My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

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sagar 12345
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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by sagar 12345 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 12:17 pm

yes you can directly conact gsmith company

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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by Basu » Wed Jan 09, 2019 4:37 pm

Abhilashdsar wrote:Please go for pricihole sx100. Best in accuracy, power and style in a master piece.
Is it in case of power ?

Not all those wander , are lost...............

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Anupam Goswami
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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by Anupam Goswami » Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:17 pm

Basu wrote:
Abhilashdsar wrote:Please go for pricihole sx100. Best in accuracy, power and style in a master piece.
Is it in case of power ?

I found Artemis to be more powerful than SX100 Pegasus.
This also seems to be the general consensus.

Added in 1 hour 19 minutes 5 seconds:
Today’s shooting, Sourcing Napier pellet lube

I shot only one set of thirty shots. It was cold and windy outside this evening, and I had run out of the target papers. Once I came inside the house, I wasn’t in the mood for printing a few more and going back outside to shoot a couple of more sets.

It was a lowly 222 out of 300, as per my system.

For the past couple of days, I was doubting my rate of progress with my shooting. So, today I decided to chart my shooting data and graph my progress. Well, as the following picture depicts, the general trend is upwards. It lifted my mood somewhat.
I watched a few videos on YouTube about washing and lubricating pellets. Napier pellet lube generally got good reviews. Does anyone know where from can I buy it?
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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by Maroon_d3vil » Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:05 am

vsraja wrote:Don't do unnecessary polish on precihole will increase the gap with receiver.Dont cut the piston slot for reducing weight.piston weight is needed for avoiding piston keep your tuning limited to spring and applying grease.because precihole is already in a tuned state. Don't spoil the gun. You can try these in sdb to improve it. But precihole will deteriorate if you do anything.I have other guns and vx100. So I can say it authoritatively.Also u cant see any threads about tuning precihole here.That tells the story clearly.Finally RF model is the best choice to avoid rusting with regular use.That is the only right thing you done with it. Also don't remove the washer. It's not for preload.I mentioned only about the spring. You can replace the spring with club model spring of less coils available at precihole website and avoid cutting any coils from spring. You can switch the needed spring anytime. For target shooting,club spring is more than enough. Also get more accuracy.preload is the number of coils compressed to fit in the receiver. You can choose preload to your need and preferences

Added in 11 minutes 56 seconds:
Always ask suggestion from members before doing anything

Precihole club model are meant for target shooting. Also other model takes time to settle with good grouping just like any air rifle. Will never expect tight grouping out of the box ( though I got good grouping being a novice target paper shooter) . Every rifle takes time to settle down. I own a VX100 and NX100 polaris. I took time with both of them. And they settle very good. At least both being plinking rifles apart from club models, performed very well on the paper after consuming some 100+ shots in the break in period. The best part of precihole rifles is that they don't require any such tweaking since they have very good internals. Why switch club spring on a peagus when u can go for a club model if more inclined towards target shooting.! What I mean to say is that they have an option for respective requirement. Wiping them with gun oil and applying a bit of preci moly is what I do. And they work perfectly. 2 years and counting. I don't see a need to open it up and do any altering with the internals. They are so perfectly finished! I have used following pellets:

G Smith flat head: good on paper, no tight fit
G Smith high impact: nice fit, good results on plinking at 20+ yards
Precipell Round and Sting: as usual best to use!
H&N crow magnum (for pest control): tight fit and deforming
Master Shot FH: good at paper as well as 20+ yards plinking

Both of my rifles, one being springer other being nitro piston have different feel and shooting experience. But I can proudly recommend them to anyone!

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun". -- The Dalai Lama

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Today’s shooting

Post by Anupam Goswami » Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:26 pm


I shot five sets of thirty shots each.

Following picture depicts my scores
This was my best spread
Also, I joined a local fitness centre today to improve the stability of my leading hand.


P.S. To Maroon_d3vil,
Thanks for your input and suggestions.

