A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

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A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by prasanjit.baul » Sun Jun 23, 2019 12:01 am

Hello to all the fellow shooters on this forum. I am an old member of this forum who went dormant for good 8 years and back into shooting again. To start it all over again, I ordered an Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18 and it got delivered yesterday. Yesterday, while doing casual plinking with the gun in my open terrace, I noticed that the rifle is shooting a little higher. So today, I took the task of zeroing the sights. So here is the issue I faced today while zeroing the rifle.

I was trying to zero the rifle at 7-8 metres inside my home on a benchrest with Gsmith Super Impact roundhead 18gr pellets. This was the first time the rifle was going to shoot. The shots landed 2 inches above and 1-1.5 inches to the left. I adjusted the windage and was able to bring the shots in align with the bulls eye horizontally. Now was the time to bring the shots down vertically by adjusting the elevation of rear sight. After several trials and being mistaken by raising the elevation to highest (thinking its lowest, dumb me). I was later brought to notice by friends in this fraternity to get the elevation entirely on the opposite direction i.e. at the lowest. I did that and the Point of Impact(POI) of the shot were still 0.5-1 inch higher than the bulls eye. The diameter of this bulls eye was 0.5 inches and I was targeting 6'o clock.

Following this trial and error I shot around 80-100 pellets already and I could see the difference in the guns accuracy which was turning better group by group. But the common factor that remained was the POI was sub inch higher than the target.

I was told by a fellow member that the shot should land perfectly in the bulls eye when the rear sight elevation is adjusted around centre. If its adjusted to lowest, it should shoot below the bulls eye. However, this wasn't happening.

A lot of diagnostic assumptions were run of barrel being slightly up which normally happens when a trigger misfires on a cocked broken barrel forcing the barrel to slam upwards resulting in bend. But that possibility was ruled out as the Hurricane Mod 18 comes with an Anti Bear trap. Possibility of barrel being damaged during the course of manufacturing itself was also brought in but then it was only assumption.

I called up the dealer who gave me the contact no. of the technical person of Aarmr Sports (Mr. Manbir). I called him but it went unanswered. I dropped him a detailed message with pictures about the issue of shots being placed above the bulls eye at lowest elevation. I was hoping for a change in rifle/barrel etc because this was the rifle I have bought after being dormant for around 7-8 years and I didn't want this reignited hobby to die. However, I was now assured that if I have to live with this rifle and the only option to rectify the sight would be adding a scope but the problem of rounder trajectory and being steep at the apex wont be solved. It was a little discouraging to think of living with a faulty product.

While all this thought was running through, I received the reply from Mr. Manbir and his message was this.

""""Back sight is high as compared to front sight. It shoots center at 35-40mtrs. Since it has long range, we did not give thought to people shooting indoors as our purpose was to produce a rough and tough gun for outdoor shooting. In the next model we will take this viewpoint into consideration. Also do break-in with at least 500 -800 shots for excellent accuracy at long range. Thanks.""""

This came as a huge relief. Now all that I have to do is find a safe range of 50 metres and try to reaffirm this claim. I will update the results after trying this rifle on different ranges of distance from 10-20-30-40. As of now, I am going to have a sound sleep.. :-P

attaching the photos below in the sequence of events which should be self explanatory.

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Last edited by prasanjit.baul on Sun Jun 23, 2019 12:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by Dr_Deol » Sun Jun 23, 2019 1:37 am

I also have this gun. It's really rough and tough. Cocking effort is high. Its giving good accuracy after approx 1000 shots. Do you have. 22 version?
Walther dominator,Diana k92 Mauser underlever,Precihole px 100 ,precihole Nx 100,SDB xena , Aarmr hurricane model 18 , precihole sp 60.

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Re: A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by prasanjit.baul » Sun Jun 23, 2019 1:38 am

Dr_Deol wrote:I also have this gun. It's really rough and tough. Cocking effort is high. Its giving good accuracy after approx 1000 shots. Do you have. 22 version?
Thanks for mentioning that it's accuracy increases after 1000 shots. I am now hopeful.

Yes its a 0.22 version.

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Re: A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by Basu » Sun Jun 23, 2019 6:19 pm

Dear Prasajit,
You got it almost right at the later stage.
I happened to test fire Armr 15, years back.
It was delivering 11.75 ftlbs in .22 just out of the box.
It had a very low cocking effort & least vibes.
It held very high promise for accuracy.
I think the Co.now using stiffer spring to increase the energy.
As other IFGian said is correct that all springer takes time to settle down and hope after 1000 shots you will be getting satisfactory results.

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Re: A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by TariqThePathan » Sat Jan 11, 2020 12:38 pm

I have this air rifle too. I kept it back in the box over two years back because I tried to zero it and failed.
I think now that I am going to get it out of the box and set it up and try plinking on fixed targets at 35-40 meters with more patience. Thanks for the info on how to zero it and the patience it would require 😀.
Will keep you guys posted on developments at my end .

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Re: A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by Gunner_dh » Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:48 pm

That's an experience one needs to go through to understand the dynamics of the AR. I practically experienced this when I bought a low powered M23 at the distance of 22 ft the shots were haywire, I tried replacing the back sight and everything possible was done. Later to my realization when I reduced the distance to half the groups were OK.
I believe everyone of us learns the tricks with bit of time.
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Re: A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by Bishop » Sun Jan 12, 2020 8:32 pm

Most M23 models except SDB's and UTA's are smooth bore.That's the main reason for poor accuracy.

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Re: A story of Aarmr Hurricane Mod 18

Post by Gunner_dh » Mon Jan 13, 2020 9:24 am

You may term that but for the M23 you are not supposed to be shooting at long distance as it was created as a parlour gun. Hence the backsight does not have any adjustments.


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