Airgun import experiences - via post/ courier route

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Post by dev » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:34 pm


Yes I forgot you've got forearms like popeye ;-).
I bought both my air pistol and the air rifle from him.
What you might want to do is email him at [email protected] , wait for a week for the reply. And then use the order form available on the site and fill it, 1 steroid benjamin sheridian caliber .177 etc with your mailing address. You will then see the choice of carrier, normally he uses U.S. Air Parcel Post. Choose that and the rifle shipping cost to you should be $50. Tim is a bit of an American Legend loved for his LD pistol that comes with a lifetime warranty. He also stands behind all his work. I would recommend that you also buy a quart or two of his secret sauce as that keeps the steroids in good shape.

I am getting jealous of the number of toys you are accumulating, am seriously lagging behind ;-).
Anyway enjoy.


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Post by GasramGandu » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:46 am

Hi Dev, looks i'll go ahead with a steroid sheridan in some time. Thanks for the info on shipping.

I really have no need for one after the air arms but the sheridan is a classic.

I read through the USPS rules and it is mentioned that airguns cannot be shipped without am export permit. Can you confirm that your airguns were sent by US Post?


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Re: import of air guns

Post by biking3819 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 8:54 pm

just wanted to share my experience...
i just got my hw 75 last week from germany directly from the factory,....
it was done through a friend of mine who deals in importing air weapons.
the import duty was exactly 35% of the CIF value,
plus it also included octroi from pune municipal corporation,dont know exact value though.
plus some more i paid as a fee for my friend's kind help to make the process smooth...
very nice recoiless pistol,but didnt come with any case, came in a cardboard box,one manual,one extra breach washer and one elenkey to adjust the trigger....

only one question i have ,may be this is not the place to put it up,but ...sorry folks for putting the question here being a newbie ,...
i just needed to know do i have to oil the piston washer if so then which are those places to lubricate...
thanx again.
cheers sanjiv

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Re: import of air guns

Post by biking3819 » Tue Sep 11, 2007 9:29 pm

that is where my friend was very helpful ....
at the time when i had ordered the pistol,i was still not a member in the shooting club in pune,...
so he used his certificate of membership and also since he understood the import route better than me,helped me to get the gun out of customs,...
i didnt go to mumbai,so i dont know which shipping company was used by him,but it was cleared in the videsh dak bhavan in ballard estate mumbai...not sure i wud ask my friend and post,the octroi was charged there itself at the gates of the building too.

inder pls let me know sud i create a separate topic to ask my querries on the hw75??and also to share my experience on the pistol??
thanx and regards sanjiv....
and hey i do know some people i met from royalbeasts in the ridermania in mumbai 2005,i belong to the roadshakers.

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pyramyd air

Post by dev » Wed Sep 19, 2007 1:58 pm


I had been selecting a few toys for myself from Pyramyd air for months. Had added them to a wish list and looked at them ever so often as the date of my friend's visit to the US got closer.

So last I sit going thru the long procedure of placing my order online. Everything is done and then surprise. They will not accept an international credit card but want a int. bank draft etc. I was disappointed but I still thought that was okay. Till I read the part about them adding another $50 to the order amount.

I thought what the heck for? They were to ship to a US address after all. So I promptly ended the transaction and sent the order to mac1airgun. I didn't even check what shipping from California to Maryland would be. I filled in the order and inserted the credit card number etc.

That was last night, today morning I got an email from Tim stating that the order would be shipped by priority mail today itself. Cost of my gear was $120 including shipping. A quick calculation revealed that the postage was $8.50. Now, that's what I call service. This is the fourth transaction that I have had with Tim and I'll tell you one thing the guy might border on abrupt but his stuff is always top notch.

And I for one will always use him. So the pyramyd air isn't the pinnacle of service as far as I am concerned :evil: .

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Re: duty for airgun from UK

Post by archer » Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:50 pm

Hey guys,

theres some bad news....i checked with the foreign postal service...they say that the parcel hasnt arrived in INDIA.......i contacted Lloyd at BAR....Bar had already claimed a loss of parcel with royal mail.... he's agreed to refund my money i will not be getting to shoot ....atleast in the near future.....anyways....will keep tryin other options to import a pistol....

till then.........

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Post by Mack The Knife » Fri Sep 21, 2007 10:56 pm


Earlier this week Lloyd refunded the other party that had also placed an order for a HW40. You needn't worry on that score.