Added in 27 minutes 5 seconds:
Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus
Abhilashdsar wrote:Some of the points for improving your accuracy -
--- Holding the gun tightly with your forehand arm will reduce your accuracy specially in springers.
---- choose right pellets for your perticular gun in terms of weight, size -perfectly fitting in your barrel, shape- check the shape of each pellets, and properly pellet seating etc.
----- check all the bolts,screw or any loosened parts including front and rear sight.
----- adjust your trigger pull which suits you best.
----- check piston seal as well as breach seal too.
----- if you are not habituated then try use your dominant eye for aiming.
----- check your posture of body, neck and also uneven surface may effect your accuracy.
----- Do simple excercise (to strengthen your arm), balancing, breathing techniques etc.

Thank you for your input.
It is well appreciated.
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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by Abhilashdsar » Fri Jan 11, 2019 9:28 am

Basu wrote:
Abhilashdsar wrote:Please go for pricihole sx100. Best in accuracy, power and style in a master piece.
Is it in case of power ?

Basu ji I agree with you, :agree:

But I prefer pricihole over sdb.

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Shooting update

Post by Anupam Goswami » Sun Jan 13, 2019 11:09 pm


After joining the fitness centre, my leading shoulder has been sore, and it reflects in my scores. This soreness should go away in a few days, and I expect the stability of my leading arm to gradually improve.

I have been shooting regularly.

Following picture depicts my shooting data so far. In the last spread, a lot of shots were bunched together in approximately a one centimetre group, but, to the left of the bullseye on the border of six and seven point rings. By the time I decided to adjust the windage, it was too late and I ended up scoring 219. I am still shooting at least five to six fliers(my definition of a flier being comparatively generous) in every set. This, I feel is more due to a lapse in concentration than anything else.
Also, I am getting used to the grip on the Precihole Pegasus. I hated it before. I have also noticed (from the pictures, of course) that a vast majority of air rifles that are reputedly accurate, have a pistol grip which is closer to being perpendicular to the action.

I have also noticed that by resting the top portion of the butt against my shoulder, the trigger hand is almost free. It allows me to notice the movement of the rifle when I pull the trigger. Now, I can improve on my trigger finger motion to reduce this particular movement. This resting position of the butt has also greatly reduced the muzzle flip. So my shots are not flying higher(again, I am being generous :) ) than my point of aim.

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Post by Anupam Goswami » Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:39 pm


A pressing matter required my undivided and constant attention.

But now I am back and will shoot a few sets this evening.

Artemis has been fixed.


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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by sagar 12345 » Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:39 am

glad to see you back sir. please continue shooting with artemis. did company send you all damaged parts at free of cost.i also bought another artemis in walnut from united shot kolkata. they are very nice people to deal & they also supllied me rifle cover free .

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My Air rifles: SDB Artemis, Precihole SX100 Pegasus (gifted to brother)

Post by Anupam Goswami » Wed Nov 25, 2020 4:12 pm

Hello all,

It has been a long time since my last post.

I gifted the Precihole SX100 to my brother last June. In fact, it has been so long that I had forgotten the model of the Precihole till I saw my thread again.

I have been shooting every now and then with the SDB Artemis. It is due for another service now. I am thinking about sending it to SDB once again.

sagar 12345, I apologise for this very late reply, but I don’t remember now whether SDB charged me for the replaced parts or not. But they did a very good job and I distinctly remember thinking to myself that the rifle felt even better than when it was new.

In the meantime, a few exciting air rifles must have been launched. I know about the SDB Xena and found out just now about the Precihole NX200.

But, I would like to know about the user experience of both the rifles.

I am contemplating about getting a new Air rifle, and would like to know whether one of these two is a good choice or whether there is another option within the 20K price range.


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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by Bishop » Wed Nov 25, 2020 7:10 pm

Glad to have you back.

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Re: My Air rifles: SDB Artemis (Waiting for rebirth), Precihole SX100 Pegasus

Post by Vasudev Gaylord » Mon Mar 10, 2025 11:05 pm

SDB genNex and pro tops over everything but if you want some power go for Xena, Sniper or the newly launched SDB underlever.

I agree that precihole has better finish than SDB but shooting plastic gun will never feel the same as shooting Artemis or genNex

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