the amend is must.

There is common disdain in bureaucratic circle why general public needs weapon? in plain word why shall we add to our headache by arming general public


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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by ASIF007 » Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:10 am

sumbriavikramaditya wrote:
Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:25 pm
Dear Esteemed members of this forum,

We must join our forces to make a statement in front of the Government of India. These news articles could be speculations or they may be insider reports. I personally support the Govt. in taking stern action against illegal Arms Trade but there is no excuse for harassing a common Legal License Holder who has spent his time and money in procuring these Arms through a legal procedure.
I would request our senior members to guide us in this time.

Vikramaditya Singh
Agree with you Aditya, more strict action against illegal Arms is a must. But why should innocent Civilians be harassed in surrendering their 3rd Weapon when a lot of effort goes in acquiring one? If we do not do anything now the next amendment may be only 1 weapon per person and then later maybe only Weapons for National level Shooters and so on.

I suggest Civilians who already have 3 weapons or more should be the first t come together immediately to challenge this and plan a course of action.


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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:17 am

mundaire wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:54 am
Reports are correct, the Ministry is seeking to amend the Arms Act and penalise legal gun owners while ignoring the criminals.
This is so sad. Then what should we do, sir? What will be a correct course of action? Government will not listen to a request.
Please advise.

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by dsingh » Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:08 pm

file a representation to home department then file a PIL in supreme court of India

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by sfcabhishek » Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:39 pm

I was wondering if we can write an open letter to the government highlighting our issues. Also to the UP Govt. Regarding the recent harrasment of lawful gun owners.If eminent members write it's bound to have some effect if not desired effect.
We should also revive NAGRI and set up a fund to take the matter to the courts.

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:22 pm

sfcabhishek wrote:
Tue Oct 15, 2019 3:39 pm
I was wondering if we can write an open letter to the government highlighting our issues. Also to the UP Govt. Regarding the recent harrasment of lawful gun owners.If eminent members write it's bound to have some effect if not desired effect.
We should also revive NAGRI and set up a fund to take the matter to the courts.
All of us have to initiate a response.
And I am very much in favour of setting up a Fund to help fight our cause. All those who cannot help physically will find it easier to contribute and it will not put any burden on an individual who will lead our cause. And It will give our Association a structure and might to proceed in a direction of our common goal.


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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by sfcabhishek » Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:01 pm

I agree Sir. But collective response would have more effect than individual representation. We can also rope in NAGRI and NRAI. Creation of fund is very important but most important is a person to cordinate and give direction to all this. A lot of people would be happy to contribute financially.

Abhijeet Sir , your suggestions and leadership is requested.

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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by rahul_does » Fri Oct 18, 2019 1:20 pm

mundaire wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:54 am
Reports are correct, the Ministry is seeking to amend the Arms Act and penalise legal gun owners while ignoring the criminals.
That small "movement" that started 2-3 years ago is dead, no? (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=24511&p=246099#p246099"

In any case, my AOR in Supreme Court said before that this is a lost battle.

What to do only?


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Re: Home Ministry Seeking to Amend Arms Act

Post by Anand » Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:52 pm

Hello all,
Have not heard from NAGRI for some time now! I know that the efforts of the members of NAGRI and IFG and many others have resulted in many of the changes and led to the Arms Rules, 2016. Albeit, some not so desirable points also made it into the Arms Rules.

By and large, these rules have resulted in a number of licenses being granted for sport shooting(I can speak only of Telangana). Though, I don't believe that these would add up to a significant number as a percentage of the existing licenses.

However, on more than one occasion I had discussed with licensees,the bias that the authorities seem to have in issuing licenses, even for sports in the case of aspiring, junior target and renowned shooters. More over in Hyderabad recently, there was one Zonal DCP issuing notices to licensees asking why their license should not be cancelled as they have no threat to their lives. Thankfully, the Hon'ble High Court directed the Licensing Authority to reconsider as there was no violation under relevant sections of Arms Act.

The enthusiasm and effort put in by all those who earlier made contributions(legal, advisory and perhaps monetary) needs to happen again if some of the proposed amendments are to be blocked. Among those that will affect licensees negatively, will be the one that reduces the total number of firearms from 3 to 2 that one can hold. I am given to understand that even sport shooters will not be spared.

It appears that, only advice from Government officers was sought in the meeting regarding the above. I doubt that any licensee/citizen/civilian angle or input was seriously considered if at all. So far nothing has appeared on the Home Ministry website to ask for public input regarding the proposed amendments.

I believe serious lobbying needs to takes place, especially highlighting:
1.)Simply targeting and penalizing the "compliant many", for the fault of "the few"
2.)the lack of focus on those breaking the law, and specific areas such as smuggling of arms, diversion of legitimate arms to illegals etc. (by
enforcement and quick and decisive punishment)
3.)the difficulties faced by new applicants and existing Arms Licensees( in renewals, variations, verifications, subjective attitude of LA etc)
4.)the already tight and draconian enforcement of the existing laws

The traditions of the proud martial races such as the Kodavas, the Sikhs and the Gurkhas, and in general everyone is affected. How many of us have performed puja to our weapons during this and past Dussheras? I have heard of Police officers talking of reducing the "Gun Culture". Holding weapons sacred as has been "Culture" for centuries in India,and so is also "Gun Culture". No less than our Defense Minister has performed Shastr Puja to the Rafale fighters just recently.

I am of the opinion, that the idea of the original 3 weapons limit itself is flawed. Since exemptions have to be made for sport shooters for additional weapons, this has again created a situation of a select few being granted privileges that are denied to every one else creating another 'class' of people. The original reason for the then new Arms Act,1959, was the easier access to permissable firearms to citizens for defense,sport and target practice.

By the way I am curious to find out how reducing legally owned 3 firearms to 2 is going to improve the present security situation, curb crime or make any of us safer. Existing provisions for punishment for breaking the law under the Arms Act,1959 already exist, so why this attack on the legitimate licensees? How are those breaking the law affected by these changes? Enforcement of existing laws should be a deterrent enough.

Laws should not be made for appearances sake, or because of a personal opinion or subjective thinking.

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