Dev speaks highly of Mac-1 Airguns based in the U.S. and has imported two airguns so far. Why don't you try that route.

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Re: import of air guns

Post by archer » Sat Sep 22, 2007 11:57 pm

Hi sanjeev,
I ordered a pistol from BAR last month via royal mail....but it was lost in transit..... could u pls explain the exact route that u followed to import ur gun directly from the factory.....thanx


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Re: import of air guns

Post by biking3819 » Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:32 pm

@archer, long is it after ur parcel was shipped??
i m sharing my experience of using royalmail earlier,..if u believe me ur parcel is not lost,the last time i had received my parcel after exactly 3 months and 20 days ...out of that more than 45 days the parcel was in hold by the postal customs in mumbai,after that i received a showcause notice from them ...then i had to go to mumbai with relevant documents and get it cleared from the postal customs...meanwhile the person who had sent me the parcel had already filed the insurance claim in uk since it was too late and i had asked him to do that ,but then we had to file a form again to cancel that claim....,although that item was not an air pistol but my suzuki katana meters that too were used ones from 1983,

depending on the royalmail category of shipping services used ,once the parcel leaves uk theres no tracking service available,untill the indian postal services send them a confirmation.

about my gun from the weihrauch n weihrauch company was done by a friend of mine,who deals in gun trade legally ,he had used his contacts to get the hw75 shipped from the company,i had still not gone to collect all the shipping bills from him,since its festival time here in pune ,once i collect the documents i wud be in a better position to give u the details,remaining other information i had posted in the relevant topic, and as far as i remember he had told me that it was shipped using Deutsche Post...wud surely keep u posted...about all other details...
cheers sanjiv
nb-i still hope that ur gun is not lost,its been in held by the customs....

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Re: duty for airgun from UK

Post by biking3819 » Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:38 pm

please go to the videsh dak bhavan located in Ballard estate.....
i still feel,...ur packet is kept in hold by the postal customs there in the 2nd floor....
earlier i had a similar experience when i had got something shipped from the uk using royal mail.
pls let me know if BAR had used 'airsure' or some other services available with royal mail...
regards sanjiv

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Post by Mack The Knife » Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:53 pm


BAR use the Royal Mail Signed For delivery method.

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Re: import of air guns

Post by archer » Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:13 pm

Hey Sanjiv,
My parcel was shipped on the 1st of august. I visited videsh dak bhavan on wed.....they say that they havent recvd the parcel...the mumbai airport also says the same thing.....the trackin number that BAR gave me is not in their records.....

My fingers are crossed.....i still hope that i get a notice from the postal customs.....

thanx for posting ur experience. will keep u posted abt any further developments. hope u collect ur gun asap and start shooting.


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Re: duty for airgun from UK

Post by biking3819 » Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:07 am

hi Mack The Knife,
in that case of using signed for delivery method,the tracking nos wont work nor wud be royal mail in any position to locte the parcel if the indian postals dont file a received data,this wud happen once the parcel is out of the international cargo from uk either thru ship or air,also royalmail is not responsible to answer the receiver with any information regarding the parcel,i had tried to do that and i was very politely rejected and was asked to contact the sender to communicate with them,to my exp it wud take not less than 3months and more for atleast landing in india if it was shipped thru sea,and more than 30-45 days to receive by air by using signed for delivery method, if by any chance it was held by the postal customs in mubai than wait till the showcause notice arrives...

generally the shipping cost is cheaper in this method than the airsure method so people go in for it...but its slower and in a lot of case things are not reported since its hard to track and blame responsibility to any particular dept,although prcels can be insured but loss of time and emotional disturbance lolz pays the price,...airsure wud be the best method ,my expe, other than that using royal mail was always bad.
regards sanjiv

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Post by Mack The Knife » Mon Sep 24, 2007 10:42 am


Royal Mail can be pants at times but I have never had an order from BAR go astray.

However, I have had Indian customs sit on two parcels for a month or so. One was from the U.S. (shooting related stuff from Brownell's) and the other from the U.K. (fishing rod).

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Re: import of air guns

Post by sitar » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:19 am

hi Archer

ur parcel was shipped on the 1st of august. keep some patience :( wait at least 1 month more to find it in customs :shock:

ur post was insured?

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