Hassles of owning a legal firearm in India (Punjabi audio)

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Hassles of owning a legal firearm in India (Punjabi audio)

Post by mundaire » Sun Jun 09, 2019 1:32 pm

While the objective of the video is to dissuade people from owning legal licensed firearms (in India), it very clearly underlines some of the basic regulatory problems and harassment faced by legal gun owners across our nation.

Needless to say, criminals who own illegal black market firearms face no such hassles.

As always, gun control only takes guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, while doing absolutely nothing to curb violent crime! #RKBA #ARMSACT #ARMEDCITIZEN #INDIA
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Re: Hassles of owning a legal firearm in India (Punjabi audio)

Post by sharpshooterjassi » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:42 pm

That is so true brother! The wise sardar sahib has rightly said that whenever it will be used, it will be used on one of your own in a fit of anger.
There arent spaces easily available to discharge firearms. Its a better, safer and cost effective idea to own a nice airgun and wisely enjoy it every now and then to satisfy yourself.

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Re: Hassles of owning a legal firearm in India (Punjabi audio)

Post by Ajaaybeer » Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:08 pm

My personal view point is that, although the man in the video projects financial burden and procedural difficulties of owning firearms and he is rather recommending owning a goat of beetle breed which is rather profitable compared to gun ownership.
He might be right as per his life conditions as I guess from the video he may be a policeman of a constable rank in civil clothes , taking an idea from his comfort of making a video in the premises of a police station most likely and addressing another man in uniform as Ajaib by name. And he addresses that their S.P Sahib used to suggest people applying for a gun licence to buy a buffalo instead . And he belongs to an area Patti which is 63. Kms from Amrintsar Punjab and has a dialect of Amritsar people .
First of all if some one threats you saying , I have a gun ! Then what will you say - I have a goat !
Secondly this is very right that Punjab Govt. is in financial crisis and it has raised fee of gun ownership multifolds for revenue collection.
But looking at the scenario that Punjab is a border state , and problems of unemployment, drug addiction, political patronage to goons and gangsters and deliberate erosion of quality of education , free access to internet smart phones rather then developing skill development ultimately leads to crime and criminal tendencies which makes late night travel unsafe with family or alone and carrying cash from banks and operating bank lockers is an invitation to unwanted guests. And such transactions are daily needs of petrol pump owners, jewellers, commission agents who need cash daily , and people is other such professions where you are likely more prone.
So one has to step into others shoes to exactly learn what the problems are.
It’s very easy to make a video or write an opinion like one I am presently writing .
The gun ownership in India is something that has to just act as a deterrent and not an object of use in certain cases and in other cases it has to be concealed for actual defence .
So it should be left to matter of choice but I must say that there is an inherent insecurity in the mind that gives an urge to keep a gun if you are living in a society where there are security issues.
It might be a good idea to educate people to keep and handle guns as majority of the owners never fire more then a couple of shots throughout their life .
It’s just my personal opinion and others may sharply vary .
Ajaybir Sandhu
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Re: Hassles of owning a legal firearm in India (Punjabi audio)

Post by sumbriavikramaditya » Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:25 pm

Ajaaybeer wrote:My personal view point is that, although the man in the video projects financial burden and procedural difficulties of owning firearms and he is rather recommending owning a goat of beetle breed which is rather profitable compared to gun ownership.
He might be right as per his life conditions as I guess from the video he may be a policeman of a constable rank in civil clothes , taking an idea from his comfort of making a video in the premises of a police station most likely and addressing another man in uniform as Ajaib by name. And he addresses that their S.P Sahib used to suggest people applying for a gun licence to buy a buffalo instead . And he belongs to an area Patti which is 63. Kms from Amrintsar Punjab and has a dialect of Amritsar people .
First of all if some one threats you saying , I have a gun ! Then what will you say - I have a goat !
Secondly this is very right that Punjab Govt. is in financial crisis and it has raised fee of gun ownership multifolds for revenue collection.
But looking at the scenario that Punjab is a border state , and problems of unemployment, drug addiction, political patronage to goons and gangsters and deliberate erosion of quality of education , free access to internet smart phones rather then developing skill development ultimately leads to crime and criminal tendencies which makes late night travel unsafe with family or alone and carrying cash from banks and operating bank lockers is an invitation to unwanted guests. And such transactions are daily needs of petrol pump owners, jewellers, commission agents who need cash daily , and people is other such professions where you are likely more prone.
So one has to step into others shoes to exactly learn what the problems are.
It’s very easy to make a video or write an opinion like one I am presently writing .
The gun ownership in India is something that has to just act as a deterrent and not an object of use in certain cases and in other cases it has to be concealed for actual defence .
So it should be left to matter of choice but I must say that there is an inherent insecurity in the mind that gives an urge to keep a gun if you are living in a society where there are security issues.
It might be a good idea to educate people to keep and handle guns as majority of the owners never fire more then a couple of shots throughout their life .
It’s just my personal opinion and others may sharply vary .
Ajaybir Sandhu
I agree. Its deterrence not a financial investment.

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